require 'memcache' require 'active_record' require 'after_commit' require 'cache_version' require 'deferrable' $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'record_cache/index' require 'record_cache/set' require 'record_cache/scope' module RecordCache def self.config(opts = nil) if opts config.merge!(opts) else @config ||= {} end end def self.db(model_class) db = model_class.connection # Always use the master connection since we are caching. @has_data_fabric ||= defined?(DataFabric::ConnectionProxy) if @has_data_fabric and db.kind_of?(DataFabric::ConnectionProxy) model_class.record_cache_config[:use_slave] ? db.send(:connection) : db.send(:master) else db end end module InstanceMethods def invalidate_record_cache self.class.each_cached_index do |index| index.invalidate_model(self) index.clear_deferred end end def invalidate_record_cache_deferred self.class.each_cached_index do |index| # Have to invalidate both before and after commit. index.invalidate_model(self) end end def complete_deferred_record_cache_invalidations self.class.each_cached_index do |index| index.complete_deferred end end def attr_was(attr) attr = attr.to_s if ['id', 'type'].include?(attr) or not attribute_changed?(attr) read_attribute(attr) else changed_attributes[attr] end end end module ClassMethods def find_with_caching(*args, &block) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) args.last.delete_if {|k,v| v.nil?} args.pop if args.last.empty? end if [:all, :first, :last].include?(args.first) opts = args.last if opts.is_a?(Hash) and opts.keys == [:conditions] # Try to match the SQL. if opts[:conditions].kind_of?(Hash) field = nil value = nil if opts[:conditions].keys.size == 1 opts[:conditions].each {|f,v| field, value = f,v} end elsif opts[:conditions] =~ /^(?:"?#{table_name}"?\.)?"?(\w+)"? = (?:(\d+)|'(\w+)')$/i field, value = $1, ($3 || $2) elsif opts[:conditions] =~ /^(?:"?#{table_name}"?\.)?"?(\w+)"? IN \(([\d,]*)\)$/i field, value = $1, $2 value = value.split(',') end if field and value index = cached_index("by_#{field}") return index.find_by_field([value].flatten, self, args.first) if index end end elsif not args.last.is_a?(Hash) # This is a find with just ids. index = cached_index('by_id') return index.find_by_ids(args, self) if index end find_without_caching(*args, &block) end def update_all_with_invalidate(updates, conditions = nil) invalidate_from_conditions(conditions, :update) do |conditions| update_all_without_invalidate(updates, conditions) end end def delete_all_with_invalidate(conditions = nil) invalidate_from_conditions(conditions) do |conditions| delete_all_without_invalidate(conditions) end end def id_field connection.quote_column_name(primary_key) end def id_column columns_hash[primary_key] end def invalidate_from_conditions(conditions, flag = nil) if conditions.nil? # Just invalidate all indexes. result = yield(nil) self.increment_version return result end # Freeze ids to avoid race conditions. sql = "SELECT #{id_field} FROM #{table_name} " self.send(:add_conditions!, sql, conditions, self.send(:scope, :find)) ids = RecordCache.db(self).select_values(sql) return if ids.empty? conditions = "#{id_field} IN (#{ids.collect {|id| quote_value(id, id_column)}.join(',')})" if block_given? # Capture the ids to invalidate in lambdas. lambdas = [] each_cached_index do |index| lambdas << index.invalidate_from_conditions_lambda(conditions) end result = yield(conditions) # Finish invalidating with prior attributes. lambdas.each {|l|} end # Invalidate again afterwards if we are updating (or for the first time if no block was given). if flag == :update or not block_given? each_cached_index do |index| index.invalidate_from_conditions(conditions) end end result end def cached_indexes @cached_indexes ||= {} end def cached_index(name) name = name.to_s index = cached_indexes[name] index ||= base_class.cached_index(name) if base_class != self and base_class.respond_to?(:cached_index) index end def add_cached_index(index) name = count = nil # Make sure the key is unique. while cached_indexes["#{name}#{count}"] count ||= 0 count += 1 end cached_indexes["#{name}#{count}"] = index end def each_cached_index cached_index_names.each do |index_name| yield cached_index(index_name) end end def cached_index_names names = cached_indexes.keys names.concat(base_class.cached_index_names) if base_class != self and base_class.respond_to?(:cached_index_names) names.uniq end def record_cache_config(opts = nil) if opts record_cache_config.merge!(opts) else @record_cache_config ||= RecordCache.config.clone end end def record_cache_class self end end module ActiveRecordExtension def self.extended(mod) mod.send(:class_inheritable_accessor, :cached_indexes) end def record_cache(*args) extend RecordCache::ClassMethods include RecordCache::InstanceMethods opts = args.pop opts[:fields] = args opts[:class] = self field_lookup = opts.delete(:field_lookup) || [] index = add_cached_index(index) first_index = (cached_indexes.size == 1) (class << self; self; end).module_eval do if index.includes_id? [:first, :all, :set, :raw, :ids].each do |type| next if type == :ids and == 'by_id' define_method( index.find_method_name(type) ) do |keys| if self.send(:scope,:find) and self.send(:scope,:find).any? self.method_missing(index.find_method_name(type), keys) else index.find_by_field(keys, self, type) end end end end if not index.auto_name? and not index.full_record? field = index.fields.first if index.fields.size == 1 define_method( "all_#{}_by_#{index.index_field}" ) do |keys| index.field_lookup(keys, self, field, :all) end define_method( "#{}_by_#{index.index_field}" ) do |keys| index.field_lookup(keys, self, field) end define_method( "#{}_by_#{index.index_field}" ) do |keys| index.field_lookup(keys, self, field, :first) end end if index.auto_name? (field_lookup + index.fields).each do |field| next if field == index.index_field plural_field = field.pluralize prefix = index.prefix prefix = "#{prefix}_" if prefix define_method( "all_#{prefix}#{plural_field}_by_#{index.index_field}" ) do |keys| index.field_lookup(keys, self, field, :all) end define_method( "#{prefix}#{plural_field}_by_#{index.index_field}" ) do |keys| index.field_lookup(keys, self, field) end define_method( "#{prefix}#{field}_by_#{index.index_field}" ) do |keys| index.field_lookup(keys, self, field, :first) end end end if first_index alias_method_chain :find, :caching alias_method_chain :update_all, :invalidate alias_method_chain :delete_all, :invalidate end end if first_index after_save :invalidate_record_cache_deferred after_destroy :invalidate_record_cache_deferred after_commit :complete_deferred_record_cache_invalidations after_rollback :complete_deferred_record_cache_invalidations end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:extend, RecordCache::ActiveRecordExtension) unless defined?(PGconn) and PGconn.respond_to?(:quote_ident) class PGconn def self.quote_ident(name) %("#{name}") end end end