# File lib/lookup.rb, line 79
    def find_method(name, constant=nil)
      methods = []
      # Full match
      methods = Entry.find_all_by_name(name.to_s)
      # Start match
      methods = Entry.all(:conditions => ["name LIKE ?", name.to_s + "%"]) if methods.empty?
      # Wildcard substitution
      methods = Entry.find_by_sql("select * from entries where name LIKE '#{name.to_s.gsub("*", "%")}'") if methods.empty?
      # Fuzzy match
      methods = Entry.find_by_sql("select * from entries where name LIKE '%#{name.to_s.split("").join("%")}%'") if methods.empty?
      # Weight the results, last result is the first one we want shown first
      methods = methods.sort_by(&:weighting)
      if constant
        constants = find_constant(constant)
        methods = methods.select { |m| constants.include?(m.constant) }