# Booter One more twitter bootstrap wrapper for Rails. ## Installation In your Gemfile, add the following dependencies: ``` ruby gem 'booter' ``` Run: ``` $ bundle install ``` Add `bootstrap` in your application.css: ``` css /* *= require bootstrap * ... */ ``` And optionally add 'bootstrap' in your application.js: ``` javascript //= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require bootstrap //= ... ``` ## Usage Use nice_form_for helper method to draw nice bootstrap forms: ``` haml -# Simple = nice_form_for @user do |f| = f.errors_for = f.email_field :email = f.password_field :password = f.submit 'Sign in' -# Complex = nice_form_for @user do |f| = f.errors_for = f.email_field :email, class: 'input-medium' = f.password_field :password = f.check_box :remember_me = f.actions do = f.submit 'Sign in' = f.button 'Cancel' = f.button 'Danger button', style: :danger = f.submit 'Submit without the primary class', style: :none -# Modal = nice_form_for @user, modal: true, id: 'auth' do |f| = f.errors_for = f.email_field :email = f.password_field :password = f.submit 'Sign in' %p= link_to 'Open auth form', '#auth-modal', data: { toggle: 'modal' } ``` ## Demo See [live demo](http://growing-cloud-6915.heroku.com) or browse [source code](https://github.com/boshie/booter-demo) ## Contributors * Alexey Vakhov - [https://github.com/avakhov](https://github.com/avakhov) * Alexey Yurchenko - [https://github.com/alexesDev](https://github.com/alexesDev) ## Status [](http://travis-ci.org/boshie/booter)