require 'timezone/lookup/geonames' require 'minitest/autorun' require_relative '../../http_test_client' class TestGeonames < ::Minitest::Test parallelize_me! def coordinates [-34.92771808058, 138.477041423321] end def etc_data { arctic: { coordinates: [89, 40], name: 'Etc/GMT-3' }, atlantic: { coordinates: [0, 0], name: 'Etc/UTC' }, norfolk: { coordinates: [-29, 167], name: 'Etc/GMT-11' } } end def lookup(body = nil, &_block) config = config.username = 'timezone' config.request_handler = yield config if block_given? end def test_default_config assert_equal 'http', lookup.config.protocol assert_equal '', lookup.config.url end def test_missing_username assert_raises(::Timezone::Error::InvalidConfig) do end end def test_lookup mine = lookup( + '/lat_lon_coords.txt').read) assert_equal 'Australia/Adelaide', mine.lookup(*coordinates) end def test_lookup_with_etc etc_data.each do |key, data| body = + "/lat_lon_coords_#{key}.txt").read mine = lookup(body) { |c| c.offset_etc_zones = true } assert_equal data[:name], mine.lookup(*data[:coordinates]) end end def test_wrong_offset body = + '/lat_lon_coords_wrong_offset.txt').read mine = lookup(body) { |c| c.offset_etc_zones = true } assert_nil mine.lookup(*coordinates) end def test_lookup_etc_without_option mine = lookup assert_nil mine.lookup(*etc_data[:atlantic][:coordinates]) end def assert_exception(lookup, message) exception = false begin lookup.lookup(*coordinates) rescue Timezone::Error::GeoNames => e exception = true assert_equal message, e.message end assert(exception) end def test_api_limit mine = lookup( + '/api_limit_reached.json').read) assert_exception( mine, 'the daily limit of 30000 credits for XXXXX has been exceeded. ' \ 'Please throttle your requests or use the commercial service.' ) end def test_invalid_latlong mine = lookup( + '/invalid_latlong.json').read) assert_exception(mine, 'invalid lat/lng') end def test_no_result_found mine = lookup( + '/no_result_found.json').read) assert_nil(mine.lookup(10, 10)) end def test_invalid_parameter mine = lookup( + '/invalid_parameter.json').read) assert_exception(mine, 'error parsing parameter') end private def mock_path File.expand_path( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'mocks' ) ) end end