require 'securerandom' require 'active_model' require 'active_support' # :nodoc: namespace module Authpwn # Included by the model class that represents users. # # Parts of the codebase assume the model will be named User. module UserModel extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Externally-visible user ID. # # This is decoupled from "id" column to avoid leaking information about # the application's usage. validates :exuid, :presence => true, :length => 1..32, :uniqueness => true # Credentials used to authenticate the user. has_many :credentials, :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :user validates_associated :credentials # This is safe, because credentials use attr_accessible. accepts_nested_attributes_for :credentials, :allow_destroy => true # Automatically assign exuid. before_validation :set_default_exuid, :on => :create # Forms should not be able to touch any attribute. attr_accessible :credentials_attributes end # Class methods on models that include Authpwn::UserModel. module ClassMethods # Queries the database using the value returned by User#to_param. # # Returns nil if no matching User exists. def find_by_param(param) where(:exuid => param).first end # Authenticates a user given the information on a signup form. # # The method's parameter names are an acknowledgement to the email and # password fields on automatically-generated forms. # # The easiest method of accepting other login information is to override this # method, locate the user's email, and supply it in a call to super. # # Returns an authenticated user, or a symbol indicating the reason why the # authentication failed. def authenticate_signin(email, password) Credentials::Password.authenticate_email email, password end end # module Authpwn::UserModel::ClassMethods # Checks if a credential is acceptable for authenticating a user. # # Returns nil if the credential is acceptable, or a String containing a # user-visible reason why the credential is not acceptable. def auth_bounce_reason(crdential) nil end # Use e-mails instead of exposing ActiveRecord IDs. def to_param exuid end # :nodoc: sets exuid to a (hopefully) unique value before validations occur. def set_default_exuid self.exuid ||= SecureRandom.random_bytes(8).unpack('Q').first & 0x7fffffffffffffff end end # namespace Authpwn::UserModel end # namespace Authpwn