require 'yaml' require 'digest' require 'net/https' require 'uri' require 'json' require_relative 'subutai_net' require_relative 'subutai_hooks' require_relative 'subutai_validation' require_relative '../../../lib/vagrant-subutai/util/powershell' # Vagrant Driven Subutai Configuration # noinspection RubyTooManyMethodsInspection module SubutaiConfig LOG_MODES = %i[debug info warn error].freeze PARENT_DIR = './.vagrant'.freeze GENERATED_FILE = PARENT_DIR + '/generated.yml'.freeze CONF_FILE = File.expand_path('./vagrant-subutai.yml').freeze USER_CONF_FILE = File.expand_path('~/.vagrant-subutai/vagrant-subutai.yml').freeze SUBUTAI_ENVIRONMENTS = %i[prod master dev sysnet].freeze SUBUTAI_SCOPES = %i[Public Private].freeze SUBUTAI_ENV_TYPES = %i[bazaar peer].freeze # Without a variable key listed here it will not get pulled in from # the environment, or from any of the vagrant-subutai.yml conf files USER_PARAMETERS = %i[ DESIRED_CONSOLE_PORT DESIRED_SSH_PORT ALLOW_INSECURE SUBUTAI_ENV SUBUTAI_CPU SUBUTAI_RAM SUBUTAI_PEER SUBUTAI_DESKTOP SUBUTAI_MAN_TMPL APT_PROXY_URL PROVISION BRIDGE AUTHORIZED_KEYS PASSWORD_OVERRIDE DISK_SIZE SUBUTAI_ENV_TYPE SUBUTAI_NAME SUBUTAI_SCOPE SUBUTAI_USERNAME SUBUTAI_PASSWORD USER_VARIABLES BAZAAR_EMAIL BAZAAR_PASSWORD SUBUTAI_DISK_PATH LIBVIRT_USER LIBVIRT_HOST LIBVIRT_PORT LIBVIRT_MACVTAP LIBVIRT_NO_BRIDGE BAZAAR_NO_AUTO ].freeze GENERATED_PARAMETERS = %i[ _BRIDGED _CONSOLE_PORT _BASE_MAC _SSH_PORT _LOG_MODE _ALT_MANAGEMENT _ALT_MANAGEMENT_MD5 _ALT_MANAGEMENT_MD5_LAST _DISK_SIZE _DISK_PORT ].freeze # Used for testing @conf_file_override = nil # Vagrant command currently being executed, must not be nil @cmd = nil # Hash of generated/calculated settings preserved through commands @generated = {} # Smart defaults to use for configuration settings @defaults = { # Implemented configuration parameters DESIRED_CONSOLE_PORT: 9999, # integer for console port DESIRED_SSH_PORT: 4567, # integer for console port ALLOW_INSECURE: false, # boolean to enable insecure CDN SUBUTAI_ENV: :prod, # subutai environment to use SUBUTAI_PEER: true, # to provision or not console (peer) SUBUTAI_RAM: 4096, # RAM memory assigned to the vm SUBUTAI_CPU: 2, # virtual CPU's assign to the vm SUBUTAI_NAME: 'My Peer', # PeerOS name SUBUTAI_SCOPE: 'Public', # PeerOS scope SUBUTAI_USERNAME: 'admin', # PeerOS default username LIBVIRT_PORT: 22, # Libvirt kvm remote operation ssh port LIBVIRT_MACVTAP: false, # Libvirt macvtap interface BAZAAR_NO_AUTO: false, # PeerOs automatic registration to Bazaar (turn on(false), turn off(true)) # Configuration parameters below have not been implemented SUBUTAI_DESKTOP: false, # install desktop with tray and p2p client SUBUTAI_MAN_TMPL: nil, # provision alternative management template APT_PROXY_URL: nil, # configure apt proxy URL PROVISION: true # to provision or not to } # User provided configuration settings @config = @defaults.clone @logging = nil @bridged = false @url_of_cdn = '' def self.write? raise 'SubutaiConfig.cmd not set' if @cmd.nil? @cmd == 'up' end def self.reload? raise 'SubutaiConfig.cmd not set' if @cmd.nil? @cmd == 'reload' end def self.delete? raise 'SubutaiConfig.cmd not set' if @cmd.nil? @cmd == 'destroy' end def raise 'SubutaiConfig.cmd not set' if @cmd.nil? @cmd != 'up' end def self.generated?(key) GENERATED_PARAMETERS.include? key end def self.boolean?(key) if get(key.to_sym) == 'true' || get(key.to_sym) == true true elsif get(key.to_sym) == 'false' || get(key.to_sym) == false false elsif get(key.to_sym).nil? false else raise "#{key} value #{get(key.to_sym)} is not a boolean" end end def self.bridged! @bridged = true end def self.provision_management? return false unless boolean?(:PROVISION) return false if get(:_ALT_MANAGEMENT).nil? return false if get(:_ALT_MANAGEMENT_MD5) == get(:_ALT_MANAGEMENT_MD5_LAST) return false unless %w[up provision].include?(@cmd) true end def self.management_provisioned! put(:_ALT_MANAGEMENT_MD5_LAST, get(:_ALT_MANAGEMENT_MD5), true)\ if provision_management? end def self.cmd @cmd end def self.config @config end def self.get_grow_by disk = get(:DISK_SIZE) if disk.nil? nil else disk = disk.to_i generated_disk = get(:_DISK_SIZE) grow_by = 0 if generated_disk.nil? grow_by = disk - 100 # default Subutai disk is 100 gigabytes else grow_by = disk - (generated_disk.to_i + 100) # HERE Applied math BEDMAS rule end grow_by end end def self.url_of_cdn @url_of_cdn end def self.override_conf_file(filepath) @conf_file_override = filepath end def self.conf_file return CONF_FILE if @conf_file_override.nil? @conf_file_override end def self.get(key) key_sym = key.to_sym if key_sym == :SUBUTAI_ENV env = @config[key_sym].to_sym raise "#{env} invalid SUBUTAI_ENV" \ unless SUBUTAI_ENVIRONMENTS.include?(env) end @config[key_sym] end # Write through to save configuration values def self.put(key, value, do_store) raise "Undefined configuration parameter: #{key}" \ unless USER_PARAMETERS.include?(key.to_sym) \ || GENERATED_PARAMETERS.include?(key.to_sym), value), value) if generated? key store if do_store value end # Load generated values preserved across vagrant commands def self.load_generated return false unless File.exist?(GENERATED_FILE) temp = YAML.load_file(GENERATED_FILE) temp.each do |key, value|, value), value) end end # Stores ONLY generated configuration from YAML files def FileUtils.mkdir_p(PARENT_DIR) unless Dir.exist?(PARENT_DIR) stringified = Hash[ { |k, v| [k.to_s, v] }], 'w') { |f| f.write stringified.to_yaml } true end def self.set_env(key, value) raise "Invalid #{key} value of #{value}: use prod, master, or dev" \ unless SUBUTAI_ENVIRONMENTS.include?(value), value) end def self.set_env_type(key, value) raise "Invalid #{key} value of #{value}: use bazaar or peer" \ unless SUBUTAI_ENV_TYPES.include?(value.downcase), value.downcase) end def self.set_scope(key, value) raise "Invalid #{key} value of #{value}: use public or private" \ unless SUBUTAI_SCOPES.include?(value.capitalize), value.capitalize) end def self.load_config_file(config_file) temp = YAML.load_file(config_file) temp.each_key do |key| raise "Invalid key in YAML file: '#{key}'" \ unless USER_PARAMETERS.include?(key.to_sym) SubutaiValidation.validate(key.to_sym, temp[key]), temp[key]) unless temp[key].nil? end end def self.do_handlers return false unless %w[up provision].include? @cmd file = management_handler(get(:SUBUTAI_MAN_TMPL)) unless file.nil? put(:_ALT_MANAGEMENT, file, true) if provision_management? put(:_ALT_MANAGEMENT_MD5, Digest::MD5.file(file).to_s, true) \ if provision_management? end true end # NOTE: Console port ONLY needed in nat mode # NOTE: SSH port only needed in bridged mode def self.do_network(provider) # set the next available console port if provisioning a peer in nat mode put(:_CONSOLE_PORT, find_port(get(:DESIRED_CONSOLE_PORT)), true) \ if boolean?(:SUBUTAI_PEER) && get(:_CONSOLE_PORT).nil? && (write? || delete? || read?) # set the SSH port if we are using bridged mode put(:_SSH_PORT, find_port(get(:DESIRED_SSH_PORT)), true) \ if @bridged && get(:_SSH_PORT).nil? && write? put(:_BASE_MAC, find_mac(provider), true) \ if @bridged && get(:_BASE_MAC).nil? && write? put(:_BRIDGED, @bridged, true) if write? generate_switch if provider == :hyper_v && write? end # Generates Virtual Switch for Hyper-V def self.generate_switch unless VagrantSubutai::Util::Powershell.execute(File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'script/create_virtual_switch.ps1')) Put.error("Failed to create virtual switch") end end def self.machine_id(provider) case provider when :hyper_v id = PARENT_DIR+'/machines/default/hyperv/id' if File.exist?(id) end end # Loads the generated and user configuration from YAML files def self.load_config(cmd, provider) raise 'SubutaiConfig.cmd not set' if cmd.nil? @cmd = cmd # Load YAML based user and local configuration if they exist load_config_file(USER_CONF_FILE) if File.exist?(USER_CONF_FILE) load_config_file(CONF_FILE) if File.exist?(CONF_FILE) load_generated # Load overrides from the environment, and generated configurations ENV.each do |key, value| put(key.to_sym, value, false) if USER_PARAMETERS.include? key.to_sym end do_handlers do_network(provider) end def self.reset @cmd = nil @config = @defaults.clone @generated = {} @conf_file_override = nil end # Destroys the generated file if vagrant destroy is used def self.cleanup cleanup! if delete? end def self.cleanup! reset File.delete GENERATED_FILE if File.exist?(GENERATED_FILE) end def self.logging!(mode) return (@logging = nil) if mode.nil? raise "Invalid logging mode #{mode}" unless LOG_MODES.include?(mode) @logging = mode puts "Logging mode set to #{mode}" end def self.log(cmds, message) return if @logging.nil? puts message if !cmds.nil? && cmds.include?(@cmd) end def self.log_mode(modes, cmds, message) return if @logging.nil? puts message if cmds.include?(@cmd) && modes.include?(@logging) end def self.print return if @logging.nil? puts puts ' ==> User provided configuration: ' puts ' --------------------------------------------------------------------' @config.each do |key, value| puts "#{(' ' + key.to_s).ljust(29)} => #{value}" \ unless generated? key end puts puts ' ==> Generated settings preserved across command runs:' puts ' --------------------------------------------------------------------' @config.each do |key, value| puts "#{(' + ' + key.to_s).ljust(29)} => #{value}" if generated? key end end def self.get_latest_id_artifact(owner, artifact_name) if write? begin url = url_of_cdn + '/raw/info?owner=' + owner + '&name=' + artifact_name uri = URI.parse(url) https =, uri.port) https.use_ssl = true https.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE https.read_timeout = 3600 # an hour request = response = https.request(request) case response when Net::HTTPOK response = JSON.parse(response.body) response[0]['id'] when Net::HTTPNotFound Put.error "#{response.body} template name #{name}, owner #{owner}" end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED Put.error " connection refused" rescue Errno::EHOSTUNREACH Put.error " unreachable" rescue => e Put.error e end else "" # send empty id. DON'T REMOVE end end end at_exit do SubutaiConfig.cleanup unless SubutaiConfig.cmd.nil? end