module Tapyrus module Descriptor include Tapyrus::Opcodes # generate P2PK output for the given public key. # @param [String] key private key or public key with hex format # @return [Tapyrus::Script] P2PK script. def pk(key) << extract_pubkey(key) << OP_CHECKSIG end # generate P2PKH output for the given public key. # @param [String] key private key or public key with hex format. # @return [Tapyrus::Script] P2PKH script. def pkh(key) Tapyrus::Script.to_p2pkh(Tapyrus.hash160(extract_pubkey(key))) end # generate P2PKH output for the given public key. # @param [String] key private key or public key with hex format. # @return [Tapyrus::Script] P2WPKH script. def wpkh(key) pubkey = extract_pubkey(key) raise ArgumentError, "Uncompressed key are not allowed." unless compressed_key?(pubkey) Tapyrus::Script.to_p2wpkh(Tapyrus.hash160(pubkey)) end # generate P2SH embed the argument. # @param [String or Script] script script to be embed. # @return [Tapyrus::Script] P2SH script. def sh(script) script = script.to_hex if script.is_a?(Tapyrus::Script) raise ArgumentError, "P2SH script is too large, 547 bytes is larger than #{Tapyrus::MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE} bytes." if script.htb.bytesize > Tapyrus::MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE Tapyrus::Script.to_p2sh(Tapyrus.hash160(script)) end # generate P2WSH embed the argument. # @param [String or Script] script script to be embed. # @return [Tapyrus::Script] P2WSH script. def wsh(script) script = Tapyrus::Script(script.htb) if script.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError, "P2SH script is too large, 547 bytes is larger than #{Tapyrus::MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE} bytes." if script.to_payload.bytesize > Tapyrus::MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE raise ArgumentError, "Uncompressed key are not allowed." if script.get_pubkeys.any?{|p|!compressed_key?(p)} Tapyrus::Script.to_p2wsh(script) end # an alias for the collection of `pk(KEY)` and `pkh(KEY)`. # If the key is compressed, it also includes `wpkh(KEY)` and `sh(wpkh(KEY))`. # @param [String] key private key or public key with hex format. # @return [Array[Tapyrus::Script]] def combo(key) result = [pk(key), pkh(key)] pubkey = extract_pubkey(key) if compressed_key?(pubkey) result << wpkh(key) result << sh(result.last) end result end # generate multisig output for given keys. # @param [Integer] threshold the threshold of multisig. # @param [Array[String]] keys an array of keys. # @return [Tapyrus::Script] multisig script. def multi(threshold, *keys, sort: false) raise ArgumentError, 'Multisig threshold is not valid.' unless threshold.is_a?(Integer) raise ArgumentError, 'Multisig threshold cannot be 0, must be at least 1.' unless threshold > 0 raise ArgumentError, 'Multisig threshold cannot be larger than the number of keys.' if threshold > keys.size raise ArgumentError, 'Multisig must have between 1 and 16 keys, inclusive.' if keys.size > 16 pubkeys ={|key| extract_pubkey(key) } Tapyrus::Script.to_multisig_script(threshold, pubkeys, sort: sort) end # generate sorted multisig output for given keys. # @param [Integer] threshold the threshold of multisig. # @param [Array[String]] keys an array of keys. # @return [Tapyrus::Script] multisig script. def sortedmulti(threshold, *keys) multi(threshold, *keys, sort: true) end private # extract public key from KEY format. # @param [String] key KEY string. # @return [String] public key. def extract_pubkey(key) if key.start_with?('[') # BIP32 fingerprint raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid key origin.' if key.count('[') > 1 || key.count(']') > 1 info = key[1...key.index(']')] # TODO fingerprint, *paths = info.split('/') raise ArgumentError, 'Fingerprint is not hex.' unless fingerprint.valid_hex? raise ArgumentError, 'Fingerprint is not 4 bytes.' unless fingerprint.size == 8 key = key[(key.index(']') + 1)..-1] else raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid key origin.' if key.include?(']') end # check BIP32 derivation path key, *paths = key.split('/') if key.start_with?('xprv') key = Tapyrus::ExtKey.from_base58(key) key = derive_path(key, paths, true) if paths elsif key.start_with?('xpub') key = Tapyrus::ExtPubkey.from_base58(key) key = derive_path(key, paths, false) if paths else begin key = Tapyrus::Key.from_wif(key) rescue ArgumentError key_type = compressed_key?(key) ? Tapyrus::Key::TYPES[:compressed] : Tapyrus::Key::TYPES[:uncompressed] key = key, key_type: key_type) end end key = key.is_a?(Tapyrus::Key) ? key : key.key raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid pubkey.' unless key.fully_valid_pubkey? key.pubkey end def compressed_key?(key) %w(02 03).include?(key[0..1]) && [key].pack("H*").bytesize == 33 end def derive_path(key, paths, is_private) paths.each do |path| raise ArgumentError, 'xpub can not derive hardened key.' if !is_private && path.end_with?("'") if is_private hardened = path.end_with?("'") path = hardened ? path[0..-2] : path raise ArgumentError, 'Key path value is not a valid value.' unless path =~ /^[0-9]+$/ raise ArgumentError, 'Key path value is out of range.' if !hardened && path.to_i >= Tapyrus::HARDENED_THRESHOLD key = key.derive(path.to_i, hardened) else raise ArgumentError, 'Key path value is not a valid value.' unless path =~ /^[0-9]+$/ raise ArgumentError, 'Key path value is out of range.' if path.to_i >= Tapyrus::HARDENED_THRESHOLD key = key.derive(path.to_i) end end key end end end