var ObjectA; module("object.propertyChanges()", { setup: function() { ObjectA = SC.Object.create({ normal: 'value', normal1: 'zeroValue', action: function() { this.normal1= 'newValue'; }.observes('normal'), normal2: 'dependentValue', normal3: 'notifiedValue', notifyAction: function() { this.normal3= 'newDependentValue'; }.observes('normal2'), notifyAllAction: function() { this.normal2= 'newZeroValue'; }.observes('normal1') }); } }); // CAJ: These tests are OK but the purpose of begin/end property changes is // to suspend notifications. you should do something like: /* obj.beginPropertyChanges() obj.set('foo', 'bar'); -- verify that observer for 'foo' did not fire obj.endPropertyChanges() -- verify that observer for 'foo' did fire */ // also, we need some tests verifying that begin/end property changes can // be nested. When they are nested, observers should not fire until you // unnest them. i.e. /* obj.beginPropertyChanges() obj.beginPropertyChanges() // nested! obj.set('foo', 'bar') obj.endPropertyChanges(); // nested - do not fire. obj.endProeprtyChanges() -- observers fire here! */ // test("should increment the indicator before begining the changes to the object", function() { equals(ObjectA.beginPropertyChanges()._kvo_changeLevel, 1) ; }); test("should increment the indicator before begining the changes to the object", function() { equals(ObjectA.endPropertyChanges()._kvo_changeLevel, 0) ; }); // CAJ: This test works but its confusing. the relationship between 'normal' // and 'normal1' is really unclear. Rename these properties // to something more descriptive and add comments to this test explaining // what you expect to have happen. You should always comment in the test // anytime you expect something to happen in the background (such as expecting // an observer to fire.) test("should indicate that the property of an object has just changed", function() { equals(ObjectA.propertyWillChange('normal'),ObjectA) ; ObjectA.normal = 'newValue'; equals(ObjectA.propertyDidChange('normal', null),ObjectA) ; equals(ObjectA.normal1,'newValue') ; }); // CAJ: See my comment from above. It's not clear how this test works. // Consider using different property names and add a comment inline to // explain that you expect an observer to fire. test("should notify that the property of an object has changed", function() { ObjectA.notifyPropertyChange('normal2','value'); equals(ObjectA.normal3,'newDependentValue') ; }); // CAJ: Same comment here as the previous two tests. test("should notify all observers that their property might have changed", function() { ObjectA.allPropertiesDidChange(); equals(ObjectA.normal2,'newZeroValue') ; });