require 'cgi' require 'active_record' require 'activerecord/tablefree/version' require 'activerecord/tablefree/cast_type' require 'activerecord/tablefree/schema_cache' require 'activerecord/tablefree/connection' require 'activerecord/tablefree/transaction' module ActiveRecord # = ActiveRecord::Tablefree # # Allow classes to behave like ActiveRecord models, but without an associated # database table. A great way to capitalize on validations. Based on the # original post at (which seems # to have disappeared from the face of the earth). # # = Example usage # # class ContactMessage < ActiveRecord::Base # # has_no_table # # column :name, :string # column :email, :string # column :message, :string # # end # # msg = params[:msg] ) # if msg.valid? # ContactMessageSender.deliver_message( msg ) # redirect_to :action => :sent # end # module Tablefree class NoDatabase < StandardError; end class Unsupported < StandardError; end class InvalidColumnType < ArgumentError; end def self.included(base) #:nodoc: base.send :extend, ActsMethods end module ActsMethods #:nodoc: # A model that needs to be tablefree will call this method to indicate # it. def has_no_table(options = { database: :fail_fast }) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid database option '#{options[:database]}'" unless %i[fail_fast pretend_success].member? options[:database] # keep our options handy class_attribute :tablefree_options self.tablefree_options = { database: options[:database], columns_hash: {} } # extend extend ActiveRecord::Tablefree::SingletonMethods extend ActiveRecord::Tablefree::ClassMethods # include include ActiveRecord::Tablefree::InstanceMethods # setup columns include ActiveModel::AttributeAssignment include ActiveRecord::ModelSchema end def tablefree? false end end module SingletonMethods # Used internally by ActiveRecord 5. This is the special hook that makes everything else work. def load_schema! @columns_hash = tablefree_options[:columns_hash].except(*ignored_columns) @columns_hash.each do |name, column| define_attribute( name, connection.lookup_cast_type_from_column(column), default: column.default, user_provided_default: false ) end end # Register a new column. def column(name, sql_type = nil, default = nil, null = true) cast_class = "ActiveRecord::Type::#{sql_type.to_s.camelize}".constantize rescue nil raise InvalidColumnType, "sql_type is #{sql_type} (#{sql_type.class}), which is not supported" unless cast_class.respond_to?(:new) cast_type = tablefree_options[:columns_hash][name.to_s] =, default, cast_type, sql_type.to_s, null) end # Register a set of columns with the same SQL type def add_columns(sql_type, *args) args.each do |col| column col, sql_type end end def destroy(*_args) case tablefree_options[:database] when :pretend_success new when :fail_fast raise NoDatabase, "Can't #destroy on Tablefree class" end end def destroy_all(*_args) case tablefree_options[:database] when :pretend_success [] when :fail_fast raise NoDatabase, "Can't #destroy_all on Tablefree class" end end case ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR when 5 def find_by_sql(*_args) case tablefree_options[:database] when :pretend_success [] when :fail_fast raise NoDatabase, "Can't #find_by_sql on Tablefree class" end end else raise Unsupported, 'Unsupported ActiveRecord version' end def transaction # case tablefree_options[:database] # when :pretend_success @_current_transaction_records ||= [] yield # when :fail_fast # raise"Can't #transaction on Tablefree class") # end end def tablefree? true end def table_exists? false end end module ClassMethods def from_query_string(query_string) if query_string.blank? new else params = query_string.split('&').collect do |chunk| next if chunk.empty? key, value = chunk.split('=', 2) next if key.empty? value = value.nil? ? nil : CGI.unescape(value) [CGI.unescape(key), value] end.compact.to_h new(params) end end def connection @_connection ||= end end module InstanceMethods def to_query_string(prefix = nil) attributes.to_a.collect { |(name, value)| escaped_var_name(name, prefix) + '=' + escape_for_url(value) if value }.compact.join('&') end def quote_value(_value, _column = nil) '' end %w[create create_record _create_record update update_record _update_record].each do |method_name| define_method(method_name) do |*_args| case self.class.tablefree_options[:database] when :pretend_success true when :fail_fast raise NoDatabase, "Can't ##{method_name} a Tablefree object" end end end def destroy case self.class.tablefree_options[:database] when :pretend_success @destroyed = true freeze when :fail_fast raise NoDatabase, "Can't #destroy a Tablefree object" end end def reload(*_args) case self.class.tablefree_options[:database] when :pretend_success self when :fail_fast raise NoDatabase, "Can't #reload a Tablefree object" end end def add_to_transaction; end private def escaped_var_name(name, prefix = nil) prefix ? "#{CGI.escape(prefix)}[#{CGI.escape(name)}]" : CGI.escape(name) end def escape_for_url(value) case value when true then '1' when false then '0' when nil then '' else CGI.escape(value.to_s) end rescue '' end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActiveRecord::Tablefree)