# Checks validity of values supplied for an object's days of the week attribute # # example usage: # validates :atrribute_to_check, :days_of_week => true class DaysOfWeekValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator # Compares object's days of week attribute against days_of_week array for validity # @param [BasicRecord] record This is the object needing validation # @param [Symbol] attribute The attribute being validated # @param [String] value The value of the attribute to compare aginst the days_of_week array # @return [Boolean] True or false depending on if the value of the record's attribute is contained within the days_of_week array def validate_each(record, attribute, value) value = value.to_s.downcase record.errors[attribute] << value + " is not a valid day of the week or abbreviation" unless DaysOfWeekValidator.days_of_week.include?(value) end # All available days of the week and their abbreviations to be compared against for validation # @return [Array] Array containing all available abbreviations for days of the week def self.days_of_week ["monday", "mon", "m", "tuesday", "tues", "tu", "t", "wednesday", "wed", "w", "thursday", "thurs", "th", "friday", "fri", "f", "saturday", "sat", "s", "sunday", "sun", "su" ] end end