# frozen_string_literal: true begin require 'mysql2' rescue LoadError end begin require 'sqlite3' rescue LoadError end RSpec.describe DeclareSchema::Model::FieldSpec do let(:model) { double('model', _table_options: {}, _declared_primary_key: 'id') } let(:col_spec) { double('col_spec', type: :string) } before do load File.expand_path('prepare_testapp.rb', __dir__) end describe '#initialize' do it 'normalizes option order' do subject = described_class.new(model, :price, :integer, anonymize_using: 'x', null: false, position: 0, limit: 4) expect(subject.options.keys).to eq([:limit, :null, :anonymize_using]) end it 'raises exception on unknown field type' do expect do described_class.new(model, :location, :lat_long, position: 0) end.to raise_exception(::DeclareSchema::UnknownTypeError, /:lat_long not found in /) end end describe '#schema_attributes' do describe 'integer 4' do it 'returns schema attributes' do subject = described_class.new(model, :price, :integer, limit: 4, null: false, position: 0) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :integer, limit: 4, null: false) end end describe 'integer 8' do it 'returns schema attributes' do subject = described_class.new(model, :price, :integer, limit: 8, null: true, position: 2) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :integer, limit: 8, null: true) end end describe 'bigint' do it 'returns schema attributes' do subject = described_class.new(model, :price, :bigint, null: false, position: 2) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :integer, limit: 8, null: false) end end describe 'string' do it 'returns schema attributes (including charset/collation iff mysql)' do subject = described_class.new(model, :title, :string, limit: 100, null: true, charset: 'utf8mb4', position: 0) if defined?(Mysql2) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :string, limit: 100, null: true, charset: 'utf8mb4', collation: 'utf8mb4_bin') else expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :string, limit: 100, null: true) end end if defined?(Mysql2) context 'when running on MySQL 8.0' do around do |spec| DeclareSchema.mysql_version = Gem::Version.new('8.0.21') spec.run ensure DeclareSchema.remove_instance_variable('@mysql_version') rescue nil end it 'normalizes charset and collation' do subject = described_class.new(model, :title, :string, limit: 100, null: true, charset: 'utf8', collation: 'utf8_general', position: 0) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :string, limit: 100, null: true, charset: 'utf8mb3', collation: 'utf8mb3_general') end end it 'raises error when default_string_limit option is nil when not explicitly set in field spec' do expect(::DeclareSchema).to receive(:default_string_limit) { nil } expect do described_class.new(model, :title, :string, null: true, charset: 'utf8mb4', position: 0) end.to raise_error(/limit: must be provided for :string field/) end end end describe 'text' do it 'returns schema attributes (including charset/collation iff mysql)' do subject = described_class.new(model, :title, :text, limit: 200, null: true, charset: 'utf8mb4', position: 2) if defined?(Mysql2) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :text, limit: 255, null: true, charset: 'utf8mb4', collation: 'utf8mb4_bin') else expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :text, null: true) end end it 'allows a default to be set unless mysql' do if defined?(Mysql2) expect do described_class.new(model, :title, :text, limit: 200, null: true, default: 'none', charset: 'utf8mb4', position: 2) end.to raise_exception(DeclareSchema::MysqlTextMayNotHaveDefault) else subject = described_class.new(model, :title, :text, limit: 200, null: true, default: 'none', charset: 'utf8mb4', position: 2) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :text, null: true, default: 'none') end end describe 'limit' do it 'uses default_text_limit option when not explicitly set in field spec' do allow(::DeclareSchema).to receive(:default_text_limit) { 100 } subject = described_class.new(model, :title, :text, null: true, charset: 'utf8mb4', position: 2) if defined?(Mysql2) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :text, limit: 255, null: true, charset: 'utf8mb4', collation: 'utf8mb4_bin') else expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :text, null: true) end end it 'raises error when default_text_limit option is nil when not explicitly set in field spec' do if defined?(Mysql2) expect(::DeclareSchema).to receive(:default_text_limit) { nil } expect do described_class.new(model, :title, :text, null: true, charset: 'utf8mb4', position: 2) end.to raise_error(/limit: must be provided for :text field/) end end end end describe 'enum' do before do allow(::DeclareSchema::Model::Column).to receive(:native_types).and_wrap_original do |m, *_args| result = m.call if result.has_key?(:enum) result else result.merge(enum: { name: "enum" }) end end end describe 'default' do it 'allows default of nil or a Symbol' do [nil, :first].each do |default| expect do subject = described_class.new(model, :status, :enum, limit: [:first, :second, :third], default: default, null: false, position: 2) expect(subject.default).to eq(default) end.to_not raise_exception end end it 'raises ArgumentError if default is not nil or a Symbol' do ["first", 1].each do |default| expect do described_class.new(model, :status, :enum, limit: [:first, :second, :third], default: default, null: false, position: 2) end.to raise_exception(ArgumentError, /enum default: must be nil or a Symbol; got #{Regexp.escape(default.inspect)}/) end end end describe 'limit' do it 'raises ArgumentError if any of the limit values are not Symbols' do [['first', 'second', 'third'], [1, 2, 3], nil, []].each do |limit| expect do described_class.new(model, :status, :enum, limit: limit, null: false, position: 2) end.to raise_exception(ArgumentError, /enum limit: must be an array of 1 or more Symbols; got #{Regexp.escape(limit.inspect)}/) end end end end if defined?(Mysql2) describe 'varbinary' do # TODO: :varbinary is an Invoca addition to Rails; make it a configurable option it 'is supported' do subject = described_class.new(model, :binary_dump, :varbinary, limit: 200, null: false, position: 2) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :varbinary, limit: 200, null: false) end end end describe 'decimal' do it 'allows precision: and scale:' do subject = described_class.new(model, :quantity, :decimal, precision: 8, scale: 10, null: true, position: 3) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :decimal, precision: 8, scale: 10, null: true) end it 'requires precision:' do expect_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:warn).with(/precision: required for :decimal type/) described_class.new(model, :quantity, :decimal, scale: 10, null: true, position: 3) end it 'requires scale:' do expect_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:warn).with(/scale: required for :decimal type/) described_class.new(model, :quantity, :decimal, precision: 8, null: true, position: 3) end end [:integer, :bigint, :string, :text, :binary, :datetime, :date, :time, (:varbinary if defined?(Mysql2))].compact.each do |t| describe t.to_s do let(:extra) { t == :string ? { limit: 100 } : {} } it 'does not allow precision:' do expect_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:warn).with(/precision: only allowed for :decimal type/) described_class.new(model, :quantity, t, **{ precision: 8, null: true, position: 3 }.merge(extra)) end unless t == :datetime it 'does not allow scale:' do expect_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:warn).with(/scale: only allowed for :decimal type/) described_class.new(model, :quantity, t, **{ scale: 10, null: true, position: 3 }.merge(extra)) end end end describe 'datetime' do it 'keeps type as "datetime"' do subject = described_class.new(model, :created_at, :datetime, null: false, position: 1) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :datetime, null: false) end end describe 'timestamp' do it 'normalizes type to "datetime"' do subject = described_class.new(model, :created_at, :timestamp, null: true, position: 2) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :datetime, null: true) end end describe 'default:' do let(:col_spec) { double('col_spec', type: :integer) } it 'typecasts default value' do allow(col_spec).to receive(:type_cast_from_database) { |default| Integer(default) } subject = described_class.new(model, :price, :integer, limit: 4, default: '42', null: true, position: 2) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :integer, limit: 4, default: 42, null: true) end end end describe '#schema_attributes' do let(:col_spec) do sql_type_metadata = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SqlTypeMetadata.new(sql_type: "integer(8)", type: :integer, limit: 8) ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column.new("price", nil, sql_type_metadata, false, "adverts") end it 'returns the attributes except name, position, and non-SQL options' do subject = described_class.new(model, :price, :bigint, null: true, default: 0, ruby_default: -> { }, encrypt_using: -> { }, position: 2) expect(subject.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(type: :integer, limit: 8, null: true, default: 0) end it 'aliases :bigint and :integer limit: 8' do int8 = described_class.new(model, :price, :integer, limit: 8, null: false, position: 0) bigint = described_class.new(model, :price, :bigint, null: false, position: 0) expected_attributes = { type: :integer, limit: 8, null: false } expect(int8.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(expected_attributes) expect(bigint.schema_attributes(col_spec)).to eq(expected_attributes) end end describe '#sql_options' do subject { described_class.new(model, :price, :integer, limit: 4, null: true, default: 0, position: 2, encrypt_using: ->(field) { field }) } it 'excludes non-sql options' do expect(subject.sql_options).to eq(limit: 4, null: true, default: 0) end describe 'null' do subject { described_class.new(model, :price, :integer, limit: 4, default: 0, position: 2, encrypt_using: ->(field) { field }) } it 'uses default_null option when not explicitly set in field spec' do expect(subject.sql_options).to eq(limit: 4, null: false, default: 0) end it 'raises error if default_null is set to nil when not explicitly set in field spec' do expect(::DeclareSchema).to receive(:default_null) { nil } expect { subject.sql_options }.to raise_error(/null: must be provided for field/) end end end end