class Element %x{ var root = $, dom_class; if (root.jQuery) { dom_class = jQuery } else if (root.Zepto) { dom_class = Zepto.zepto.Z; } #{self}._proto = dom_class.prototype, def = #{self}._proto; dom_class.prototype._klass = #{self}; } include Kernel include Enumerable def self.find(selector) `$(#{selector})` end def self.[](selector) `$(#{selector})` end def %x{ var el = document.getElementById(id); if (!el) { return nil; } return $(el); } end def = 'div') `$(document.createElement(tag))` end def self.parse(str) `$(str)` end def self.expose(*methods) %x{ for (var i = 0, length = methods.length, method; i < length; i++) { method = methods[i]; #{self}._proto['$' + method] = #{self}._proto[method]; } return nil; } end attr_reader :selector # Bridged functions - we just expose all core jquery functions as ruby # methods on this class. expose :after, :before, :parent, :parents, :prepend, :prev, :remove expose :hide, :show, :toggle, :children, :blur, :closest, :data expose :focus, :find, :next, :siblings, :text, :trigger, :append expose :height, :width, :serialize, :is, :filter, :last, :first expose :wrap, :stop, :clone # We alias some jquery methods to common ruby method names. alias succ next alias << append # Here we map the remaining jquery methods, but change their names to # snake_case to be more consistent with ruby. alias_native :[]=, :attr alias_native :add_class, :addClass alias_native :append_to, :appendTo alias_native :has_class?, :hasClass alias_native :html=, :html alias_native :remove_attr, :removeAttr alias_native :remove_class, :removeClass alias_native :text=, :text alias_native :toggle_class, :toggleClass alias_native :value=, :val alias_native :scroll_left=, :scrollLeft alias_native :scroll_left, :scrollLeft alias_native :remove_attribute, :removeAttr alias_native :slide_down, :slideDown alias_native :slide_up, :slideUp alias_native :slide_toggle, :slideToggle alias_native :fade_toggle, :fadeToggle def to_n self end def [](name) `#{self}.attr(name) || ""` end def add_attribute name self[name] = '' end def has_attribute? name `!!#{self}.attr(name)` end def append_to_body `#{self}.appendTo(document.body)` end def append_to_head `#{self}.appendTo(document.head)` end # Returns the element at the given index as a new `DOM` instance. # Negative indexes can be used and are counted from the end. If the # given index is outside the range then `nil` is returned. # # @example # # DOM('.foo')[0] # => first element in collection # DOM('.foo')[-1] # => last element from collection # DOM('.foo')[100] # => returns nil if index outside range # # @param [Numeric] index the index to get # @return [DOM, nil] returns new collection with returned element def at(index) %x{ var length = #{self}.length; if (index < 0) { index += length; } if (index < 0 || index >= length) { return nil; } return $(#{self}[index]); } end # Returns the CSS class name of the firt element in #{self} collection. # If the collection is empty then an empty string is returned. Only # the class name of the first element will ever be returned. # # @example # # DOM('
').class_name # # => "foo" # # @return [String] the class name def class_name %x{ var first = #{self}[0]; return (first && first.className) || ""; } end # Sets the CSS class name of every element in #{self} collection to the # given string. #{self} does not append the class names, it replaces # the entire current class name. # # @example # # DOM('#foo').class_name = "title" # # @param [String] name the class name to set on each element # @return [DOM] returns the receiver def class_name=(name) %x{ for (var i = 0, length = #{self}.length; i < length; i++) { #{self}[i].className = name; } } self end # Get or set css properties on each element in #{self} collection. If # only the `name` is given, then that css property name is read from # the first element in the collection and returned. If the `value` # property is also given then the given css property is set to the # given value for each of the elements in #{self} collection. The # property can also be a hash of properties and values. # # @example # # foo = DOM '#foo' # foo.css 'background-color' # => "red" # foo.css 'background-color', 'green' # foo.css 'background-color' # => "green" # foo.css :width => '200px' # # @param [String] name the css property to get/set # @param [String] value optional value to set # @param [Hash] set of css properties and values # @return [String, DOM] returns css value or the receiver def css(name, value=nil) if value.nil? && name.is_a?(String) return `#{self}.css(name)` else name.is_a?(Hash) ? `#{self}.css(#{name.to_n})` : `#{self}.css(name, value)` end self end # Set css values over time to create animations. The first parameter is a # set of css properties and values to animate to. The first parameter # also accepts a special :speed value to set animation speed. If a block # is given, the block is run as a callback when the animation finishes. # # @example # # foo = DOM "#foo" # foo.animate :height => "200px", "margin-left" => "10px" # bar.animate :top => "30px", :speed => 100 do # bar.add_class "finished" # end # # @param [Hash] css properties and and values. Also accepts speed param. # @return [DOM] receiver def animate(params, &block) speed = params.has_key?(:speed) ? params.delete(:speed) : 400 %x{ #{self}.animate(#{params.to_n}, #{speed}, function() { #{ if block_given?} }) } end # Start a visual effect (e.g. fadeIn, fadeOut, …) passing its name. # Underscored style is automatically converted (e.g. `effect(:fade_in)`). # Also accepts additional arguments and a block for the finished callback. def effect(name, *args, &block) name = name.gsub(/_\w/) { |match| match[1].upcase } args = { |a| a.to_n if a.respond_to? :to_n }.compact args << `function() { #{ if block_given?} }` `#{self}[#{name}].apply(#{self}, #{args})` end def visible? `#{self}.is(':visible')` end def offset Hash.from_native(`#{self}.offset()`) end # Yields each element in #{self} collection in turn. The yielded element # is wrapped as a `DOM` instance. # # @example # # DOM('.foo').each { |e| puts "The element id: #{}" } # # @return returns the receiver def each `for (var i = 0, length = #{self}.length; i < length; i++) {` yield `$(#{self}[i])` `}` self end # return an opal array mapped with block yielded for any element # # @example # # list = Document.find('table.players td.surname').map {|el| el.html } # # @return an Array def map list = [] each {|el| list << yield(el) } list end # return an opal Array of elements # # @example # # Document.find('table.players td.surname').to_a.last # # @return an Array def to_a map {|el| el } end def first `#{self}.length ? #{self}.first() : nil` end def html `#{self}.html() || ""` end def id %x{ var first = #{self}[0]; return (first && || ""; } end def id=(id) %x{ var first = #{self}[0]; if (first) { = id; } return #{self}; } end def tag_name `#{self}.length > 0 ? #{self}[0].tagName.toLowerCase() : #{nil}` end def inspect %x{ var val, el, str, result = []; for (var i = 0, length = #{self}.length; i < length; i++) { el = #{self}[i]; str = "<" + el.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (val = str += (' id="' + val + '"'); if (val = el.className) str += (' class="' + val + '"'); result.push(str + '>'); } return '#