# -*- coding: shift_jis -*- # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 2. $LOAD_PATH.unshift '..' unless $LOAD_PATH.include? '..' require 'qwik/site' require 'qwik/util-pathname' require 'qwik/util-time' # $update_group_files = true $update_group_files = false module Qwik # Bundle many sites to one object. class Farm def initialize(config, memory) @config = config @memory = memory @logger = @memory[:logger] @data_path = @config.sites_dir.path @grave_path = @config.grave_dir.path @top_sitename = @config.default_sitename if $update_group_files $update_group_files = false # Set before to do it. update_group_files end end def update_group_files list().each {|sitename| site = get_site(sitename) site.member.update_group_files } end def get_site(sitename) sitepath = @data_path + sitename # FIXME: Should we check the directory everytime? if ! sitepath.directory? # At the first, check the directory. return nil # No such site. end # Now, I am sure that we have the directory for the site. # Create a new site object and return it. return Site.new(@config, @memory, sitename) end alias exist? get_site def get_top_site return get_site(@top_sitename) end def list return check_all_sites.sort end def close_all list().each {|sitename| site = self.get_site(sitename) site.close if site } end def make_site(sitename, now = Time.now) sitepath = @data_path + sitename raise 'site already exist' if sitepath.exist? # Check the path first. sitepath.mkdir page = (sitepath + "_QwikSite.txt") page.write(now.rfc_date) return nil end def sweep @logger.log(WEBrick::Log::INFO, 'start sweep') unless $test log = @memory[:bury_log] unless $test log.info("start sweep") end inactive_sites = check_inactive_sites buried = [] inactive_sites.each {|sitename| @logger.log(WEBrick::Log::INFO, 'sweep '+sitename) unless $test buried << bury(sitename) } unless $test log.info("end sweep") end return buried end def check_inactive_sites inactive_sites = [] list().each {|sitename| # Do not bury default site. next if sitename == @top_sitename site = get_site(sitename) # Check a particular page to check the directory is a site or not. next if ! site.exist?('_SiteConfig') inactive_sites << sitename if site && site.inactive? } return inactive_sites end private def check_all_sites sites = Array.new # Check the direcotry entries. @data_path.each_entry {|entry| pa = @data_path + entry next if ! pa.directory? # is not a directory? sitename = entry.to_s next if sitename[0] == ?. # begin with dot? next if sitename == 'CVS' #next if (pa + '_SiteConfig.txt').exist? # check the site. sites << sitename } return sites end def bury(sitename) site = get_site(sitename) if site.unconfirmed? dump_site(site, 'deleted') delete(site) return end dump_site(site, 'buried') sitepath = site.path dirtime = sitepath.mtime.to_i @grave_path.check_directory (sitepath.parent + ".grave").check_directory while true tempgravepath = sitepath.parent + ".grave" + "#{dirtime}_#{sitename}" gravesitepath = @grave_path + "#{dirtime}_#{sitename}" unless tempgravepath.exist? || gravesitepath.exist? # step1. move atomically on same disk volume sitepath.rename(tempgravepath) # step2. move across disk volume #FileUtils.mv(tempgravepath, gravesitepath) break end dirtime += 1 end #return gravesitepath return tempgravepath end def bury_dummy(sitename) site = get_site(sitename) dump_site(site, 'bury dummy') return site.path end require 'stringio' def dump_site(site, message) log = @memory[:bury_log] buff = StringIO.new buff.puts("#{message}: #{site.sitename}") ml_life_time = site.siteconfig['ml_life_time'].to_i days = ml_life_time / (60*60*24) buff.puts("ml_life_time: #{ml_life_time} (#{days}d)") site.path.children.sort{|a,b| b.mtime <=> a.mtime }.each do |path| buff << path.mtime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ") buff << sprintf("% 8d ", path.size) buff << path.basename.to_s buff << "\n" end unless $test log.info(buff.string) end end def delete(site) sitepath = site.path sitepath.remove_directory end end end if $0 == __FILE__ require 'qwik/test-module-session' $test = true end if defined?($test) && $test class TestFarm < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestSession def test_make_site farm = @memory.farm farm.close_all @dir.teardown @dir.rmtree if @dir.directory? @dir.rmdir if @dir.directory? dir = @config.sites_dir.path # test_exist? assert_equal false, !!farm.exist?('test') assert_equal nil, farm.get_site('test') assert_equal false, (dir + 'test').exist? # test_make_site assert_equal false, (dir + 'test').path.exist? farm.make_site('test', Time.at(0)) assert_equal true, (dir + 'test').path.exist? assert_equal true, (dir + 'test/_QwikSite.txt').path.exist? assert_equal "1970-01-01T09:00:00", (dir + 'test/_QwikSite.txt').path.read assert_equal false, (dir + 'test/test').path.exist? assert_equal true, !!farm.exist?('test') assert_equal false, (dir + 'test/test').path.exist? site = farm.get_site('test') assert_equal true, (dir + 'test'.path).exist? assert_equal false, (dir + 'test/test').path.exist? #assert_equal true, (dir + 'test/test').path.exist? assert_equal 'test', site.sitename # test_raise assert_raise(RuntimeError) { # Creating a site with same name cause error. farm.make_site('test') } end def test_all farm = @memory.farm # test_top_site site = farm.get_top_site eq @config.default_sitename, site.sitename # test_list is "Array", farm.list.class.name #assert_equal false, (@dir+"test").exist? end def test_sweep farm = @memory.farm site = farm.get_site('test') page = site['_SiteConfig'] page.put_with_time(':ml_life_time:0', 0) # Die soon. # test_inactive? eq true, site.inactive? # test_sweep buried = farm.sweep site = farm.get_site('test') eq nil, site # Clean up the grave dir. buried.each {|gravesitepath| gravesitepath.teardown gravesitepath.rmtree } end def test_delete farm = @memory.farm site = farm.get_site('test') site_path = site.path t_make_public(Qwik::Farm, :delete) farm.delete(site) eq false, site_path.exist? end end end