require "nokogiri" # ContentLinkParser extracts links from HTML content and assigns them to a hash based on the location the link was found. The has contents can be configured in options, however, defaults to a pretty sensible default. # Links can also be returned regardless of the location they were located and can be filtered by the scheme class ContentLinkParser # Parses the content and absolutizes the urls based on url. Options can be setup to determine the links that are extracted. def initialize(url, content, options = {}) @options = {}.merge(options) @url = url @doc = Nokogiri::HTML(content) base_url = @url.to_s if"base[href]") base_url ="base[href]").attr("href").to_s @url = base_url if base_url end @options[:tags] = {} @options[:tags][:links] = [["a[href]", "href"], ["frame[src]", "src"], ["meta[@http-equiv=\"refresh\"]", "content"], ["link[href]:not([rel])", "href"], ["area[href]", "href"]] @options[:tags][:images] = [["img[src]", "src"]] @options[:tags][:related] = [["link[rel]", "href"]] @options[:tags][:scripts] = [["script[src]", "src"]] @options[:tags][:styles] = [["link[rel='stylesheet'][href]", "href"], ["style[@type^='text/css']", lambda{|array,tag| first_regex =/url\((['"]?)(.*?)\1\)/ tag.content.scan(first_regex) {|match| array << Addressable::URI.parse(match[1]).to_s} }]] #clear the default tags if required @options[:tags] = {} if @options[:ignore_default_tags] @options[:tags].merge!(@options[:additional_tags]) unless @options[:additional_tags].nil? end # Returns a hash with arrays of links def link_data data = {} @options[:tags].keys.each do |key| data[key.to_sym] = self.instance_eval(key.to_s) end data end # Returns an array of all absolutized links, specify :valid_schemes in options to limit to certain schemes. Also filters repeating folders (ie if the crawler got in a link loop situation) def all_links(options = {}) options[:valid_schemes] = [:http, :https] unless options.has_key? :valid_schemes data = link_data links ={|key| data[key]}.flatten.uniq links ={|link| UriHelper.join_no_fragment(@url, link).to_s } links = links.reject{|link| link =~ /\/([^\/]+?)\/\1\// } links = links.reject{|link| link =~ /([^\/]+?)\/([^\/]+?)\/.*?\1\/\2/ } links ={|link| options[:valid_schemes].include? link.split(':')[0].to_sym} links end # Returns the type of links as a method rather than using the hash e.g. 'content_link_parser.images' def method_missing(m) if @options[:tags].keys.include?(m) links = [] @options[:tags][m].each do |selector, attribute| find_matches(links, selector, attribute) end links.uniq else super end end private # Processes the content to find links based on options[:tags] def find_matches(array, selector, attribute) if attribute.kind_of? String or attribute.kind_of? Symbol @doc.css(selector).each do |tag| begin array << Addressable::URI.parse(tag[attribute]).to_s rescue end end elsif attribute.instance_of? Regexp @doc.css(selector).each do |tag| begin tag.content.scan(attribute) {|match| array << Addressable::URI.parse(match[0]).to_s} rescue end end elsif attribute.instance_of? Proc @doc.css(selector).each do |tag| begin, tag) rescue end end end end end