module PDF
class Wrapper
# Draws a basic table of text on the page. See the documentation for a detailed description of
# how to control the table and its appearance.
# data:: a 2d array with the data for the columns, or a PDF::Wrapper::Table object
# == Options
# The only options available when rendering a table are those relating to its size and location.
# All other options that relate to the content of the table and how it looks should be configured
# on the PDF::Wrapper::Table object that is passed into this function.
# :left:: The x co-ordinate of the left-hand side of the table. Defaults to the current cursor location
# :top:: The y co-ordinate of the top of the text. Defaults to the current cursor location
# :width:: The width of the table. Defaults to the distance from the left of the table to the right margin
def table(data, opts = {})
# TODO: add support for a table footer
# - repeating each page, or just at the bottom?
# - if it repeats, should it be different on each page? ie. a sum of that pages rows, etc.
# TODO: maybe support for multiple data sets with group headers/footers. useful for subtotals, etc
x, y = current_point
options = {:left => x, :top => y }
if data.kind_of?(::PDF::Wrapper::Table)
t = data
t = do |table| = data
t.width = options[:width] || points_to_right_margin(options[:left])
calc_table_dimensions t
# move to the start of our table (the top left)
move_to(options[:left], options[:top])
# draw the header cells
draw_table_headers(t) if t.headers && (t.show_headers == :page || t.show_headers == :once)
x, y = current_point
# loop over each row in the table
t.cells.each_with_index do |row, row_idx|
# calc the height of the current row
h = t.row_height(row_idx)
if y + h > absolute_bottom_margin
y = margin_top
# draw the header cells
draw_table_headers(t) if t.headers && (t.show_headers == :page)
x, y = current_point
# loop over each column in the current row
row.each_with_index do |cell, col_idx|
# calc the options and widths for this particular cell
opts = t.options_for(col_idx, row_idx)
w = t.col_width(col_idx)
# paint it
self.cell(, x, y, w, h, opts)
x += w
move_to(x, y)
# move to the start of the next row
y += h
x = options[:left]
move_to(x, y)
def calc_table_dimensions(t)
# TODO: when calculating the min cell width, we basically want the width of the widest character. At the
# moment I'm stripping all pango markup tags from the string, which means if any character is made
# intentioanlly large, we'll miss it and it might not fit into our table cell.
# TODO: allow column widths to be set manually
# calculate the min and max width of every cell in the table
t.cells.each_with_index do |row, row_idx|
row.each_with_index do |cell, col_idx|
opts = t.options_for(col_idx, row_idx).only(default_text_options.keys)
padding = opts[:padding] || 3
cell.min_width = text_width(<.+?>/,"").gsub(/\b|\B/,"\n"), opts) + (padding * 4)
cell.max_width = text_width(, opts) + (padding * 4)
# calculate the min and max width of every cell in the headers row
if t.headers
t.headers.each_with_index do |cell, col_idx|
opts = t.options_for(col_idx, :headers).only(default_text_options.keys)
padding = opts[:padding] || 3
cell.min_width = text_width(<.+?>/,"").gsub(/\b|\B/,"\n"), opts) + (padding * 4)
cell.max_width = text_width(, opts) + (padding * 4)
# let the table decide on the actual widths it will use for each col
# now that we know how wide each column will be, we can calculate the
# height of every cell in the table
t.cells.each_with_index do |row, row_idx|
row.each_with_index do |cell, col_idx|
opts = t.options_for(col_idx, row_idx).only(default_text_options.keys)
padding = opts[:padding] || 3
cell.height = text_height(, t.col_width(col_idx) - (padding * 2), opts) + (padding * 2)
# let the table calculate how high each row is going to be
# perform the same height calcs for the header row if necesary
if t.headers
t.headers.each_with_index do |cell, col_idx|
opts = t.options_for(col_idx, :headers).only(default_text_options.keys)
padding = opts[:padding] || 3
cell.height = text_height(, t.col_width(col_idx) - (padding * 2), opts) + (padding * 2)
private :calc_table_dimensions
def draw_table_headers(t)
x, y = current_point
origx = x
h = t.headers_height
t.headers.each_with_index do |cell, col_idx|
# calc the options and widths for this particular header cell
opts = t.options_for(col_idx, :headers)
w = t.col_width(col_idx)
# paint it
self.cell(, x, y, w, h, opts)
x += w
move_to(x, y)
move_to(origx, y + h)
private :draw_table_headers
# This class is used to hold all the data and options for a table that will
# be added to a PDF::Wrapper document. Tables are a collection of cells, each
# one rendered to the document using the Wrapper#cell function.
# To begin working with a table, pass in a 2d array of data to display, along
# with optional headings, then pass the object to Wrapper#table
# table = do |t|
# t.headers = ["Words", "Numbers"]
# = [['one', 1],
# ['two', 2],
# ['three',3]]
# end
# pdf.table(table)
# For all but the most basic tables, you will probably want to tweak at least
# some of the options for some of the cells. The options available are the same
# as those that are valid for the Wrapper#cell method, including things like font,
# font size, color and alignment.
# Options can be specified at the table, column, row and cell level. When it comes time
# to render each cell, the options are merged together so that cell options override row
# ones, row ones override column ones and column ones override table wide ones.
# By default, no options are defined at all, and the document defaults will be used.
# For example:
# table = => 10) do |t|
# t.headers = ["Words", "Numbers"]
# = [['one', 1],
# ['two', 2],
# ['three',3]]
# t.row_options 0, :color => :green
# t.row_options 2, :color => :red
# t.col_options 0, :color => :blue
# t.cell_options 2, 2, :font_size => 18
# t.manual_column_width 2, 40
# end
# pdf.table(table)
# == Displaying Headings
# By default, the column headings will be displayed at the top of the table, and at
# the start of each new page the table wraps on to. Use the show_headers= option
# to change this behaviour. Valid values are nil for never, :once for just the at the
# top of the table, and :page for the default.
class Table
attr_reader :cells#, :headers
attr_accessor :width, :show_headers
def initialize(opts = {})
# default table options
@table_options = opts
@col_options ={})
@row_options ={})
@manual_col_widths = {}
@header_options = {}
@show_headers = :page
yield self if block_given?
# Specify the tables data.
# The single argument should be a 2d array like:
# [[ "one", "two"],
# [ "one", "two"]]
def data=(d)
# TODO: raise an exception of the data rows aren't all the same size
# TODO: ensure d is array-like
@cells = d.collect do |row|
row.collect do |str|
# Retrieve or set the table's optional column headers.
# With no arguments, the currents headers will be returned
# t.headers
# => ["col one", "col two"]
# The first argument is an array of text to use as column headers
# t.headers ["col one", "col two]
# The optional second argument sets the cell options for the header
# cells. See PDF::Wrapper#cell for a list of possible options.
# t.headers ["col one", "col two], :color => :block, :fill_color => :black
# If the options hash is left unspecified, the default table options will
# be used.
def headers(h = nil, opts = {})
# TODO: raise an exception of the size of the array does not match the size
# of the data row arrays
# TODO: ensure h is array-like
return @headers if h.nil?
@headers = h.collect do |str|
@header_options = opts
def headers=(h)
# TODO: remove this method at some point. Deprecation started on 10th August 2008.
warn "WARNING: Table#headers=() is deprecated, headers should now be set along with header options using Table#headers()"
headers h
# access a particular cell at location x, y
def cell(col_idx, row_idx)
@cells[row_idx, col_idx]
# Set or retrieve options that apply to every cell in the table.
# For a list of valid options, see Wrapper#cell.
# WARNING. This method is deprecated. Table options should be passed to the
# PDF::Wrapper::Table constructor instead
def table_options(opts = nil)
# TODO: remove this method at some point. Deprecation started on 10th August 2008.
warn "WARNING: Table#table_options() is deprecated, please see the documentation for PDF::Wrapper::Table"
@table_options = @table_options.merge(opts) if opts
# set or retrieve options that apply to header cells
# For a list of valid options, see Wrapper#cell.
# WARNING. This method is deprecated. Header options should be passed to the
# PDF::Wrapper::Table#headers method instead
def header_options(opts = nil)
# TODO: remove this method at some point. Deprecation started on 10th August 2008.
warn "WARNING: Table#header_options() is deprecated, please see the documentation for PDF::Wrapper::Table"
@header_options = @header_options.merge(opts) if opts
# set or retrieve options that apply to a single cell
# For a list of valid options, see Wrapper#cell.
def cell_options(col_idx, row_idx, opts = nil)
raise ArgumentError, "#{col_idx},#{row_idx} is not a valid cell reference" unless @cells[row_idx] && @cells[row_idx][col_idx]
@cells[row_idx][col_idx].options = @cells[row_idx][col_idx].options.merge(opts) if opts
# set options that apply to 1 or more columns
# For a list of valid options, see Wrapper#cell.
# spec:: Which columns to add the options to. :odd, :even, a range, an Array of numbers or a number
def col_options(spec, opts)
each_column do |col_idx|
if (spec == :even && (col_idx % 2) == 0) ||
(spec == :odd && (col_idx % 2) == 1) ||
(spec.class == Range && spec.include?(col_idx)) ||
(spec.class == Array && spec.include?(col_idx)) ||
(spec.respond_to?(:to_i) && spec.to_i == col_idx)
@col_options[col_idx] = @col_options[col_idx].merge(opts)
# Manually set the width for 1 or more columns
# spec:: Which columns to set the width for. :odd, :even, a range, an Array of numbers or a number
def manual_col_width(spec, width)
width = width.to_f
each_column do |col_idx|
if (spec == :even && (col_idx % 2) == 0) ||
(spec == :odd && (col_idx % 2) == 1) ||
(spec.class == Range && spec.include?(col_idx)) ||
(spec.class == Array && spec.include?(col_idx)) ||
(spec.respond_to?(:to_i) && spec.to_i == col_idx)
@manual_col_widths[col_idx] = width
# set options that apply to 1 or more rows
# For a list of valid options, see Wrapper#cell.
# spec:: Which columns to add the options to. :odd, :even, a range, an Array of numbers or a number
def row_options(spec, opts)
each_row do |row_idx|
if (spec == :even && (row_idx % 2) == 0) ||
(spec == :odd && (row_idx % 2) == 1) ||
(spec.class == Range && spec.include?(row_idx)) ||
(spec.class == Array && spec.include?(row_idx)) ||
(spec.respond_to?(:to_i) && spec.to_i == row_idx)
@row_options[row_idx] = @col_options[row_idx].merge(opts)
# calculate the combined options for a particular cell
# To get the options for a regular cell, use numbers to reference the exact cell:
# options_for(3, 3)
# To get options for a header cell, use :headers for the row:
# options_for(3, :headers)
def options_for(col_idx, row_idx = nil)
opts = @table_options.dup
opts.merge! @col_options[col_idx]
if row_idx == :headers
opts.merge! @header_options
opts.merge! @row_options[row_idx]
opts.merge! @cells[row_idx][col_idx].options
# Returns the required height for the headers row.
# Essentially just the height of the tallest cell in the row.
def headers_height
raise "You must call calc_headers_height! before calling headers_height" if @headers_height.nil?
# Returns the required height for a particular row.
# Essentially just the height of the tallest cell in the row.
def row_height(idx)
raise "You must call calc_row_heights! before calling row_heights" if @row_heights.nil?
# Returns the number of columns in the table
def col_count
# Returns the width of the specified column
def col_width(idx)
raise "You must call calc_col_widths! before calling col_width" if @col_widths.nil?
# process the individual cell widths and decide on the resulting
# width of each column in the table
def calc_col_widths!
@col_widths = calc_column_widths
# process the individual cell heights in the header and decide on the
# resulting height of each row in the table
def calc_headers_height!
@headers_height = @headers.collect { |cell| cell.height }.compact.max
# process the individual cell heights and decide on the resulting
# height of each row in the table
def calc_row_heights!
@row_heights = @cells.collect do |row|
row.collect { |cell| cell.height }.compact.max
# forget row and column dimensions
def reset!
@col_widths = nil
@row_heights = nil
# the main smarts behind deciding on the width of each column. If possible,
# each cell will get the maximum amount of space it wants. If not, some
# negotiation happens to find the best possible set of widths.
def calc_column_widths
raise "Can't calculate column widths without knowing the overall table width" if self.width.nil?
max_col_widths = {}
min_col_widths = {}
each_column do |col|
min_col_widths[col] = cells_in_col(col).collect { |c| c.min_width}.max.to_f
max_col_widths[col] = cells_in_col(col).collect { |c| c.max_width}.max.to_f
# add header cells to the mix
if @headers
@headers.each_with_index do |cell, idx|
min_col_widths[idx] = [cell.min_width.to_f, min_col_widths[idx]].max
max_col_widths[idx] = [cell.max_width.to_f, max_col_widths[idx]].max
# override the min and max col widths with manual ones where appropriate
# freeze the values so that the algorithm that adjusts the widths
# leaves them untouched
@manual_col_widths.each { |key, val| val.freeze }
max_col_widths.merge! @manual_col_widths
min_col_widths.merge! @manual_col_widths
if min_col_widths.values.sum > self.width
raise RuntimeError, "table content cannot fit into a table width of #{self.width}"
if max_col_widths.values.sum == self.width
# every col gets the space it wants
col_widths = max_col_widths.dup
elsif max_col_widths.values.sum < self.width
# every col gets the space it wants, and there's
# still more room left. Distribute the extra room evenly
col_widths = grow_col_widths(max_col_widths.dup, max_col_widths, true)
# there's not enough room for every col to get as much space
# as it wants, so work our way down until it fits
col_widths = grow_col_widths(min_col_widths.dup, max_col_widths, false)
# check to ensure every cell has a minimum and maximum cell width defined
def check_cell_widths
@cells.each do |row|
row.each_with_index do |cell, col_idx|
raise "Every cell must have a min_width defined before being rendered to a document" if cell.min_width.nil?
raise "Every cell must have a max_width defined before being rendered to a document" if cell.max_width.nil?
if @manual_col_widths[col_idx] && cell.min_width > @manual_col_widths[col_idx]
raise "Manual width for col #{col_idx} is too low"
if @headers
@headers.each_with_index do |cell, col_idx|
raise "Every header cell must have a min_width defined before being rendered to a document" if cell.min_width.nil?
raise "Every header cell must have a max_width defined before being rendered to a document" if cell.max_width.nil?
if @manual_col_widths[col_idx] && cell.min_width > @manual_col_widths[col_idx]
raise "Manual width for col #{col_idx} is too low"
# iterate over each column in the table
def each_column(&block)
(0..(col_count-1)).each do |col|
yield col
# iterate over each row in the table
def each_row(&block)
(0..(@cells.size-1)).each do |row|
yield row
# an array of all the cells in the specified column
def cells_in_col(idx)
@cells.collect {|row| row[idx]}
# an array of all the cells in the specified row
def cells_in_row(idx)
# if the widths of every column are less than the total width
# of the table, grow them to make use of it.
# col_widths - the current hash of widths for each column index
# max_col_widths - the maximum width each column desires
# past_max - can the width of a colum grow beyond its maximum desired
def grow_col_widths(col_widths, max_col_widths, past_max = false)
loop do
each_column do |idx|
col_widths[idx] += 0.3 unless col_widths[idx].frozen?
col_widths[idx].freeze if col_widths[idx] >= max_col_widths[idx] && past_max == false
break if col_widths.values.sum >= self.width
break if col_widths.values.sum >= self.width
# A basic container to hold the required information for each cell
class Cell
attr_accessor :data, :options, :height, :min_width, :max_width
def initialize(str)
@data = str
@options = {}