%# #% %# You can read this document in its full glory by #% %# opening ./doc/index.html in your favorite Web browser. #% %# #% %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %| project_summary %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dfect is an assertion testing library for Ruby that emphasizes a simple assertion vocabulary, instant debuggability of failures, and flexibility in composing tests. %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %| paragraph "Resources" %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * <%= xref "History", "What's new?" %> --- release notes and project history. * [Issue tracker](<%= issue_tracker_url %>) --- report bugs, request features, or ask for help. * [Source code](<%= source_code_url %>) --- browse online or obtain using <%= source_code_tool %> * [API reference](<%= api_reference_url %>) --- documentation for source code. * [Project home](<%= Dfect::WEBSITE %>) --- the official project home page. %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %| section "Features" %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dfect is exciting because: * There are only 5 methods to remember: D F E C T. * It lets you debug assertion failures interactively. * It keeps a detailed report of assertion failures. * It lets you nest tests and execution hooks. * Its core consists of a mere <%= `sloccount lib/dfect.rb`[/^\d+/] %> lines of code. %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %| section "Etymology" %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dfect is named after the D F E C T methods it provides. The name is also play on the word "defect", whereby the intentional misspelling of "defect" as "dfect" is a defect in itself! ;-) This wordplay is similar to [Mnesia][1]'s play on the word "amnesia", whereby the intentional omission of the letter "A" indicates forgetfulness---the key characteristic of having amnesia. Clever! [1]: http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/mnesia/index.html %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %| section "License" %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %# See the file named "LICENSE" for details. %< "LICENSE" %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %| section "Credits" %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dfect is made possible by <%= xref "History", "contributions" %> from users like you: %# See the file named "CREDITS" for details. %< "CREDITS" %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %| section "Related works" %#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [assert{ 2.0 }](http://assert2.rubyforge.org) * [Bacon](http://chneukirchen.org/repos/bacon/README) * [Context](http://github.com/jeremymcanally/context) * [minitest](http://blog.zenspider.com/minitest) * [RSpec](http://rspec.info) * [Shoulda](http://thoughtbot.com/projects/shoulda) * [test-spec](http://test-spec.rubyforge.org/test-spec) * [Test::Unit](http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/test/unit/rdoc/) * [Testy](http://github.com/ahoward/testy/tree/master) * [Verify](http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/183354)