require 'date' class String def latex_escape self.gsub(/(? def <=>(other) oldres = oldcompare(other) oldres *= -1 if @sortsign==-1 and other.sortsign == -1 oldres end end require 'date' class CodeRunner class Budget < Run @code_long = "Budget Calculator" @uses_mpi = false @naming_pars = [] @run_info = [] @variables = [:data_file, :account] @excluded_sub_folders = [] @modlet_required = false @defaults_file_name = "budget_defaults.rb" @code_module_folder = folder = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) # i.e. the directory this file is in # ["05/07/2010", # "DEB", # "308760", # "25387560", # "ANGELSCD 0655", # "", # "11.50", # "4506.80"] # @component_results = [:date, :type, :sc, :ac, :description, :deposit, :withdrawal, :balance] @results = [:data, :data_line] + @component_results def generate_input_file FileUtils.cp @data_file.sub(/~/, ENV['HOME']), @directory + '/data.cvs' end def debit case @account_type when :Asset, :Expense deposit else withdrawal end end def credit case @account_type when :Asset, :Expense withdrawal else deposit end end DOUBLE_STRING=/"(?:\\\\|\\"|[^"\\]|\\[^"\\])*"/ def process_directory_code_specific @status=:Complete data ='data.cvs') data = data.split("\n").map do |line| matches = line.scan("((?:#{DOUBLE_STRING}|[^,])*)(?:,|$)")) matches.flatten end #pp data @data = data @first_line = @data.shift.join(',') end def reversed? #case account_type(@account) #when :Asset @first_line =~ /Debit.*Credit/ #end end def print_out_line if @is_component sprintf("%4d. %10s %10s %3s %-30s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s", id, account, *rcp.component_results.find_all{|r| r!=:ac and r!=:sc}.map{|res| send(res)}, budget, external_account) else #pr = component_runs.sort_by{|r|} "#{sprintf("%3d", @id)}. #{sprintf("%-20s", @account)} Start: #{start_date} End: #{end_date} Final Balance: #{final_balance} " end end def date_sorted_component @date_sorted_component ||= component_runs.sort_by{|r|} end def end_date date_sorted_component[-1].date rescue nil end def start_date date_sorted_component[0].date rescue nil end def final_balance date_sorted_component[-1].balance rescue nil end def parameter_transition(run) end def parameter_string "" end #def external_account #(sub_account.to_s + '_' + budget.to_s).to_sum #end def generate_component_runs @runner.cache[:data] ||= [] reslts = rcp.component_results if reversed? reslts[5] = :withdrawal reslts[6] = :deposit end @data.each do |dataset| next if @runner.cache[:data].include? dataset and Date.parse(dataset[0]) > Date.parse("1/1/2013") component = create_component reslts.each_with_index do |res,index| value = dataset[index] # ep value value = Date.parse value if res == :date value = value.to_f if [:deposit, :withdrawal, :balance].include? res component.set(res, value) component.set(:data_line,{|r| component.send(r).to_s}.join(',')) end @runner.cache[:data].push dataset #component.account = @account end end def days_ago(today = #ep ['today', today, date] # sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", date.year, date.month, - ((date.to_datetime.to_time.to_i - today.to_datetime.to_time.to_i) / 24 / 3600).to_i end def idate date.to_datetime.to_time.to_i end def ds description end #def self.sum_future(future_items, end_date, options={}) #sum = future_items.inject(0) do |sum, (name, item)| #item = [item] unless item.kind_of? Array #value = item.inject(0) do |value,info| #value += info[:size] unless (options[:today]|| > info[:date]) or (info[:date] > end_date) # add unless we have already passed that date #value #end #rcp.excluding.include?(name) ? sum : sum + value #end #sum #end #def self.budget_expenditure(runner, budget, budget_info, start_date, options={}) #dates = [] #expenditures = [] #budget_items = [] #date = budget_info[:end]||options[:today]|| #start_date = [(budget_info[:start]||start_date), start_date].max #expenditure = 0 #items_temp = [] #items = runner.component_run_list.values.find_all{|r| r.budget == budget and r.in_date(budget_info)} ##ep ['items', items] ##ep ['budget', budget] #counter = 0 #if not budget_info[:period] #dates.push date #budget_items.push items #expenditures.push ({|r| r.debit -}+[0]).sum #else #case budget_info[:period][1] #when :month #while date > start_date #items_temp += items.find_all{|r| == date} #if date.mday == (budget_info[:monthday] or 1) #counter +=1 #if counter % budget_info[:period][0] == 0 #expenditure = ({|r| r.debit -}+[0]).sum #dates.push date #expenditures.push expenditure #budget_items.push items_temp #items_temp = [] #expenditure = 0 #end #end #date-=1 #end #when :day #while date > start_date #items_temp += items.find_all{|r| == date} ##expenditure += (budget_items[-1].map{|r| r.debit}+[0]).sum #counter +=1 #if counter % budget_info[:period][0] == 0 #expenditure = ({|r| r.debit -}+[0]).sum #dates.push date #expenditures.push expenditure #budget_items.push items_temp #items_temp = [] #expenditure = 0 #end #date-=1 #end #end #end #[dates, expenditures, budget_items] #end #def self.sum_regular(regular_items, end_date, options={}) #today = options[:today]|| #sum = regular_items.inject(0) do |sum, (name, item)| #item = [item] unless item.kind_of? Array ## ep item #value = item.inject(0) do |value,info| #finish = (info[:end] and info[:end] < end_date) ? info[:end] : end_date ##today = ( / (24.0*3600.0)).round #nunits = 0 #counter = info[:period][0] == 1 ? 0 : nil #####################unless counter #####################date = today #####################counter = 0 #####################case info[:period][1] #####################when :month #####################while date >= (info[:start] or #####################counter +=1 if date.mday == (info[:monthday] or 1) #####################date -= 1 #####################end #####################when :year #####################while date >= (info[:start] or #####################counter +=1 if date.yday == (info[:yearday] or 1) #####################date -= 1 #####################end #####################when :day #####################while date > (info[:start] or #####################counter +=1 #####################date -= 1 #####################end #####################end #####################end #date = today #########################case info[:period][1] #########################when :month ##########################p date, info #########################while date <= finish #########################if date.mday == (info[:monthday] or 1) #########################nunits += 1 if counter % info[:period][0] == 0 #########################counter +=1 #########################end #########################date += 1 #########################end #########################when :year #########################while date <= finish #########################if date.yday == (info[:yearday] or 1) #########################nunits += 1 if counter % info[:period][0] == 0 #########################counter +=1 #########################end #########################date += 1 #########################end #########################when :day #########################while date <= finish #########################nunits += 1 if counter % info[:period][0] == 0 #########################counter +=1 #########################date += 1 #########################end #########################end ##nyears = (finish.year - today.year) ##nmonths = nyears * 12 + (finish.month - today.month) ##(puts "Number of Months: #{nmonths}"; @pnmonths=true) unless @pnmonths ##ndays = nyears * 12 + (finish.yday - today.yday) ##number = case info[:period][1] ##when :month ##(nmonths / info[:period][0]).ceil ##when :day ##(ndays / info[:period][0]).ceil ##end ##value + number * info[:size] ##eputs "Regular Expenditure Item: #{sprintf("%10s", name)} -- #{nunits} payments, total #{nunits * info[:size]}" #value + nunits * info[:size] #end #(rcp.excluding? and rcp.excluding.include?(name)) ? sum : sum + value #end #sum #end def self.predictable_component_ids(runner) #runner.instance_variable_set(:@component_run_list, {}) #runner.instance_variable_set(:@component_ids, []) #runner.instance_variable_set(:@component_id, -1) #runner.run_list.each{|r| r.instance_variable_set(:@component_runs, [])} #runner.run_list.values.sort_by{|r|}.each{|r| r.generate_component_runs} #runner.save_large_cache end def self.kit_time_format_x(kit) = %["%s"]{|dk| = "1:2"} = "time" = %[x "%d %B %Y"] = "rotate by 340 offset 0,-0.5 #{24*3600*14}" = "rotate by 340 offset 0,-0.5 " end def self.print_budget(options={}) @excluding = (options[:excluding] or []) runner = CodeRunner.fetch_runner(Y: Dir.pwd) puts "------------------------------" puts " Budget Report" puts "------------------------------" balance = runner.component_run_list.values.sort_by{|r| [,]}.map{|r| r.balance}[-1] puts "Balance: #{balance}" end_date = Date.parse("01/10/2011") puts "Regular Expenditure: #{total_regular = sum_regular(REGULAR_EXPENDITURE, end_date)}" puts "Future Expenditure: #{total_future = sum_future(FUTURE_EXPENDITURE, end_date)}" puts "Total Expenditure: #{total_expenditure = total_future + total_regular}" puts "Total Income: #{total_incoming = sum_future(FUTURE_INCOME, end_date)}" total = balance + total_incoming - total_expenditure puts "Weekly Budget: #{total / ((end_date.to_datetime.to_time.to_i - / 3600 / 24 /7)}" end #def self.budgets_with_averages(runner, budgets, start_date, options={}) #projected_budgets = budgets.dup #projected_budgets.each{|key,v| projected_budgets[key]=projected_budgets[key].dup} #projected_budgets.each do |budget, budget_info| ##budget_info = budgets[budget] #dates, expenditures, items = budget_expenditure(runner, budget, budget_info, start_date, today: options[:today]) #budget_info[:size] = expenditures.mean rescue 0.0 #end #projected_budgets #end #def self.latex_budget_transfers(runner, budgets, options) #numdays = options[:days] #today = options[:today]|| #"#{{|budget, budget_info| #dates, expenditures, items = budget_expenditure(runner, budget, budget_info, today - numdays, today: options[:today]) ##ep ['budget', budget, dates, expenditures] #kit = GraphKit.quick_create([{|d| d.to_time.to_i}, expenditures]){|dk|"boxes"} = "fill solid" #kit.xlabel = nil #kit.ylabel = "Expenditure" #unless options[:transfers] #kits = budgets_with_averages(runner, {budget => budget_info}, today - numdays, today: today).map{|budget, budget_info| ##ep 'Budget is ', budget #kit2 = GraphKit.quick_create([ #[dates[0], dates[-1]].map{|d| d.to_time.to_i}, #[budget_info[:size], budget_info[:size]] #])[0].gp.with = 'lp lw 4' #kit2 #} ##$debug_gnuplot = true ##kits.sum.gnuplot #kit += kits.sum #else[0]!{|expen| expen*-1.0} #end #kit.title = "#{budget} Expenditure with average (Total = #{[0]})" #kit_time_format_x(kit) ##kit.gnuplot #kit.gnuplot_write("#{budget}.eps") #"\\begin{center}\\includegraphics[width=4.0in]{#{budget}.eps}\\vspace{1em}\\end{center}" #}.join("\n\n") #}" #end #def self.latex_report(options={}) #runner = CodeRunner.fetch_runner(Y: Dir.pwd, h: :component) #numdays = options[:days] #today = options[:today] || ## Delete budgets that contain no items #actual_budgets = BUDGETS.dup #BUDGETS.keys.each do |budget| #actual_budgets.delete(budget) if budget_expenditure(runner, budget, BUDGETS[budget], today - numdays, today: today)[0].size == 0 #end ##predictable_component_ids(runner) #days_ahead = options[:days_ahead] #runs = runner.component_run_list.values #indateruns = runs.find_all{|r| r.days_ago < numdays} #accounts ={|r| r.account}.uniq #ep 'Accounts', accounts #projected_budgets = Hash[actual_budgets.dup.find_all{|k,v| v[:discretionary]}] #projected_budgets = budgets_with_averages(runner,projected_budgets, today - numdays, today: today) ##projected_budgets.each{|key,v| projected_budgets[key]=projected_budgets[key].dup} ##projected_budgets.each do |budget, budget_info| ###budget_info = budgets[budget] ##dates, expenditures, items = budget_expenditure(runner, budget, budget_info, today - numdays) ##budget_info[:size] = expenditures.mean ##end #ep 'projected_budgets', projected_budgets'report.tex', 'w') do |file| #file.puts < 0 ########################" ########################\\footnotesize ########################\\setlength{\\parindent}{0cm}\n\n\\begin{tabulary}{0.99\\textwidth}{ #{"c " * 4 + " L " + " r " * 2 }} ########################%\\hline ########################& #{date.to_s.latex_escape} & & & Total & #{expenditure} & \\\\ ########################\\hline ########################\\Tstrut #########################{{|r| ########################([:id] + rcp.component_results - [:sc, :balance]).map{|res| ########################r.send(res).to_s.latex_escape ########################}.join(" & ") ########################}.join("\\\\\n") ########################} ########################\\\\ ########################\\hline ########################\\end{tabulary} ########################\\normalsize ########################\\vspace{1em}\n\n" ########################else ########################"" ########################end ########################}.join("\n\n") #}.join("\n\n") #} #\\section{Recent Transactions} ##{{|acc| #"\\subsection{#{acc}} #\\footnotesize ##{all = runs.find_all{|r| r.account == acc and r.days_ago < numdays}.sort_by{|r| [,]}.reverse #ep ['acc', acc, 'ids',{|r|}, 'size', all.size] ########all.pieces((all.size.to_f/50.to_f).ceil).map{|piece| ########"\\setlength{\\parindent}{0cm}\n\n\\begin{tabulary}{0.99\\textwidth}{ #{"c " * 4 + " L " + " r " * 3 + "l"}} #########{{|r| ########([:id] + rcp.component_results - [:sc] + [:budget]).map{|res| r.send(res).to_s.latex_escape{|res| r.send(res).to_s.gsub(/(.{20})/, '\1\\\\\\\\').latex_escape ########}.join(" & ") ########}.join("\\\\\n")} ########\\end{tabulary}"}.join("\n\n")}" #}.join("\n\n")} #\\end{document} #EOF #end #system "latex report.tex && latex report.tex" #end #require 'treasurer' #require 'local_customisations.rb' #include Treasurer::LocalCustomisations end # class Budget end #class CodeRunner p Dir.pwd #require Dir.pwd + '/local_customisations.rb'