module Para class ComponentsConfiguration class UndefinedComponentTypeError < StandardError; end class ComponentTooDeepError < StandardError; end def draw(&block) return unless components_installed? Para::LogConfig.with_log_level(:fatal) do log_level = Rails.logger.level Rails.logger.level = :fatal eager_load_components! instance_eval(&block) build end end def section(*args, &block) sections <<*args, &block) end def sections @sections ||= [] end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if (component = component_for(method)) component.tap(&ActiveDecorator::Decorator.instance.method(:decorate)) else super end end def section_for(identifier) if (section = sections_cache[identifier]) section else sections_cache[identifier] = if (section_id = sections_ids_hash[identifier]) Para::ComponentSection.find(section_id) else Para::ComponentSection.find_by(identifier: identifier) end end end def component_for(identifier) if (component = components_cache[identifier]) component else components_cache[identifier] = if (component_id = components_ids_hash[identifier]) Para::Component::Base.find(component_id) else Para::Component::Base.find_by(identifier: identifier) end end end def component_configuration_for(identifier) sections.each do |section| section.components.each do |component| # If one of the section component has the searched identifier return it if component.identifier.to_s == identifier.to_s return component else component.child_components.each do |child_component| # If one of the component children has the searched identifier return it return child_component if child_component.identifier.to_s == identifier.to_s end end end end # Return nil if the identifier was not found nil end def sections_ids_hash @sections_ids_hash ||= {}.with_indifferent_access end def components_ids_hash @components_ids_hash ||= {}.with_indifferent_access end private def build sections.each_with_index do |section, index| section.refresh(position: index) sections_ids_hash[section.identifier] = section.components.each do |component| components_ids_hash[component.identifier] = component.child_components.each do |child_component| components_ids_hash[child_component.identifier] = end end end end # Only store sections cache for the request duration to avoid expired # references to AR objects between requests # def sections_cache[:sections_cache] ||= {}.with_indifferent_access end # Only store components cache for the request duration to avoid expired # references to AR objects between requests # def components_cache[:components_cache] ||= {}.with_indifferent_access end def components_installed? tables_exist = %w[component/base component_section].all? do |name| Para.const_get(name.camelize).table_exists? end unless tables_exist Rails.logger.warn( "Para migrations are not installed.\n" \ 'Skipping components definition until next app reload.' ) end tables_exist rescue ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError false # Do not load components when the database is not installed end # Eager loads every file ending with _component.rb that's included in a # $LOAD_PATH directory which ends in "/components" # # Note : This allows not to process too many folders, but makes it harder to # plug gems into the components system # def eager_load_components! $LOAD_PATH.each do |path| next unless path.match(%r{/(para_)?components$}) glob = File.join(path, '**', '*_component.rb') Dir[glob].each do |file| load(file) end end end class Section attr_accessor :identifier, :model def initialize(identifier, &block) self.identifier = identifier.to_s instance_eval(&block) end def component(*args, **options, &block) components <<*args, **options, &block) end def components @components ||= [] end def refresh(attributes = {}) self.model = ComponentSection.where(identifier: identifier).first_or_initialize model.assign_attributes(attributes)! components.each_with_index do |component, index| component.refresh(component_section: model, position: index) end end end class Component attr_accessor :identifier, :type, :shown_if, :options, :model, :parent def initialize(identifier, type_identifier, shown_if: nil, **options, &block) @identifier = identifier.to_s @type = Para::Component.registered_components[type_identifier] @options = options @shown_if = shown_if @parent = options.delete(:parent) # Build child components if a block is provided instance_eval(&block) if block unless type raise UndefinedComponentTypeError, "Undefined Para component : #{type_identifier}. " + 'Please ensure that your app or gems define this component type.' end end def component(*args, **child_options, &block) # Do not allow nesting components more than one level as the display of illimited # child nesting deepness is not implemented raise ComponentTooDeepError, 'Cannot nest components more than one level' if parent child_component_options = child_options.merge(parent: self) child_components <<*args, **child_component_options, &block) end def child_components @child_components ||= [] end def refresh(attributes = {}) @model = type.where(identifier: identifier).first_or_initialize model.update_with(attributes.merge(options_with_defaults))! child_components.each_with_index do |child_component, child_index| child_component.refresh(component_section: nil, position: child_index) end end # Ensures unset :configuration store options are set to nil to allow # removing a configuration option from the components.rb file # def options_with_defaults configurable_keys = type.local_stored_attributes.try(:[], :configuration) || [] configurable_keys += options.keys configurable_keys.uniq! options_with_defaults = {} # Assign parent component resource to the final attribute options, assigning nil # if the `:parent` option is empty, to allow extracting a component from its # parent by just moving the component call outside of its parent block. options_with_defaults[:parent_component] = parent&.model configurable_keys.each_with_object(options_with_defaults) do |key, hash| hash[key] = options[key] end end end end end