class CC::Service::PivotalTracker < CC::Service class Config < CC::Service::Config attribute :api_token, Axiom::Types::String, description: "Your Pivotal Tracker API Token, from your profile page" attribute :project_id, Axiom::Types::String, description: "Your Pivotal Tracker project ID" attribute :labels, Axiom::Types::String, label: "Labels (comma separated)", description: "Comma separated list of labels to apply to the story" validates :api_token, presence: true validates :project_id, presence: true end self.title = "Pivotal Tracker" self.description = "Create stories on Pivotal Tracker" self.issue_tracker = true BASE_URL = "" def receive_test result = create_story("Test ticket from Code Climate", "") result.merge( message: "Ticket <a href='#{result[:url]}'>#{result[:id]}</a> created." ) end def receive_quality name = "Refactor #{constant_name} from #{rating} on Code Climate" create_story(name, details_url) end def receive_issue title = %{Fix "#{issue["check_name"]}" issue in #{constant_name}} body = [issue["description"], details_url].join("\n\n") create_story(title, body) end def receive_vulnerability formatter = create_story( formatter.format_vulnerability_title, formatter.format_vulnerability_body ) end private def create_story(name, description) params = { "story[name]" => name, "story[story_type]" => "chore", "story[description]" => description, } if config.labels.present? params["story[labels]"] = config.labels.strip end http.headers["X-TrackerToken"] = config.api_token url = "#{BASE_URL}/projects/#{config.project_id}/stories" service_post(url, params) do |response| body = Nokogiri::XML(response.body) { id: (body / "story/id").text, url: (body / "story/url").text } end end end