@puts @announce @disable-bundler Feature: generate a saucy application and run rake Background: When I successfully run "rails new testapp" And I cd to "testapp" And I append to "Gemfile" with: """ gem "clearance", "0.9.0.rc9" gem "cucumber-rails" gem "capybara" gem "factory_girl_rails" gem "dynamic_form" gem "database_cleaner" gem "formtastic" gem "rspec-rails" gem "bourne" gem "shoulda" """ When I add the "saucy" gem from this project as a dependency And I successfully run "bundle install" And I bootstrap the application for clearance Scenario: generate a saucy application and run rake When I successfully run "rails generate saucy:install" And I successfully run "rails generate saucy:features" And I successfully run "rake db:migrate" And I run "rake" Then it should pass with: """ passed """ Then the output should not contain "failed" And the output should not contain "Could not find generator" Scenario: A new saucy app with custom views When I successfully run "rails generate saucy:install" And I successfully run "rails generate saucy:features" And I successfully run "rails generate saucy:views" And I successfully run "rake db:migrate" And I give a more detailed new account message And I run "rake" Then it should pass with: """ passed """ Then the output should not contain "failed" And the output should not contain "Could not find generator" Scenario: A new saucy app with custom layouts When I successfully run "rails generate saucy:install" And I successfully run "rails generate saucy:features" And I successfully run "rake db:migrate" And I add a custom layout to the accounts index And I run "rake" Then it should pass with: """ passed """ Then the output should not contain "failed" And the output should not contain "Could not find generator" Scenario: run specs When I successfully run "rails generate saucy:install" And I successfully run "rails generate saucy:features" And I successfully run "rake db:migrate" And I copy the specs for this project And I run "rake spec" Then it should pass with: """ 0 failures """ Then the output should not contain "0 examples"