Given 'I have a message consumer' do |src| test_runner.run_config_code(src) expect(test_runner).to have_no_errors end Given(/^I subscribe to (#{STRING_OR_SYM}) with (#{STRING_OR_SYM})$/) do |destination, consumer| MessageDriver::Client[test_runner.broker_name].subscribe(destination, consumer) end Given 'I create a subscription' do |src| test_runner.run_test_code("@subscription = #{src}") expect(test_runner).to have_no_errors end Given 'I create some subscriptions' do |src| test_runner.run_test_code(src) expect(test_runner).to have_no_errors end When 'I cancel the subscription' do test_runner.run_test_code('@subscription.unsubscribe') step 'I allow for processing' end When 'I let the subscription process' do step 'I allow for processing' step 'I cancel the subscription' expect(test_runner).to have_no_errors end