module ActiveMocker class LoadedMocks class << self # Input ActiveRecord Model as String returns ActiveMock equivalent class. # +find('User')+ => UserMock def find(klass) class_name_to_mock[klass] end # Returns Hash key being a string of the active_record class name # and the value being the mocked class. # ActiveMocker::LoadedMocks.all # => {'PersonMock' => PersonMock} def all mocks end # Calls clear_all for all mocks, which deletes all saved records and removes mock_class/instance_method. # It will also clear any sub classed mocks from the list # Method will be deprecated in v2 because mocking is deprecated def clear_all all_mocks.each { |m| m.clear_mock } clear_subclasses end # Calls delete_all for all mocks, which deletes all saved records. # def delete_all all_mocks.each { |m| m.delete_all } end # Reloads the mocks file from disk. # === Experimental Feature def reload_all all_mocks.each { |m| m.send(:reload) } end # Returns Hash +{"ActiveRecordModel" => MockVersion}+, key being a string of the active_record class name # and the value being the mocked class. Any sub classed mocked will override the original mock until clear_all is called. # # ActiveMocker::LoadedMocks.class_name_to_mock # => {'Person' => PersonMock} def class_name_to_mock mocks.values.each_with_object({}) do |mock_constant, hash| hash[mock_constant.send(:mocked_class)] = mock_constant end.merge(subclasses) end private def add(mocks_to_add) mocks.merge!({ => mocks_to_add}) end def add_subclass(subclass) subclasses.merge!({subclass.send(:mocked_class) => subclass}) end def mocks @mocks ||= {} end def undefine_all all_mocks_as_str.each do |n| Object.send(:remove_const, n) if Object.const_defined?(n) end end def all_mocks_as_str mocks.keys + subclasses.keys end def subclasses @subclasses ||= {} end def clear_subclasses subclasses.clear end def internal_clear clear_subclasses mocks.clear end def all_mocks mocks.values + subclasses.values end end end end