require 'spec_helper' require 'pulp_simple' describe PulpSimple do before(:all) do @config = { 'pulp_server' => '', 'pulp_username' => 'test_pulp_user', 'pulp_password' => 'test_pulp_password' } end after(:each) do PulpSimple.pulp_server = PulpSimple.pulp_username = PulpSimple.pulp_password = nil end it "has a VERSION constant" do subject.const_get('VERSION').should_not be_empty end context "Pulp Server" do it "lets you assign an explicit Pulp master server" do PulpSimple.stub(:config).and_return(@config) PulpSimple.pulp_server = '' PulpSimple.pulp_server.should == '' end it "uses a default for the Pulp master server if no explicit value is assigned" do PulpSimple.should_receive(:config).and_return(@config) PulpSimple.pulp_server.should == @config['pulp_server'] end end context "Pulp User" do it "lets you assign an explicit Pulp user" do PulpSimple.stub(:config).and_return(@config) PulpSimple.pulp_username = 'foobar_user' PulpSimple.pulp_username.should == 'foobar_user' end it "uses a default for the Pulp user if no explicit value is assigned" do PulpSimple.should_receive(:config).and_return(@config) PulpSimple.pulp_username.should == @config['pulp_username'] end end context "Pulp Password" do it "lets you assign an explicit Pulp password" do PulpSimple.stub(:config).and_return(@config) PulpSimple.pulp_password = 'foobar_password' PulpSimple.pulp_password.should == 'foobar_password' end it "uses a default for the Pulp password if no explicit value is assigned" do PulpSimple.should_receive(:config).and_return(@config) PulpSimple.pulp_password.should == @config['pulp_password'] end end context "Base URL" do it "produces a valid base URL" do PulpSimple.should_receive(:config).exactly(3).times.and_return(@config) PulpSimple.base_url.should == "https://#{@config['pulp_username']}:#{@config['pulp_password']}@#{@config['pulp_server']}/pulp/api" end end end