require 'spec_helper' describe 'Hero' do before do VCR.use_cassette('hero_profile') do @my_hero = 'corroded-6950', '12793941' end end after do VCR.eject_cassette end describe 'when given a battle tag name, id, and hero id' do it 'should have the correct url' do @my_hero.url.must_equal '' end end describe 'when receiving the hero details' do it 'should have the top level keys as methods' do top_level_keys = %w{id name gender level paragonLevel hardcore skills items followers stats kills progress dead last-updated} top_level_keys.each do |tl_key| @my_hero.send(tl_key).must_equal @my_hero.response[tl_key.camelize(:lower)] end end it "should throw an error when trying to call a top level key that doesn't exist" do lambda { @my_hero.foo_attribute }.must_raise NoMethodError end end end