# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rspec' require 'rspec/mocks' require 'rspec_junit_formatter' require 'pry' require 'pry-byebug' require 'honeybadger' require 'contextual_logger' require 'exception_handling' require 'exception_handling/testing' class LoggerStub include ContextualLogger::LoggerMixin attr_accessor :logged, :level def initialize @level = Logger::Severity::DEBUG @progname = nil @logdev = nil clear end def debug(message, **log_context) super.tap do logged << { message: message, context: log_context, severity: 'DEBUG' } end end def info(message, **log_context) super.tap do logged << { message: message, context: log_context, severity: 'INFO' } end end def warn(message, **log_context) super.tap do logged << { message: message, context: log_context, severity: 'WARN' } end end def fatal(message, **log_context) super.tap do logged << { message: message, context: log_context, severity: 'FATAL' } end end def clear @logged = [] end end class SocketStub attr_accessor :sent, :connected def initialize @connected = true clear end def send(message, _flags) sent << message end def close @connected = false end def clear @sent = [] end def closed? !@connected end end ExceptionHandling.logger = LoggerStub.new def dont_stub_log_error true end ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test module TestHelper @constant_overrides = [] class << self attr_accessor :constant_overrides end def setup_constant_overrides unless TestHelper.constant_overrides.nil? || TestHelper.constant_overrides.empty? raise "Uh-oh! constant_overrides left over: #{TestHelper.constant_overrides.inspect}" end Time.now_override = nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear ExceptionHandling.email_environment = 'Test' ExceptionHandling.sender_address = 'server@example.com' ExceptionHandling.exception_recipients = 'exceptions@example.com' ExceptionHandling.escalation_recipients = 'escalation@example.com' ExceptionHandling.server_name = 'server' ExceptionHandling.filter_list_filename = "./config/exception_filters.yml" ExceptionHandling.eventmachine_safe = false ExceptionHandling.eventmachine_synchrony = false ExceptionHandling.sensu_host = "" ExceptionHandling.sensu_port = 3030 ExceptionHandling.sensu_prefix = "" end def teardown_constant_overrides TestHelper.constant_overrides&.reverse&.each do |parent_module, k, v| ExceptionHandling.ensure_safe "constant cleanup #{k.inspect}, #{parent_module}(#{parent_module.class})::#{v.inspect}(#{v.class})" do silence_warnings do if v == :never_defined parent_module.send(:remove_const, k) else parent_module.const_set(k, v) end end end end TestHelper.constant_overrides = [] end def set_test_const(const_name, value) const_name.is_a?(Symbol) and const_name = const_name.to_s const_name.is_a?(String) or raise "Pass the constant name, not its value!" final_parent_module = final_const_name = nil original_value = const_name.split('::').reduce(Object) do |parent_module, nested_const_name| parent_module == :never_defined and raise "You need to set each parent constant earlier! #{nested_const_name}" final_parent_module = parent_module final_const_name = nested_const_name begin parent_module.const_get(nested_const_name) rescue :never_defined end end TestHelper.constant_overrides << [final_parent_module, final_const_name, original_value] silence_warnings { final_parent_module.const_set(final_const_name, value) } end def assert_emails(expected, message = nil) if block_given? original_count = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size yield else original_count = 0 end expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size - original_count).to eq(expected), "wrong number of emails#{': ' + message.to_s if message}" end end def assert_equal_with_diff(arg1, arg2, msg = '') if arg1 == arg2 expect(true).to be_truthy # To keep the assertion count accurate else expect(arg1).to eq(arg2), "#{msg}\n#{Diff.compare(arg1, arg2)}" end end def require_test_helper(helper_path) require_relative "helpers/#{helper_path}" end class Time class << self attr_reader :now_override def now_override=(override_time) if override_time.is_a?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone) override_time = override_time.localtime else override_time.nil? || override_time.is_a?(Time) or raise "override_time should be a Time object, but was a #{override_time.class.name}" end @now_override = override_time end unless defined?(@@_old_now_defined) alias old_now now @@_old_now_defined = true end def now now_override ? now_override.dup : old_now end end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.add_formatter(RspecJunitFormatter, 'spec/reports/rspec.xml') config.include TestHelper config.before(:each) do setup_constant_overrides unless defined?(Rails) && defined?(Rails.env) module Rails class << self attr_writer :env def env @env ||= 'test' end end end end end config.after(:each) do teardown_constant_overrides end config.mock_with :rspec do |mocks| mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true end config.expect_with(:rspec, :test_unit) RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter.default_instance.max_formatted_output_length = 2_000 end