# Change log ## master (unreleased) ## 0.6.0 (2019-04-11) ### New Features * Whenever an actor recalls a value perform a `reload` on the value. Avoid the `reload` by passing `false` to the `reload:` argument. ### New Features * [RSpec Expectations](https://github.com/rspec/rspec-expectations) are available in all primitives: actions, questions, and tasks. ## 0.4.0 (2019-03-18) ### New Features * Rename Screengem::FeaturePage to Screengem::ScreenElement ## 0.3.0 (2019-03-16) ### New Features * Scope screen elements to the `screen` instance variable * Screen elements are no longer memoized * Add example step definitions to the README ## 0.2.0 (2019-03-12) ### New features * Added the `dampen_for` class macro for questions and tasks ### Bug fixes * Expose the `screengem generate` command for creating dampening configurations