> **Note**: This branch (master) contains a skeleton without any app code, perfect for creating a _new_ application or challenge. If you're looking for an example app built with this skeleton, take a look at the [example](/../..//tree/example) branch which includes basic CRUD and RSpec tests. ### Purpose The Sinatra Skeleton: 1. Provides a foundation for building challenges or creating a new Sinatra application. 2. Demonstrates a reasonable set of practices around building Sinatra applications. 3. Eases the transition to Rails for Dev Bootcamp students ### Quickstart 1. `bundle install` 2. `shotgun config.ru` As needed, create models & migrations with the `rake` tasks: ``` rake generate:migration # Create an empty migration in db/migrate, e.g., rake generate:migration NAME=create_tasks rake generate:model # Create an empty model in app/models, e.g., rake generate:model NAME=User ``` ### Contributing We would love for you to help make the skeleton more awesome, There are three ways to contribute: 1. Ask for a bug fix or enhancement! 2. Submit a pull request for a bug fix or enhancement! 3. Code review an open pull request! Be prepared to give and receive specific, actionable, and kind feedback!