#!/usr/bin/ruby # so my editor will like it... =begin Copyright 2010, Roger Pack This file is part of Sensible Cinema. Sensible Cinema is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Sensible Cinema is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Sensible Cinema. If not, see . =end print 'Loading Sensible Cinema...' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/add_any_bundled_gems_to_load_path.rb" require 'sane' # failure here means you haven't bundled your dependencies...[rake task] require_relative '../lib/mencoder_wrapper' require_relative '../lib/storage' require_relative '../lib/edl_parser' require_relative '../lib/mplayer_edl' require_relative '../lib/play_audio' require 'tmpdir' require_relative '../lib/swing_helpers' require_relative '../lib/drive_info' require 'whichr' # must put mencoder first, as it has a working mplayer.exe in it... ENV['PATH'] = ENV['PATH'] + ';' + File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/../vendor/cache/mencoder'.to_filename for drive in ['c', 'd', 'e'] ENV['PATH'] = ENV['PATH'] + ";#{drive}:\\Program Files\\SMPlayer;#{drive}" end module SensibleSwing VERSION = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../VERSION").strip puts "v. " + VERSION class MainWindow < JFrame def new_jbutton title, only_on_create_mode, add = false button = JButton.new title button.set_bounds(44, @starting_button_y, @button_width, 23) if ARGV.index("--create-mode") add = true if only_on_create_mode else add = true if !only_on_create_mode end if add increment_button_location @panel.add button @buttons << button end button end def increment_button_location @starting_button_y += 30 end Storage = Storage.new("sc") alias system_blocking system def system_non_blocking command Thread.new { system_blocking command } end # make them choose which system call to use explicitly undef system def initialize super "Sensible-Cinema #{VERSION} (GPL)" if !(Storage['main_license_accepted'] == VERSION) show_blocking_license_accept_dialog 'Sensible Cinema', 'gplv3', 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html' show_blocking_license_accept_dialog 'Sensible Cinema', 'LICENSE.TXT file', File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../LICENSE.TXT"), 'LICENSE.TXT file', 'I acknowledge that I have read the LICENSE.TXT file.' Storage['main_license_accepted'] = VERSION end setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame::EXIT_ON_CLOSE panel = JPanel.new @panel = panel @buttons = [] panel.set_layout nil add panel # why can't I just slap these down? jlabel = JLabel.new 'Welcome to Sensible Cinema!' happy = Font.new("Tahoma", Font::PLAIN, 11) jlabel.setFont(happy) jlabel.set_bounds(44,44,160,14) panel.add jlabel @starting_button_y = 120 @button_width = 330 @create = new_jbutton( "Create edited copy of DVD on Your Hard Drive, from a DVD", false ) @create.on_clicked { do_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive false } @mplayer_edl = new_jbutton( "Watch DVD on computer edited realtime (might not work)", false ) @mplayer_edl.on_clicked { drive, dvd_volume_name, md5sum, edl_path, descriptors = choose_dvd_and_edl_for_it descriptors = EdlParser.parse_file edl_path temp_dir = Dir.tmpdir temp_file = temp_dir + '/mplayer.temp.edl' edl_contents = MplayerEdl.convert_to_edl descriptors, 1.75 # add a sec to mutes to accomodate for mplayer's oddness... File.write(temp_file, edl_contents) title_track = get_title_track(descriptors) # oh the insanity of the console UI...LODO more user friendly player @popup ||= NonBlockingDialog.new("Running mplayer. To control it, use space for pause.\n Also right and left arrows to seek, F key for full screen, q to quit.") # LODO dry up mplayer dvd opts... command = "mplayer dvd://#{title_track} -nocache -alang en -sid 1000 -edl #{File.expand_path temp_file} -dvd-device #{drive}" p command Thread.new { system_blocking command; @popup.dispose } } @watch_unedited = new_jbutton("Watch a DVD unedited (while grabbing to hard drive)", true) @watch_unedited.on_clicked { success_no_run, wrote_to_here_fulli = do_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive false, true, true sleep 5 unless success_no_run command = "smplayer #{wrote_to_here_fulli}" system_non_blocking command } @preview_section = new_jbutton( "Preview a certain time frame (edited)", true ) @preview_section.on_clicked { do_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive true } @preview_section_unedited = new_jbutton("Preview a certain time frame (unedited)", true) @preview_section_unedited.on_clicked { do_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive true, false, true } @rerun_preview = new_jbutton( "Re-run most recently watched preview time frame", true ) @rerun_preview.on_clicked { repeat_last_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive } @open_list = new_jbutton("Open/Edit a Delete List", true) @open_list.on_clicked { dialog = FileDialog.new(self, "Pick file to edit") dialog.set_directory EDL_DIR filename = dialog.go open_file_to_edit_it filename if filename } @create_new_edl_for_current_dvd = new_jbutton("Create new Delete List for a DVD", true) @create_new_edl_for_current_dvd.on_clicked do drive, volume, md5 = choose_dvd_drive name = get_user_input("Enter DVD name for #{volume}") input = <<-EOL # comments can go after a # on any line, for example this one. "mutes" => [ "0:00:01.0", "0:00:02.0", "profanity", "da..", ], "blank_outs" => [ "00:03:00.0" , "00:04:00.0", "violence", "of some sort", ], "name" => "#{name}", "disk_unique_id" => "#{md5}", # "dvd_title_track" => "1", # most DVD's use title 1. Yours might not. If it plays anything except the main title, see http://goo.gl/QHLIF # "not edited out stuff" => "", # "closing thoughts" => "still a fairly dark movie", EOL filename = EDL_DIR + "\\" + name.gsub(' ', '_') + '.txt' filename.downcase! File.write(filename, input) unless File.exist?(filename) # lodo let them choose name (?) open_file_to_edit_it filename end @display_unique = new_jbutton( "Display a DVD's unique ID", true ).on_clicked { drive, volume, md5 = choose_dvd_drive # display it, allow them to copy and paste it out get_user_input("#{drive} #{volume} for your copying+pasting pleasure (highlight, then ctrl+c to copy) \n This is used to identify a disk to match it to its EDL, later.", "\"disk_unique_id\" => \"#{md5}\",") } @upload = new_jbutton( "Upload/E-mail suggestion/Submit anything", true).on_clicked { system_non_blocking("start mailto:sensible-cinema@googlegroups.com") system_non_blocking("start http://groups.google.com/group/sensible-cinema") } @progress_bar = JProgressBar.new(0, 100) @progress_bar.set_bounds(44,@starting_button_y,@button_width,23) @progress_bar.visible = false panel.add @progress_bar increment_button_location increment_button_location @exit = new_jbutton("Exit", false, true).on_clicked { self.close } increment_button_location increment_button_location setSize 410, @starting_button_y check_for_dependencies end def download full_url, to_here require 'open-uri' writeOut = open(to_here, "wb") writeOut.write(open(full_url).read) writeOut.close end def show_blocking_license_accept_dialog program, license_name, license_url_should_also_be_embedded_by_you_in_message, title = 'Confirm Acceptance of License Agreement', message = nil puts 'Please confirm license agreement in open window' old = ['no', 'yes', 'ok'].map{|name| 'OptionPane.' + name + 'ButtonText'}.map{|name| [name, UIManager.get(name)]} UIManager.put("OptionPane.yesButtonText", 'Accept') UIManager.put("OptionPane.noButtonText", 'View License') # cancel button stays the same... message ||= "By clicking accept, below, you are agreeing to the license agreement for #{program} (the #{license_name}), located at #{license_url_should_also_be_embedded_by_you_in_message}. Click 'View License' to view it on your local machine." returned = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog nil, message, title, JOptionPane::YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION # 1 is view # 0 is accept # 2 is cancel if returned == 1 system_non_blocking("start #{license_url_should_also_be_embedded_by_you_in_message}") System.exit 1 end if returned == 2 p 'license not accepted...' System.exit 1 end if returned == -1 p 'license exited' System.exit 1 end throw unless returned == 0 old.each{|name, old_setting| UIManager.put(name, old_setting)} end def check_for_dependencies ffmpeg = RubyWhich.new.which('ffmpeg') if ffmpeg.length == 0 show_blocking_message_dialog(self, "It appears that you need to install a dependency: imagemagick.\n Click ok to be directed to its download website.\nYou'll probably want to download and install the \"windows-dll.exe\" package.\n Then restart Sensible-Cinema.", "Lacking dependency", JOptionPane::ERROR_MESSAGE) system_non_blocking("start http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#windows") java.lang.System.exit(1) end mencoder = RubyWhich.new.which('mencoder') if mencoder.length == 0 show_blocking_license_accept_dialog 'MPlayer', 'gplv2', 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html', "Appears that you need to install a dependency: mencoder." vendor_cache = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/../vendor/cache/" ENV['PATH'] = ENV['PATH'] + ';' + vendor_cache + '\\..;' + vendor_cache Dir.chdir(vendor_cache) do Kernel.print 'downloading unzipper...' download("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/sevenzip/7-Zip/9.20/7za920.zip", "7za920.zip") system_blocking("unzip -o 7za920.zip") # -o means "overwrite" without prompting # now we have 7za.exe Kernel.print 'downloading mencoder.7z...' download("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/mplayer-win32/MPlayer%20and%20MEncoder/revision%2032492/MPlayer-rtm-svn-32492.7z", "mencoder.7z") system_blocking("7za e mencoder.7z -y -omencoder") Kernel.puts 'done' end end if ARGV.index('--create-mode') # they're going to want these dependencies path = RubyWhich.new.which('smplayer') path2 = RubyWhich.new.which('mplayer') if(path.length == 0 || path2.length == 0) # this one has its own license... show_blocking_message_dialog("It appears that you need to install a dependency: SMPlayer.\n Click ok to be directed to its download website, where you can download and install it.", "Lacking dependency", JOptionPane::ERROR_MESSAGE) system_non_blocking("start http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/downloads.php") System.exit(1) end end end def open_file_to_edit_it filename system_non_blocking "notepad \"#{filename}\"" end def single_edit_list_matches_dvd md5 return unless md5 # ignore nil searches, where it wasn't set in the .txt file matching = Dir[EDL_DIR + '/*.txt'].select{|file| begin parse_edl(file)["disk_unique_id"] == md5 rescue SyntaxError # ignore poorly formed delete lists for auto choose end } if matching.length == 1 file = matching[0] p "selecting the one matching file #{file} #{md5}" file else nil end end EDL_DIR = File.expand_path(__dir__ + "/../zamples/edit_decision_lists/dvds").to_filename def repeat_last_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive generate_and_run_bat_file *Storage['last_params'] end def new_filechooser JFileChooser.new end def show_blocking_message_dialog(message, title = message.split("\n")[0], style= JOptionPane::INFORMATION_MESSAGE) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(nil, message, title, style) true end include_class javax.swing.UIManager def get_user_input(message, default = '') start_time = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(message, default) end def parse_edl path, ignore_settings = false EdlParser.parse_file path, ignore_settings end def choose_dvd_and_edl_for_it drive, dvd_volume_name, md5sum = choose_dvd_drive @_edit_list_path ||= begin puts "#{drive}, #{dvd_volume_name}, #{md5sum}" edit_list_path = single_edit_list_matches_dvd(md5sum) if !edit_list_path fc = FileDialog.new(self) fc.set_title "Please pick a DVD Delete List File" fc.set_directory EDL_DIR edit_list_path = fc.go end raise 'cancelled' unless edit_list_path edit_list_path end # reload it just in case it has changed on disk descriptors = nil while(!descriptors) begin descriptors = parse_edl @_edit_list_path rescue SyntaxError => e puts e show_blocking_message_dialog("your file has an error--please fix then hit ok: \n" + @_edit_list_path + "\n " + e) end end [drive, dvd_volume_name, md5sum, @_edit_list_path, descriptors] end def get_title_track descriptors descriptors["dvd_title_track"] || "1" end def get_save_to_filename dvd_title @_get_save_to_filename ||= begin fc = new_filechooser fc.set_title "Pick where to save #{dvd_title} edited to" save_to_file_name = dvd_title + ' edited version' save_to_file_name = save_to_file_name.gsub(' ', '_').gsub( /\W/, '') # no punctuation or spaces for now... fc.set_file(get_drive_with_most_space_with_slash + save_to_file_name) save_to = fc.go a = File.open(File.dirname(save_to) + "/test_file_to_see_if_we_have_permission_to_write_to_this_folder", "w") a.close File.delete a.path save_to end end def do_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive should_prompt_for_start_and_end_times, exit_early_if_fulli_exists = false, ignore_settings = false drive, dvd_volume_name, md5sum, edit_list_path, descriptors = choose_dvd_and_edl_for_it descriptors = parse_edl(edit_list_path, ignore_settings) # LODO allow for spaces in the save_to filename if should_prompt_for_start_and_end_times # only show this message once :) @show_block ||= show_blocking_message_dialog("Ok, let's preview just a portion of it. \nNote that you'll want to preview a section that wholly includes a deleted section in it\n For example, if it mutes from second 1 to second 10, you'll want to play from 00:00 to 00:12 or what not.\nAlso note that the first time you preview a section of a video, it will take a long time as it sets up the video for previewing.\nSubsequent previews will be faster, though, as long as you use the same filename.\n Also note that if you change your delete list, you'll need to close, and regenerate the video to see it with your new settings.", "Preview") start_time = get_user_input("At what point in the video would you like to start your preview? (like 01:00 for starting at 1 minute)", Storage['start_time']) end_time = get_user_input("At what point in the video would you like to finish your preview? (like 02:00 for ending at the 2 minute mark)", Storage['end_time']) unless start_time and end_time JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(nil, " Please choose start and end", "Failed", JOptionPane::ERROR_MESSAGE) return end Storage['start_time'] = start_time Storage['end_time'] = end_time end dvd_title = descriptors['name'] || dvd_volume_name save_to = get_save_to_filename dvd_title fulli = MencoderWrapper.calculate_final_filename save_to if exit_early_if_fulli_exists if File.exist? fulli + ".done" return [true, fulli] end # make it create a dummy response file for us :) start_time = "00:00" end_time = "00:01" end dvd_title_track = get_title_track(descriptors) should_run_mplayer = should_prompt_for_start_and_end_times || exit_early_if_fulli_exists generate_and_run_bat_file save_to, edit_list_path, descriptors, drive, dvd_title, start_time, end_time, dvd_title_track, should_run_mplayer, !ignore_settings [false, fulli] # false means it's running in a background thread :P end def get_drive_with_most_space_with_slash DriveInfo.get_drive_with_most_space_with_slash end # stubbable :) def get_mencoder_commands descriptors, drive, save_to, start_time, end_time, dvd_title_track, require_deletion_entry MencoderWrapper.get_bat_commands descriptors, drive, save_to, start_time, end_time, dvd_title_track, true, require_deletion_entry # delete partials... end def generate_and_run_bat_file save_to, edit_list_path, descriptors, drive, dvd_title, start_time, end_time, dvd_title_track, run_mplayer, require_deletion_entry Storage['last_params'] = [save_to, edit_list_path, descriptors, drive, dvd_title, start_time, end_time, dvd_title_track, run_mplayer, require_deletion_entry] begin commands = get_mencoder_commands descriptors, drive, save_to, start_time, end_time, dvd_title_track, require_deletion_entry rescue MencoderWrapper::TimingError => e show_blocking_message_dialog("Appears you chose a time frame with no deletion segment in it--please try again:" + e) return end temp_dir = Dir.tmpdir temp_file = temp_dir + '/vlc.temp.bat' File.write(temp_file, commands) popup = NonBlockingDialog.new("Copying to #{save_to}.\n" + "Applying EDL #{File.basename edit_list_path} \n against #{drive} (#{dvd_title}).\n" + "This could take quite awhile, and will prompt you when it is done.\n" + "You can close this window and continue working while it runs.\n" + "NB that the created file will be playable only with smplayer or VLC.", "OK") # allow our popups to still be serviced while it is running @background_thread = Thread.new { run_create_commands commands, save_to, run_mplayer popup.dispose } # LODO warn if they will overwrite a file in the end... end attr_accessor :background_thread, :buttons def run_create_commands batch_commands, save_to, run_mplayer @buttons.each{|b| b.set_enabled false} success = true lines = batch_commands.lines.to_a total_size = lines.length.to_f @progress_bar.visible=true @progress_bar.set_value(10) # start at 10% always, so they can see something. lines.each_with_index{|line, idx| if success puts "running #{line}" success = system_blocking(line) if line =~ /@rem / success = true # these fail fof some reason? else puts "\n", 'line failed: ' + line + "\n" + ' see troubleshooting in README.txt file!' unless success end end @progress_bar.set_value(10 + idx/total_size*90) } @progress_bar.visible=false @buttons.each{|b| b.set_enabled true} if success saved_to = save_to + '.avi' if run_mplayer system_non_blocking "smplayer #{saved_to}" else # lodo NonBlockingDialog once it can get to the top instead of being so buried... show_file = "explorer /e,/select,\"#{File.expand_path(saved_to).to_filename}\"" system_blocking show_file # returns immediately show_blocking_message_dialog "Done--you may now watch file #{saved_to} in SMPlayer or VLC player" PlayAudio.play(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/../vendor/music.wav") end else show_blocking_message_dialog("Failed--please examine console output and report back!\nAlso consult the troubleshooting section of the README file.", "Failed", JOptionPane::ERROR_MESSAGE) end end # returns e:\, volume, md5sum def choose_dvd_drive opticals = DriveInfo.get_dvd_drives_as_openstruct if @saved_opticals == opticals # memoize :) return @_choose_dvd_drive end show_blocking_message_dialog 'insert dvd first' unless opticals.find{|d| d.VolumeName } names = opticals.map{|d| d.Name + "\\" + " (" + (d.VolumeName || 'Insert DVD and re-start') + ")"} if opticals.length != 1 dialog = GetDisk.new(self, names) dialog.setSize 200,125 dialog.show selected_idx = dialog.selected_idx else selected_idx = 0 p 'selecting user\'s only disk drive ' + names[0] end if selected_idx disk = opticals[selected_idx] prefix = names[selected_idx][0..2] puts "calculating disk's unique id..." md5sum = DriveInfo.md5sum_disk(prefix) @_choose_dvd_drive = [prefix, opticals[selected_idx].VolumeName, md5sum] @saved_opticals = opticals return @_choose_dvd_drive else puts 'did not select a drive...exiting' java.lang.System.exit 1 end end end class GetDisk < JDialog attr_reader :selected_idx def initialize parent, options_array super parent, true box = JComboBox.new box.add_action_listener do |e| idx = box.get_selected_index if idx != 0 # don't count choosing the first as a real entry @selected_idx = box.get_selected_index - 1 dispose end end box.add_item "Click to select DVD drive" # put something in index 0 options_array.each{|drive| box.add_item drive } add box pack end end end if $0 == __FILE__ a = SensibleSwing::MainWindow.new a.set_visible true puts 'Please use the Sensible Cinema GUI window popup...' end