module ActiveMerchant module Billing class PlugnpayGateway < Gateway class PlugnpayPostData < PostData # Fields that will be sent even if they are blank self.required_fields = [ :publisher_name, :publisher_password, :card_amount, :card_name, :card_number, :card_exp, :orderID ] end URL = '' CARD_CODE_MESSAGES = { "M" => "Card verification number matched", "N" => "Card verification number didn't match", "P" => "Card verification number was not processed", "S" => "Card verification number should be on card but was not indicated", "U" => "Issuer was not certified for card verification" } CARD_CODE_ERRORS = %w( N S ) AVS_MESSAGES = { "A" => "Street address matches billing information, zip/postal code does not", "B" => "Address information not provided for address verification check", "E" => "Address verification service error", "G" => "Non-U.S. card-issuing bank", "N" => "Neither street address nor zip/postal match billing information", "P" => "Address verification not applicable for this transaction", "R" => "Payment gateway was unavailable or timed out", "S" => "Address verification service not supported by issuer", "U" => "Address information is unavailable", "W" => "9-digit zip/postal code matches billing information, street address does not", "X" => "Street address and 9-digit zip/postal code matches billing information", "Y" => "Street address and 5-digit zip/postal code matches billing information", "Z" => "5-digit zip/postal code matches billing information, street address does not", } AVS_ERRORS = %w( A E N R W Z ) PAYMENT_GATEWAY_RESPONSES = { "P01" => "AVS Mismatch Failure", "P02" => "CVV2 Mismatch Failure", "P21" => "Transaction may not be marked", "P30" => "Test Tran. Bad Card", "P35" => "Test Tran. Problem", "P40" => "Username already exists", "P41" => "Username is blank", "P50" => "Fraud Screen Failure", "P51" => "Missing PIN Code", "P52" => "Invalid Bank Acct. No.", "P53" => "Invalid Bank Routing No.", "P54" => "Invalid/Missing Check No.", "P55" => "Invalid Credit Card No.", "P56" => "Invalid CVV2/CVC2 No.", "P57" => "Expired. CC Exp. Date", "P58" => "Missing Data", "P59" => "Missing Email Address", "P60" => "Zip Code does not match Billing State.", "P61" => "Invalid Billing Zip Code", "P62" => "Zip Code does not match Shipping State.", "P63" => "Invalid Shipping Zip Code", "P64" => "Invalid Credit Card CVV2/CVC2 Format.", "P65" => "Maximum number of attempts has been exceeded.", "P66" => "Credit Card number has been flagged and can not be used to access this service.", "P67" => "IP Address is on Blocked List.", "P68" => "Billing country does not match ipaddress country.", "P69" => "US based ipaddresses are currently blocked.", "P70" => "Credit Cards issued from this bank are currently not being accepted.", "P71" => "Credit Cards issued from this bank are currently not being accepted.", "P72" => "Daily volume exceeded.", "P73" => "Too many transactions within allotted time.", "P91" => "Missing/incorrect password", "P92" => "Account not configured for mobil administration", "P93" => "IP Not registered to username.", "P94" => "Mode not permitted for this account.", "P95" => "Currently Blank", "P96" => "Currently Blank", "P97" => "Processor not responding", "P98" => "Missing merchant/publisher name", "P99" => "Currently Blank" } TRANSACTIONS = { :authorization => 'auth', :purchase => 'auth', :capture => 'mark', :void => 'void', :refund => 'return', :credit => 'newreturn' } SUCCESS_CODES = [ 'pending', 'success' ] FAILURE_CODES = [ 'badcard', 'fraud' ] self.default_currency = 'USD' self.supported_countries = ['US'] self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = "Plug'n Pay" def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) @options = options super end def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {}) post = add_amount(post, money, options) add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_addresses(post, options) add_invoice_data(post, options) add_customer_data(post, options) post[:authtype] = 'authpostauth' commit(:authorization, post) end def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) post = add_amount(post, money, options) add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_addresses(post, options) add_invoice_data(post, options) add_customer_data(post, options) post[:authtype] = 'authonly' commit(:authorization, post) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) post = post[:orderID] = authorization add_amount(post, money, options) add_customer_data(post, options) commit(:capture, post) end def void(authorization, options = {}) post = post[:orderID] = authorization post[:txn_type] = 'auth' commit(:void, post) end def credit(money, identification_or_creditcard, options = {}) post = add_amount(post, money, options) if identification_or_creditcard.is_a?(String) post[:orderID] = identification_or_creditcard commit(:refund, post) else add_creditcard(post, identification_or_creditcard) add_addresses(post, options) add_customer_data(post, options) commit(:credit, post) end end private def commit(action, post) response = parse( ssl_post(URL, post_data(action, post)) ) success = SUCCESS_CODES.include?(response[:finalstatus]) message = success ? 'Success' : message_from(response), message, response, :test => test?, :authorization => response[:orderid], :avs_result => { :code => response[:avs_code] }, :cvv_result => response[:cvvresp] ) end def parse(body) body = CGI.unescape(body) results = {} body.split('&').collect { |e| e.split('=') }.each do |key,value| results[key.downcase.to_sym] = normalize(value.to_s.strip) end results.delete(:publisher_password) results[:avs_message] = AVS_MESSAGES[results[:avs_code]] if results[:avs_code] results[:card_code_message] = CARD_CODE_MESSAGES[results[:cvvresp]] if results[:cvvresp] results end def post_data(action, post) post[:mode] = TRANSACTIONS[action] post[:convert] = 'underscores' post[:app_level] = 0 post[:publisher_name] = @options[:login] post[:publisher_password] = @options[:password] post.to_s end def add_creditcard(post, creditcard) post[:card_number] = creditcard.number post[:card_cvv] = creditcard.verification_value post[:card_exp] = expdate(creditcard) post[:card_name] = end def add_customer_data(post, options) post[:email] = options[:email] post[:dontsndmail] = 'yes' unless options[:send_email_confirmation] post[:ipaddress] = options[:ip] end def add_invoice_data(post, options) post[:shipping] = amount(options[:shipping]) unless options[:shipping].blank? post[:tax] = amount(options[:tax]) unless options[:tax].blank? end def add_addresses(post, options) if address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] post[:card_address1] = address[:address1] post[:card_zip] = address[:zip] post[:card_city] = address[:city] post[:card_country] = address[:country] post[:phone] = address[:phone] case address[:country] when 'US', 'CA' post[:card_state] = address[:state] else post[:card_state] = 'ZZ' post[:card_prov] = address[:state] end end if shipping_address = options[:shipping_address] || address post[:shipname] = shipping_address[:name] post[:address1] = shipping_address[:address1] post[:address2] = shipping_address[:address2] post[:city] = shipping_address[:city] case shipping_address[:country] when 'US', 'CA' post[:state] = shipping_address[:state] else post[:state] = 'ZZ' post[:province] = shipping_address[:state] end post[:country] = shipping_address[:country] post[:zip] = shipping_address[:zip] end end def add_amount(post, money, options) post[:card_amount] = amount(money) post[:currency] = options[:currency] || currency(money) end # Make a ruby type out of the response string def normalize(field) case field when "true" then true when "false" then false when "" then nil when "null" then nil else field end end def message_from(results) PAYMENT_GATEWAY_RESPONSES[results[:resp_code]] end def expdate(creditcard) year = sprintf("%.4i", creditcard.year) month = sprintf("%.2i", creditcard.month) "#{month}/#{year[-2..-1]}" end end end end