require "spec_helper" describe SimpleStateMachine::MongoMapper do before do @doc = Doc("Order") do plugin SimpleStateMachine::MongoMapper end end describe ".state_machine" do it "should be defined" do @doc.should respond_to(:state_machine) end it "should take 2 arguments" do lambda do @doc.state_machine end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda do @doc.state_machine :state, [:initial] end.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda do @doc.state_machine 1, 1, 1 end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "when defining a state machine with :state, [:initial, :final]" do before do @doc.class_eval do state_machine :state, [:initial, :final] end end subject { } it "should allow accessing states via states[:state]" do subject.states[:state].should == [:initial, :final] end it "should add a :state key of type String on model" do subject.key_names.should include("state") subject.keys["state"].type.should == String end it "should set state on object initialization with first state" do subject.state.should == :initial end it do subject.should be_state_initial end it do subject.should_not be_state_final end it "should allow reverting to previous state" do subject.state = :final subject.should be_state_final subject.state_revert subject.should be_state_initial end it "should allow setting state via a String" do subject.state = "final" subject.should be_state_final end it "should allow setting state via a Symbol" do subject.state = :final subject.should be_state_final end it "should return a symbol for state" do subject.state = "final" subject.state.should == :final subject.state = :final subject.state.should == :final end it "should validate state is included in allowed state" do subject.state = :unknown_state subject.valid? subject.errors[:state].should == ["is not included in the list"] subject.state = :final subject.valid? subject.errors[:state].should == [] end describe "when defining a second state machine with :delivery_state, [:initial, :final]" do before do @doc.class_eval do state_machine :delivery_state, [:initial, :final] end end subject { } it "should allow accessing states via states[:delivery_state]" do subject.states[:delivery_state].should == [:initial, :final] end it "should add a :delivery_state key of type String on model" do subject.key_names.should include("delivery_state") subject.keys["delivery_state"].type.should == String end it "should set delivery_state on object initialization with first delivery_state" do subject.delivery_state.should == :initial end it do subject.should be_delivery_state_initial end it do subject.should_not be_delivery_state_final end it "should allow reverting to previous state" do subject.delivery_state = :final subject.should be_delivery_state_final subject.delivery_state_revert subject.should be_delivery_state_initial end it "should not revert other state machine on reverting to previous state" do subject.state = :final subject.delivery_state = :final subject.should be_state_final subject.should be_delivery_state_final subject.delivery_state_revert subject.should be_state_final subject.should be_delivery_state_initial end end end end