{ "version": "2.0", "operations": { "AddTagsToOnPremisesInstances": "
Adds tags to on-premises instances.
", "BatchGetApplications": "Gets information about one or more applications.
", "BatchGetDeployments": "Gets information about one or more deployments.
", "BatchGetOnPremisesInstances": "Gets information about one or more on-premises instances.
", "CreateApplication": "Creates a new application.
", "CreateDeployment": "Deploys an application revision through the specified deployment group.
", "CreateDeploymentConfig": "Creates a new deployment configuration.
", "CreateDeploymentGroup": "Creates a new deployment group for application revisions to be deployed to.
", "DeleteApplication": "Deletes an application.
", "DeleteDeploymentConfig": "Deletes a deployment configuration.
Deletes a deployment group.
", "DeregisterOnPremisesInstance": "Deregisters an on-premises instance.
", "GetApplication": "Gets information about an application.
", "GetApplicationRevision": "Gets information about an application revision.
", "GetDeployment": "Gets information about a deployment.
", "GetDeploymentConfig": "Gets information about a deployment configuration.
", "GetDeploymentGroup": "Gets information about a deployment group.
", "GetDeploymentInstance": "Gets information about an instance as part of a deployment.
", "GetOnPremisesInstance": "Gets information about an on-premises instance.
", "ListApplicationRevisions": "Lists information about revisions for an application.
", "ListApplications": "Lists the applications registered with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "ListDeploymentConfigs": "Lists the deployment configurations with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "ListDeploymentGroups": "Lists the deployment groups for an application registered with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "ListDeploymentInstances": "Lists the instances for a deployment associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "ListDeployments": "Lists the deployments within a deployment group for an application registered with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "ListOnPremisesInstances": "Gets a list of one or more on-premises instance names.
Unless otherwise specified, both registered and deregistered on-premises instance names will be listed. To list only registered or deregistered on-premises instance names, use the registration status parameter.
", "RegisterApplicationRevision": "Registers with AWS CodeDeploy a revision for the specified application.
", "RegisterOnPremisesInstance": "Registers an on-premises instance.
", "RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstances": "Removes one or more tags from one or more on-premises instances.
", "StopDeployment": "Attempts to stop an ongoing deployment.
", "UpdateApplication": "Changes an existing application's name.
", "UpdateDeploymentGroup": "Changes information about an existing deployment group.
" }, "service": "This is the AWS CodeDeploy API Reference. This guide provides descriptions of the AWS CodeDeploy APIs. For additional information, see the AWS CodeDeploy User Guide.
Using the APIsYou can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to work with the following items:
Applications are unique identifiers that AWS CodeDeploy uses to ensure that the correct combinations of revisions, deployment configurations, and deployment groups are being referenced during deployments.
You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to create, delete, get, list, and update applications.
Deployment configurations are sets of deployment rules and deployment success and failure conditions that AWS CodeDeploy uses during deployments.
You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to create, delete, get, and list deployment configurations.
Deployment groups are groups of instances to which application revisions can be deployed.
You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to create, delete, get, list, and update deployment groups.
Instances represent Amazon EC2 instances to which application revisions are deployed. Instances are identified by their Amazon EC2 tags or Auto Scaling group names. Instances belong to deployment groups.
You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to get and list instances.
Deployments represent the process of deploying revisions to instances.
You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to create, get, list, and stop deployments.
Application revisions are archive files that are stored in Amazon S3 buckets or GitHub repositories. These revisions contain source content (such as source code, web pages, executable files, any deployment scripts, and similar) along with an Application Specification file (AppSpec file). (The AppSpec file is unique to AWS CodeDeploy; it defines a series of deployment actions that you want AWS CodeDeploy to execute.) An application revision is uniquely identified by its Amazon S3 object key and its ETag, version, or both (for application revisions that are stored in Amazon S3 buckets) or by its repository name and commit ID (for applications revisions that are stored in GitHub repositories). Application revisions are deployed through deployment groups.
You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to get, list, and register application revisions.
Represents the input of an adds tags to on-premises instance operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ApplicationAlreadyExistsException": { "base": "An application with the specified name already exists with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "refs": { } }, "ApplicationDoesNotExistException": { "base": "The application does not exist with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "refs": { } }, "ApplicationId": { "base": null, "refs": { "ApplicationInfo$applicationId": "The application ID.
", "CreateApplicationOutput$applicationId": "A unique application ID.
" } }, "ApplicationInfo": { "base": "Information about an application.
", "refs": { "ApplicationsInfoList$member": null, "GetApplicationOutput$application": "Information about the application.
" } }, "ApplicationLimitExceededException": { "base": "More applications were attempted to be created than were allowed.
", "refs": { } }, "ApplicationName": { "base": null, "refs": { "ApplicationInfo$applicationName": "The application name.
", "ApplicationsList$member": null, "CreateApplicationInput$applicationName": "The name of the application. This name must be unique with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "CreateDeploymentGroupInput$applicationName": "The name of an existing AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "CreateDeploymentInput$applicationName": "The name of an existing AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "DeleteApplicationInput$applicationName": "The name of an existing AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "DeleteDeploymentGroupInput$applicationName": "The name of an existing AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "DeploymentGroupInfo$applicationName": "The application name.
", "DeploymentInfo$applicationName": "The application name.
", "GetApplicationInput$applicationName": "The name of an existing AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "GetApplicationRevisionInput$applicationName": "The name of the application that corresponds to the revision.
", "GetApplicationRevisionOutput$applicationName": "The name of the application that corresponds to the revision.
", "GetDeploymentGroupInput$applicationName": "The name of an existing AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "ListApplicationRevisionsInput$applicationName": "The name of an existing AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "ListDeploymentGroupsInput$applicationName": "The name of an existing AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "ListDeploymentGroupsOutput$applicationName": "The application name.
", "ListDeploymentsInput$applicationName": "The name of an existing AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "RegisterApplicationRevisionInput$applicationName": "The name of an existing AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "UpdateApplicationInput$applicationName": "The current name of the application that you want to change.
", "UpdateApplicationInput$newApplicationName": "The new name that you want to change the application to.
", "UpdateDeploymentGroupInput$applicationName": "The application name corresponding to the deployment group to update.
" } }, "ApplicationNameRequiredException": { "base": "The minimum number of required application names was not specified.
", "refs": { } }, "ApplicationRevisionSortBy": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListApplicationRevisionsInput$sortBy": "The column name to sort the list results by:
If not specified or set to null, the results will be returned in an arbitrary order.
" } }, "ApplicationsInfoList": { "base": null, "refs": { "BatchGetApplicationsOutput$applicationsInfo": "Information about the applications.
" } }, "ApplicationsList": { "base": null, "refs": { "BatchGetApplicationsInput$applicationNames": "A list of application names, with multiple application names separated by spaces.
", "ListApplicationsOutput$applications": "A list of application names.
" } }, "AutoScalingGroup": { "base": "Information about an Auto Scaling group.
", "refs": { "AutoScalingGroupList$member": null } }, "AutoScalingGroupHook": { "base": null, "refs": { "AutoScalingGroup$hook": "An Auto Scaling lifecycle event hook name.
" } }, "AutoScalingGroupList": { "base": null, "refs": { "DeleteDeploymentGroupOutput$hooksNotCleanedUp": "If the output contains no data, and the corresponding deployment group contained at least one Auto Scaling group, AWS CodeDeploy successfully removed all corresponding Auto Scaling lifecycle event hooks from the Amazon EC2 instances in the Auto Scaling. If the output does contain data, AWS CodeDeploy could not remove some Auto Scaling lifecycle event hooks from the Amazon EC2 instances in the Auto Scaling group.
", "DeploymentGroupInfo$autoScalingGroups": "A list of associated Auto Scaling groups.
", "UpdateDeploymentGroupOutput$hooksNotCleanedUp": "If the output contains no data, and the corresponding deployment group contained at least one Auto Scaling group, AWS CodeDeploy successfully removed all corresponding Auto Scaling lifecycle event hooks from the AWS account. If the output does contain data, AWS CodeDeploy could not remove some Auto Scaling lifecycle event hooks from the AWS account.
" } }, "AutoScalingGroupName": { "base": null, "refs": { "AutoScalingGroup$name": "The Auto Scaling group name.
", "AutoScalingGroupNameList$member": null } }, "AutoScalingGroupNameList": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateDeploymentGroupInput$autoScalingGroups": "A list of associated Auto Scaling groups.
", "UpdateDeploymentGroupInput$autoScalingGroups": "The replacement list of Auto Scaling groups to be included in the deployment group, if you want to change them.
" } }, "BatchGetApplicationsInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a batch get applications operation.
", "refs": { } }, "BatchGetApplicationsOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a batch get applications operation.
", "refs": { } }, "BatchGetDeploymentsInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a batch get deployments operation.
", "refs": { } }, "BatchGetDeploymentsOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a batch get deployments operation.
", "refs": { } }, "BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a batch get on-premises instances operation.
", "refs": { } }, "BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a batch get on-premises instances operation.
", "refs": { } }, "Boolean": { "base": null, "refs": { "ApplicationInfo$linkedToGitHub": "True if the user has authenticated with GitHub for the specified application; otherwise, false.
", "CreateDeploymentInput$ignoreApplicationStopFailures": "If set to true, then if the deployment causes the ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event to fail to a specific instance, the deployment will not be considered to have failed to that instance at that point and will continue on to the BeforeInstall deployment lifecycle event.
If set to false or not specified, then if the deployment causes the ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event to fail to a specific instance, the deployment will stop to that instance, and the deployment to that instance will be considered to have failed.
", "DeploymentInfo$ignoreApplicationStopFailures": "If true, then if the deployment causes the ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event to fail to a specific instance, the deployment will not be considered to have failed to that instance at that point and will continue on to the BeforeInstall deployment lifecycle event.
If false or not specified, then if the deployment causes the ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event to fail to a specific instance, the deployment will stop to that instance, and the deployment to that instance will be considered to have failed.
" } }, "BucketNameFilterRequiredException": { "base": "A bucket name is required but was not provided.
", "refs": { } }, "BundleType": { "base": null, "refs": { "S3Location$bundleType": "The file type of the application revision. Must be one of the following:
The SHA1 commit ID of the GitHub commit that references the that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.
" } }, "CreateApplicationInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a create application operation.
", "refs": { } }, "CreateApplicationOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a create application operation.
", "refs": { } }, "CreateDeploymentConfigInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a create deployment configuration operation.
", "refs": { } }, "CreateDeploymentConfigOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a create deployment configuration operation.
", "refs": { } }, "CreateDeploymentGroupInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a create deployment group operation.
", "refs": { } }, "CreateDeploymentGroupOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a create deployment group operation.
", "refs": { } }, "CreateDeploymentInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a create deployment operation.
", "refs": { } }, "CreateDeploymentOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a create deployment operation.
", "refs": { } }, "DeleteApplicationInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a delete application operation.
", "refs": { } }, "DeleteDeploymentConfigInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a delete deployment configuration operation.
", "refs": { } }, "DeleteDeploymentGroupInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a delete deployment group operation.
", "refs": { } }, "DeleteDeploymentGroupOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a delete deployment group operation.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentAlreadyCompletedException": { "base": "The deployment is already completed.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentConfigAlreadyExistsException": { "base": "A deployment configuration with the specified name already exists with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentConfigDoesNotExistException": { "base": "The deployment configuration does not exist with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentConfigId": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateDeploymentConfigOutput$deploymentConfigId": "A unique deployment configuration ID.
", "DeploymentConfigInfo$deploymentConfigId": "The deployment configuration ID.
" } }, "DeploymentConfigInUseException": { "base": "The deployment configuration is still in use.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentConfigInfo": { "base": "Information about a deployment configuration.
", "refs": { "GetDeploymentConfigOutput$deploymentConfigInfo": "Information about the deployment configuration.
" } }, "DeploymentConfigLimitExceededException": { "base": "The deployment configurations limit was exceeded.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentConfigName": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateDeploymentConfigInput$deploymentConfigName": "The name of the deployment configuration to create.
", "CreateDeploymentGroupInput$deploymentConfigName": "If specified, the deployment configuration name must be one of the predefined values, or it can be a custom deployment configuration:
To create a custom deployment configuration, call the create deployment configuration operation.
", "CreateDeploymentInput$deploymentConfigName": "The name of an existing deployment configuration associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
If not specified, the value configured in the deployment group will be used as the default. If the deployment group does not have a deployment configuration associated with it, then CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime will be used by default.
", "DeleteDeploymentConfigInput$deploymentConfigName": "The name of an existing deployment configuration associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "DeploymentConfigInfo$deploymentConfigName": "The deployment configuration name.
", "DeploymentConfigsList$member": null, "DeploymentGroupInfo$deploymentConfigName": "The deployment configuration name.
", "DeploymentInfo$deploymentConfigName": "The deployment configuration name.
", "GetDeploymentConfigInput$deploymentConfigName": "The name of an existing deployment configuration associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "UpdateDeploymentGroupInput$deploymentConfigName": "The replacement deployment configuration name to use, if you want to change it.
" } }, "DeploymentConfigNameRequiredException": { "base": "The deployment configuration name was not specified.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentConfigsList": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListDeploymentConfigsOutput$deploymentConfigsList": "A list of deployment configurations, including the built-in configurations such as CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime.
" } }, "DeploymentCreator": { "base": null, "refs": { "DeploymentInfo$creator": "How the deployment was created:
The deployment does not exist with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentGroupAlreadyExistsException": { "base": "A deployment group with the specified name already exists with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentGroupDoesNotExistException": { "base": "The named deployment group does not exist with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentGroupId": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateDeploymentGroupOutput$deploymentGroupId": "A unique deployment group ID.
", "DeploymentGroupInfo$deploymentGroupId": "The deployment group ID.
" } }, "DeploymentGroupInfo": { "base": "Information about a deployment group.
", "refs": { "GetDeploymentGroupOutput$deploymentGroupInfo": "Information about the deployment group.
" } }, "DeploymentGroupLimitExceededException": { "base": "The deployment groups limit was exceeded.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentGroupName": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateDeploymentGroupInput$deploymentGroupName": "The name of an existing deployment group for the specified application.
", "CreateDeploymentInput$deploymentGroupName": "The deployment group's name.
", "DeleteDeploymentGroupInput$deploymentGroupName": "The name of an existing deployment group for the specified application.
", "DeploymentGroupInfo$deploymentGroupName": "The deployment group name.
", "DeploymentGroupsList$member": null, "DeploymentInfo$deploymentGroupName": "The deployment group name.
", "GetDeploymentGroupInput$deploymentGroupName": "The name of an existing deployment group for the specified application.
", "ListDeploymentsInput$deploymentGroupName": "The name of an existing deployment group for the specified application.
", "UpdateDeploymentGroupInput$currentDeploymentGroupName": "The current name of the existing deployment group.
", "UpdateDeploymentGroupInput$newDeploymentGroupName": "The new name of the deployment group, if you want to change it.
" } }, "DeploymentGroupNameRequiredException": { "base": "The deployment group name was not specified.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentGroupsList": { "base": null, "refs": { "GenericRevisionInfo$deploymentGroups": "A list of deployment groups that use this revision.
", "ListDeploymentGroupsOutput$deploymentGroups": "A list of corresponding deployment group names.
" } }, "DeploymentId": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateDeploymentOutput$deploymentId": "A unique deployment ID.
", "DeploymentInfo$deploymentId": "The deployment ID.
", "DeploymentsList$member": null, "GetDeploymentInput$deploymentId": "An existing deployment ID associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "GetDeploymentInstanceInput$deploymentId": "The unique ID of a deployment.
", "InstanceSummary$deploymentId": "The deployment ID.
", "ListDeploymentInstancesInput$deploymentId": "The unique ID of a deployment.
", "StopDeploymentInput$deploymentId": "The unique ID of a deployment.
" } }, "DeploymentIdRequiredException": { "base": "At least one deployment ID must be specified.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentInfo": { "base": "Information about a deployment.
", "refs": { "DeploymentsInfoList$member": null, "GetDeploymentOutput$deploymentInfo": "Information about the deployment.
" } }, "DeploymentLimitExceededException": { "base": "The number of allowed deployments was exceeded.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentNotStartedException": { "base": "The specified deployment has not started.
", "refs": { } }, "DeploymentOverview": { "base": "Information about the deployment status of the instances in the deployment.
", "refs": { "DeploymentInfo$deploymentOverview": "A summary of the deployment status of the instances in the deployment.
" } }, "DeploymentStatus": { "base": null, "refs": { "DeploymentInfo$status": "The current state of the deployment as a whole.
", "DeploymentStatusList$member": null } }, "DeploymentStatusList": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListDeploymentsInput$includeOnlyStatuses": "A subset of deployments to list, by status:
Information about the deployments.
" } }, "DeploymentsList": { "base": null, "refs": { "BatchGetDeploymentsInput$deploymentIds": "A list of deployment IDs, with multiple deployment IDs separated by spaces.
", "ListDeploymentsOutput$deployments": "A list of deployment IDs.
" } }, "DeregisterOnPremisesInstanceInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a deregister on-premises instance operation.
", "refs": { } }, "Description": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateDeploymentInput$description": "A comment about the deployment.
", "DeploymentInfo$description": "A comment about the deployment.
", "GenericRevisionInfo$description": "A comment about the revision.
", "RegisterApplicationRevisionInput$description": "A comment about the revision.
" } }, "DescriptionTooLongException": { "base": "The description that was provided is too long.
", "refs": { } }, "Diagnostics": { "base": "Diagnostic information about executable scripts that are part of a deployment.
", "refs": { "LifecycleEvent$diagnostics": "Diagnostic information about the deployment lifecycle event.
" } }, "EC2TagFilter": { "base": "Information about a tag filter.
", "refs": { "EC2TagFilterList$member": null } }, "EC2TagFilterList": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateDeploymentGroupInput$ec2TagFilters": "The Amazon EC2 tags to filter on.
", "DeploymentGroupInfo$ec2TagFilters": "The Amazon EC2 tags to filter on.
", "UpdateDeploymentGroupInput$ec2TagFilters": "The replacement set of Amazon EC2 tags to filter on, if you want to change them.
" } }, "EC2TagFilterType": { "base": null, "refs": { "EC2TagFilter$Type": "The tag filter type:
The ETag of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.
If the ETag is not specified as an input parameter, ETag validation of the object will be skipped.
" } }, "ErrorCode": { "base": null, "refs": { "ErrorInformation$code": "The error code:
Information about a deployment error.
", "refs": { "DeploymentInfo$errorInformation": "Information about any error associated with this deployment.
" } }, "ErrorMessage": { "base": null, "refs": { "ErrorInformation$message": "An accompanying error message.
" } }, "GenericRevisionInfo": { "base": "Information about an application revision.
", "refs": { "GetApplicationRevisionOutput$revisionInfo": "General information about the revision.
" } }, "GetApplicationInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a get application operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetApplicationOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a get application operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetApplicationRevisionInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a get application revision operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetApplicationRevisionOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a get application revision operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetDeploymentConfigInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a get deployment configuration operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetDeploymentConfigOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a get deployment configuration operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetDeploymentGroupInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a get deployment group operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetDeploymentGroupOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a get deployment group operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetDeploymentInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a get deployment operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetDeploymentInstanceInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a get deployment instance operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetDeploymentInstanceOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a get deployment instance operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetDeploymentOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a get deployment operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetOnPremisesInstanceInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a get on-premises instance operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GetOnPremisesInstanceOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a get on-premises instance operation.
", "refs": { } }, "GitHubLocation": { "base": "Information about the location of application artifacts that are stored in GitHub.
", "refs": { "RevisionLocation$gitHubLocation": null } }, "IamUserArn": { "base": null, "refs": { "InstanceInfo$iamUserArn": "The IAM user ARN associated with the on-premises instance.
", "RegisterOnPremisesInstanceInput$iamUserArn": "The ARN of the IAM user to associate with the on-premises instance.
" } }, "IamUserArnAlreadyRegisteredException": { "base": "The specified IAM user ARN is already registered with an on-premises instance.
", "refs": { } }, "IamUserArnRequiredException": { "base": "An IAM user ARN was not specified.
", "refs": { } }, "InstanceArn": { "base": null, "refs": { "InstanceInfo$instanceArn": "The ARN of the on-premises instance.
" } }, "InstanceCount": { "base": null, "refs": { "DeploymentOverview$Pending": "The number of instances that are pending in the deployment.
", "DeploymentOverview$InProgress": "The number of instances that are in progress in the deployment.
", "DeploymentOverview$Succeeded": "The number of instances that have succeeded in the deployment.
", "DeploymentOverview$Failed": "The number of instances that have failed in the deployment.
", "DeploymentOverview$Skipped": "The number of instances that have been skipped in the deployment.
" } }, "InstanceDoesNotExistException": { "base": "The specified instance does not exist in the deployment group.
", "refs": { } }, "InstanceId": { "base": null, "refs": { "GetDeploymentInstanceInput$instanceId": "The unique ID of an instance in the deployment's deployment group.
", "InstanceSummary$instanceId": "The instance ID.
", "InstancesList$member": null } }, "InstanceIdRequiredException": { "base": "The instance ID was not specified.
", "refs": { } }, "InstanceInfo": { "base": "Information about an on-premises instance.
", "refs": { "GetOnPremisesInstanceOutput$instanceInfo": "Information about the on-premises instance.
", "InstanceInfoList$member": null } }, "InstanceInfoList": { "base": null, "refs": { "BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesOutput$instanceInfos": "Information about the on-premises instances.
" } }, "InstanceLimitExceededException": { "base": "The maximum number of allowed on-premises instances in a single call was exceeded.
", "refs": { } }, "InstanceName": { "base": null, "refs": { "DeregisterOnPremisesInstanceInput$instanceName": "The name of the on-premises instance to deregister.
", "GetOnPremisesInstanceInput$instanceName": "The name of the on-premises instance to get information about
", "InstanceInfo$instanceName": "The name of the on-premises instance.
", "InstanceNameList$member": null, "RegisterOnPremisesInstanceInput$instanceName": "The name of the on-premises instance to register.
" } }, "InstanceNameAlreadyRegisteredException": { "base": "The specified on-premises instance name is already registered.
", "refs": { } }, "InstanceNameList": { "base": null, "refs": { "AddTagsToOnPremisesInstancesInput$instanceNames": "The names of the on-premises instances to add tags to.
", "BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesInput$instanceNames": "The names of the on-premises instances to get information about.
", "ListOnPremisesInstancesOutput$instanceNames": "The list of matching on-premises instance names.
", "RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstancesInput$instanceNames": "The names of the on-premises instances to remove tags from.
" } }, "InstanceNameRequiredException": { "base": "An on-premises instance name was not specified.
", "refs": { } }, "InstanceNotRegisteredException": { "base": "The specified on-premises instance is not registered.
", "refs": { } }, "InstanceStatus": { "base": null, "refs": { "InstanceStatusList$member": null, "InstanceSummary$status": "The deployment status for this instance:
A subset of instances to list, by status:
Information about an instance in a deployment.
", "refs": { "GetDeploymentInstanceOutput$instanceSummary": "Information about the instance.
" } }, "InstancesList": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListDeploymentInstancesOutput$instancesList": "A list of instances IDs.
" } }, "InvalidApplicationNameException": { "base": "The application name was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidAutoScalingGroupException": { "base": "The Auto Scaling group was specified in an invalid format or does not exist.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidBucketNameFilterException": { "base": "The bucket name either doesn't exist or was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidDeployedStateFilterException": { "base": "The deployed state filter was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidDeploymentConfigNameException": { "base": "The deployment configuration name was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidDeploymentGroupNameException": { "base": "The deployment group name was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidDeploymentIdException": { "base": "At least one of the deployment IDs was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidDeploymentStatusException": { "base": "The specified deployment status doesn't exist or cannot be determined.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidEC2TagException": { "base": "The tag was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidIamUserArnException": { "base": "The IAM user ARN was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidInstanceNameException": { "base": "The specified on-premises instance name was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidInstanceStatusException": { "base": "The specified instance status does not exist.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidKeyPrefixFilterException": { "base": "The specified key prefix filter was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidMinimumHealthyHostValueException": { "base": "The minimum healthy instances value was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidNextTokenException": { "base": "The next token was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidOperationException": { "base": "An invalid operation was detected.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidRegistrationStatusException": { "base": "The registration status was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidRevisionException": { "base": "The revision was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidRoleException": { "base": "The service role ARN was specified in an invalid format. Or, if an Auto Scaling group was specified, the specified service role does not grant the appropriate permissions to Auto Scaling.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidSortByException": { "base": "The column name to sort by is either not present or was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidSortOrderException": { "base": "The sort order was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidTagException": { "base": "The specified tag was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidTagFilterException": { "base": "The specified tag filter was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "InvalidTimeRangeException": { "base": "The specified time range was specified in an invalid format.
", "refs": { } }, "Key": { "base": null, "refs": { "EC2TagFilter$Key": "The tag filter key.
", "Tag$Key": "The tag's key.
", "TagFilter$Key": "The on-premises instance tag filter key.
" } }, "LifecycleErrorCode": { "base": null, "refs": { "Diagnostics$errorCode": "The associated error code:
Information about a deployment lifecycle event.
", "refs": { "LifecycleEventList$member": null } }, "LifecycleEventList": { "base": null, "refs": { "InstanceSummary$lifecycleEvents": "A list of lifecycle events for this instance.
" } }, "LifecycleEventName": { "base": null, "refs": { "LifecycleEvent$lifecycleEventName": "The deployment lifecycle event name, such as ApplicationStop, BeforeInstall, AfterInstall, ApplicationStart, or ValidateService.
" } }, "LifecycleEventStatus": { "base": null, "refs": { "LifecycleEvent$status": "The deployment lifecycle event status:
The message associated with the error.
" } }, "ListApplicationRevisionsInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a list application revisions operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListApplicationRevisionsOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a list application revisions operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListApplicationsInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a list applications operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListApplicationsOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a list applications operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListDeploymentConfigsInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a list deployment configurations operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListDeploymentConfigsOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a list deployment configurations operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListDeploymentGroupsInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a list deployment groups operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListDeploymentGroupsOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a list deployment groups operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListDeploymentInstancesInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a list deployment instances operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListDeploymentInstancesOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a list deployment instances operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListDeploymentsInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a list deployments operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListDeploymentsOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a list deployments operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListOnPremisesInstancesInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a list on-premises instances operation.
.", "refs": { } }, "ListOnPremisesInstancesOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of list on-premises instances operation.
", "refs": { } }, "ListStateFilterAction": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListApplicationRevisionsInput$deployed": "Whether to list revisions based on whether the revision is the target revision of an deployment group:
The last portion of the associated diagnostic log.
" } }, "Message": { "base": null, "refs": { "StopDeploymentOutput$statusMessage": "An accompanying status message.
" } }, "MinimumHealthyHosts": { "base": "Information about minimum healthy instances.
", "refs": { "CreateDeploymentConfigInput$minimumHealthyHosts": "The minimum number of healthy instances that should be available at any time during the deployment. There are two parameters expected in the input: type and value.
The type parameter takes either of the following values:
The value parameter takes an integer.
For example, to set a minimum of 95% healthy instances, specify a type of FLEET_PERCENT and a value of 95.
", "DeploymentConfigInfo$minimumHealthyHosts": "Information about the number or percentage of minimum healthy instances.
" } }, "MinimumHealthyHostsType": { "base": null, "refs": { "MinimumHealthyHosts$type": "The minimum healthy instances type:
For example, for 9 instances, if a HOST_COUNT of 6 is specified, deploy to up to 3 instances at a time. The deployment succeeds if 6 or more instances are successfully deployed to; otherwise, the deployment fails. If a FLEET_PERCENT of 40 is specified, deploy to up to 5 instances at a time. The deployment succeeds if 4 or more instances are successfully deployed to; otherwise, the deployment fails.
The minimum healthy instances value.
" } }, "NextToken": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListApplicationRevisionsInput$nextToken": "An identifier that was returned from the previous list application revisions call, which can be used to return the next set of applications in the list.
", "ListApplicationRevisionsOutput$nextToken": "If the amount of information that is returned is significantly large, an identifier will also be returned, which can be used in a subsequent list application revisions call to return the next set of application revisions in the list.
", "ListApplicationsInput$nextToken": "An identifier that was returned from the previous list applications call, which can be used to return the next set of applications in the list.
", "ListApplicationsOutput$nextToken": "If the amount of information that is returned is significantly large, an identifier will also be returned, which can be used in a subsequent list applications call to return the next set of applications in the list.
", "ListDeploymentConfigsInput$nextToken": "An identifier that was returned from the previous list deployment configurations call, which can be used to return the next set of deployment configurations in the list.
", "ListDeploymentConfigsOutput$nextToken": "If the amount of information that is returned is significantly large, an identifier will also be returned, which can be used in a subsequent list deployment configurations call to return the next set of deployment configurations in the list.
", "ListDeploymentGroupsInput$nextToken": "An identifier that was returned from the previous list deployment groups call, which can be used to return the next set of deployment groups in the list.
", "ListDeploymentGroupsOutput$nextToken": "If the amount of information that is returned is significantly large, an identifier will also be returned, which can be used in a subsequent list deployment groups call to return the next set of deployment groups in the list.
", "ListDeploymentInstancesInput$nextToken": "An identifier that was returned from the previous list deployment instances call, which can be used to return the next set of deployment instances in the list.
", "ListDeploymentInstancesOutput$nextToken": "If the amount of information that is returned is significantly large, an identifier will also be returned, which can be used in a subsequent list deployment instances call to return the next set of deployment instances in the list.
", "ListDeploymentsInput$nextToken": "An identifier that was returned from the previous list deployments call, which can be used to return the next set of deployments in the list.
", "ListDeploymentsOutput$nextToken": "If the amount of information that is returned is significantly large, an identifier will also be returned, which can be used in a subsequent list deployments call to return the next set of deployments in the list.
", "ListOnPremisesInstancesInput$nextToken": "An identifier that was returned from the previous list on-premises instances call, which can be used to return the next set of on-premises instances in the list.
", "ListOnPremisesInstancesOutput$nextToken": "If the amount of information that is returned is significantly large, an identifier will also be returned, which can be used in a subsequent list on-premises instances call to return the next set of on-premises instances in the list.
" } }, "RegisterApplicationRevisionInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a register application revision operation.
", "refs": { } }, "RegisterOnPremisesInstanceInput": { "base": "Represents the input of register on-premises instance operation.
", "refs": { } }, "RegistrationStatus": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListOnPremisesInstancesInput$registrationStatus": "The on-premises instances registration status:
Represents the input of a remove tags from on-premises instances operation.
", "refs": { } }, "Repository": { "base": null, "refs": { "GitHubLocation$repository": "The GitHub account and repository pair that stores a reference to the commit that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.
Specified as account/repository.
" } }, "RevisionDoesNotExistException": { "base": "The named revision does not exist with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.
", "refs": { } }, "RevisionLocation": { "base": "Information about an application revision's location.
", "refs": { "CreateDeploymentInput$revision": "The type of revision to deploy, along with information about the revision's location.
", "DeploymentGroupInfo$targetRevision": "Information about the deployment group's target revision, including the revision's type and its location.
", "DeploymentInfo$revision": "Information about the location of application artifacts that are stored and the service to retrieve them from.
", "GetApplicationRevisionInput$revision": "Information about the application revision to get, including the revision's type and its location.
", "GetApplicationRevisionOutput$revision": "Additional information about the revision, including the revision's type and its location.
", "RegisterApplicationRevisionInput$revision": "Information about the application revision to register, including the revision's type and its location.
", "RevisionLocationList$member": null } }, "RevisionLocationList": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListApplicationRevisionsOutput$revisions": "A list of revision locations that contain the matching revisions.
" } }, "RevisionLocationType": { "base": null, "refs": { "RevisionLocation$revisionType": "The application revision's type:
The revision ID was not specified.
", "refs": { } }, "Role": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateDeploymentGroupInput$serviceRoleArn": "A service role ARN that allows AWS CodeDeploy to act on the user's behalf when interacting with AWS services.
", "DeploymentGroupInfo$serviceRoleArn": "A service role ARN.
", "UpdateDeploymentGroupInput$serviceRoleArn": "A replacement service role's ARN, if you want to change it.
" } }, "RoleRequiredException": { "base": "The role ID was not specified.
", "refs": { } }, "S3Bucket": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListApplicationRevisionsInput$s3Bucket": "A specific Amazon S3 bucket name to limit the search for revisions.
If set to null, then all of the user's buckets will be searched.
", "S3Location$bucket": "The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the application revision is stored.
" } }, "S3Key": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListApplicationRevisionsInput$s3KeyPrefix": "A specific key prefix for the set of Amazon S3 objects to limit the search for revisions.
", "S3Location$key": "The name of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.
" } }, "S3Location": { "base": "Information about the location of application artifacts that are stored in Amazon S3.
", "refs": { "RevisionLocation$s3Location": null } }, "ScriptName": { "base": null, "refs": { "Diagnostics$scriptName": "The name of the script.
" } }, "SortOrder": { "base": null, "refs": { "ListApplicationRevisionsInput$sortOrder": "The order to sort the list results by:
If not specified, the results will be sorted in ascending order.
If set to null, the results will be sorted in an arbitrary order.
" } }, "StopDeploymentInput": { "base": "Represents the input of a stop deployment operation.
", "refs": { } }, "StopDeploymentOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of a stop deployment operation.
", "refs": { } }, "StopStatus": { "base": null, "refs": { "StopDeploymentOutput$status": "The status of the stop deployment operation:
Information about a tag.
", "refs": { "TagList$member": null } }, "TagFilter": { "base": "Information about an on-premises instance tag filter.
", "refs": { "TagFilterList$member": null } }, "TagFilterList": { "base": null, "refs": { "CreateDeploymentGroupInput$onPremisesInstanceTagFilters": "The on-premises instance tags to filter on.
", "DeploymentGroupInfo$onPremisesInstanceTagFilters": "The on-premises instance tags to filter on.
", "ListOnPremisesInstancesInput$tagFilters": "The on-premises instance tags that will be used to restrict the corresponding on-premises instance names that are returned.
", "UpdateDeploymentGroupInput$onPremisesInstanceTagFilters": "The replacement set of on-premises instance tags for filter on, if you want to change them.
" } }, "TagFilterType": { "base": null, "refs": { "TagFilter$Type": "The on-premises instance tag filter type:
The maximum allowed number of tags was exceeded.
", "refs": { } }, "TagList": { "base": null, "refs": { "AddTagsToOnPremisesInstancesInput$tags": "The tag key-value pairs to add to the on-premises instances.
Keys and values are both required. Keys cannot be nulls or empty strings. Value-only tags are not allowed.
", "InstanceInfo$tags": "The tags that are currently associated with the on-premises instance.
", "RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstancesInput$tags": "The tag key-value pairs to remove from the on-premises instances.
" } }, "TagRequiredException": { "base": "A tag was not specified.
", "refs": { } }, "TimeRange": { "base": "Information about a time range.
", "refs": { "ListDeploymentsInput$createTimeRange": "A deployment creation start- and end-time range for returning a subset of the list of deployments.
" } }, "Timestamp": { "base": null, "refs": { "ApplicationInfo$createTime": "The time that the application was created.
", "DeploymentConfigInfo$createTime": "The time that the deployment configuration was created.
", "DeploymentInfo$createTime": "A timestamp indicating when the deployment was created.
", "DeploymentInfo$startTime": "A timestamp indicating when the deployment began deploying to the deployment group.
Note that in some cases, the reported value of the start time may be later than the complete time. This is due to differences in the clock settings of various back-end servers that participate in the overall deployment process.
", "DeploymentInfo$completeTime": "A timestamp indicating when the deployment was completed.
", "GenericRevisionInfo$firstUsedTime": "When the revision was first used by AWS CodeDeploy.
", "GenericRevisionInfo$lastUsedTime": "When the revision was last used by AWS CodeDeploy.
", "GenericRevisionInfo$registerTime": "When the revision was registered with AWS CodeDeploy.
", "InstanceInfo$registerTime": "The time that the on-premises instance was registered.
", "InstanceInfo$deregisterTime": "If the on-premises instance was deregistered, the time that the on-premises instance was deregistered.
", "InstanceSummary$lastUpdatedAt": "A timestamp indicating when the instance information was last updated.
", "LifecycleEvent$startTime": "A timestamp indicating when the deployment lifecycle event started.
", "LifecycleEvent$endTime": "A timestamp indicating when the deployment lifecycle event ended.
", "TimeRange$start": "The time range's start time.
The time range's end time.
Represents the input of an update application operation.
", "refs": { } }, "UpdateDeploymentGroupInput": { "base": "Represents the input of an update deployment group operation.
", "refs": { } }, "UpdateDeploymentGroupOutput": { "base": "Represents the output of an update deployment group operation.
", "refs": { } }, "Value": { "base": null, "refs": { "EC2TagFilter$Value": "The tag filter value.
", "Tag$Value": "The tag's value.
", "TagFilter$Value": "The on-premises instance tag filter value.
" } }, "VersionId": { "base": null, "refs": { "S3Location$version": "A specific version of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.
If the version is not specified, the system will use the most recent version by default.
" } } } }