?Y p q} 4P&-2At*OW^^ *Ut# * K Q (U ~  Y'     ,      6 :J + 4 = $ + L :l .  3Q*@G-a $fn`u  $^/    !=_f!jd9NU\c*j  ""-.0\4 '7 <-"$389(,% !?&.: /2>)'#6*+451 = ;0Action typeAlwaysAssociateAssociate templates to OS, organization and locationAssociate to OS's, Locations & Organizations. Options are: always, new or never.Back to sync formBranchBranch in Git repo.Choose verbosity for Rake task importing templatesCommit messageCustom commit message for templates exportDefault branch in Git repoDefault metadata export mode, refresh re-renders metadata, keep will keep existing metadata, remove exports template without metadataDirnameExportExport templates with names matching this regex (case-insensitive; snippets are not filtered).FilterForce importHow to handle lock for imported templates?ImportImport or Export TemplatesImport/export names matching this regex (case-insensitive; snippets are not filtered)Initiate ExportInitiate ImportKeepKeep, do not lock newKeep, lock newLockLock imported templatesLock templatesMetadata export modeNegateNegate the filter for import/exportNegate the prefix (for purging).NeverNewOverride the default repo from settings.Page Not FoundPermission DeniedPlease check the access permissions/SELinux and make sure it is readable/writable for the web application user account, typically '%s'.Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:PrefixRefreshRemoveRepoShould importing overwrite locked templates?Show template diff in responseSpecify how to handle metadataSync TemplatesTarget path to import/export. Different protocols can be used, for example /tmp/dir, git://example.com, https://example.com, ssh://example.com. When exporting to /tmp, note that production deployments may be configured to use private tmp.Template SyncThe directory within Git repo containing the templatesThe directory within the Git repo containing the templatesThe page you are looking for does not existThe string all imported templates should begin with.The string that will be added as prefix to imported templatesUnlockUpdate templates that are lockedUse default value from settingsUsing file-based synchronization, but couldn't access %s. VerbosityYou are not authorized to perform this action.Project-Id-Version: foreman_templates 10.0.1 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-14 12:27+0000 Last-Translator: Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden , 2024 Language-Team: Chinese (China) (https://app.transifex.com/foreman/teams/114/zh_CN/) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: zh_CN Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; 操作类型总是关联将模板与操作系统,机构和位置相关联与操作系统,位置和机构相关。选项为:总是,新的或永不。返回到同步表单分支Git 仓库中的分支。为 Rake 任务导入模板选择详细程度提交消息模板导出的自定义提交消息Git 仓库中的默认分支默认元数据导出模式,刷新后重新渲染元数据,保留将保留现有元数据,删除不包含元数据的导出模板Dirname导出导出名称与此正则表达式匹配的模板(不区分大小写;不过滤代码段)。过滤器强制导入如何处理导入的模板锁定?导入导入或导出模板导入/导出与该正则表达式匹配的名称(不区分大小写;不过滤代码段)启动导出启动导入保持keep,不锁定新的keep, 锁定新的锁定锁定导入的模板锁定模板元数据导出模式否定导入/导出的负过滤器否定前缀(用于清除)。决不新覆盖设置中的默认仓库。页没有找到没有足够权限请检查访问权限/ SELinux,确保 Web 应用程序用户帐户(通常为 '%s')可读写。请向 Foreman 管理员请求下列所需权限之一:前缀刷新移除仓库是否应该导入覆盖锁定的模板?显示模板差异作为响应指定如何处理元数据同步模板要导入/导出的目标路径。可以使用不同的协议,如 /tmp/dir、git://example.com、https://example.com、ssh://example.com. 当导出至 /tmp 时,请注意,生产部署可能被配置为使用私有 tmp。模板同步Git 仓库中包含模板的目录Git 仓库中包含模板的目录您查找的页面不存在所有导入的模板应以字符串开头。将作为前缀添加到导入模板的字符串开锁更新锁定的模板使用设置中的默认值使用基于文件的同步,但无法访问 %s。 详细度您没有执行这个操作的授权。