#!/usr/bin/env bash # trigger SCK 'master' branch to introduce this new image from this commit # to working version of every other component. ORGANIZATION=splunk PROJECT=splunk-connect-for-kubernetes BRANCH=$1 # Trigger functional test curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"build_parameters": {"CIRCLE_JOB":"build_test", "TRIG_BRANCH":"'"$CIRCLE_BRANCH"'", "TRIG_PROJECT":"'"$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME"'", "TRIG_REPO":"'"$CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL"'"}}' "https://circleci.com/api/v1/project/$ORGANIZATION/$PROJECT/tree/$BRANCH?circle-token=$CIRCLE_TOKEN" > build.json cat build.json BUILD_NUM=$(jq -r .build_num build.json) sleep 10 # Wait until finish or maximum 20 minutes TIMEOUT=20 DONE="FALSE" until [ "$TIMEOUT" -lt 0 ] || [ "$DONE" == "TRUE" ]; do curl https://circleci.com/api/v1/project/$ORGANIZATION/$PROJECT/$BUILD_NUM?circle-token=$CIRCLE_TOKEN > build_progress.json STATUS=$(jq -r .status build_progress.json) echo "STATUS = $STATUS" if [ "$STATUS" != "running" ] && [ "$STATUS" != "queued" ]; then DONE="TRUE" else let TIMEOUT-- sleep 60 fi done BUILD_URL=$(jq -r .build_url build_progress.json) if [ "$DONE" == "FALSE" ]; then # Cancel hanging job and fail curl -X POST https://circleci.com/api/v1/project/$ORGANIZATION/$PROJECT/$BUILD_NUM/cancel?circle-token=$CIRCLE_TOKEN else if [ "$STATUS" != "success" ] && [ "$STATUS" != "fixed" ]; then echo "Functional test have failed please see:" echo $BUILD_URL exit 1 fi exit 0 fi