import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react" import classnames from "classnames" import { globalProps, GlobalProps } from "../utilities/globalProps" import { buildAriaProps, buildCss, buildDataProps } from "../utilities/props" import Checkbox from "../pb_checkbox/_checkbox" import Radio from "../pb_radio/_radio" import Icon from "../pb_icon/_icon" import FormPill from "../pb_form_pill/_form_pill" import CircleIconButton from "../pb_circle_icon_button/_circle_icon_button" import { cloneDeep } from "lodash" import { getAncestorsOfUnchecked, filterFormattedDataById, findByFilter, getCheckedItems, getDefaultCheckedItems, recursiveCheckParent, getExpandedItems, } from "./_helper_functions" type MultiLevelSelectProps = { aria?: { [key: string]: string } className?: string data?: { [key: string]: string } id?: string inputDisplay?: "pills" | "none" inputName?: string name?: string returnAllSelected?: boolean treeData?: { [key: string]: string }[] onSelect?: (prop: { [key: string]: any }) => void selectedIds?: string[] variant?: "multi" | "single" } & GlobalProps const MultiLevelSelect = (props: MultiLevelSelectProps) => { const { aria = {}, className, data = {}, id, inputDisplay = "pills", inputName, name, returnAllSelected = false, treeData, onSelect = () => null, selectedIds, variant = "multi" } = props const ariaProps = buildAriaProps(aria) const dataProps = buildDataProps(data) const classes = classnames( buildCss("pb_multi_level_select"), globalProps(props), className ) const dropdownRef = useRef(null) // State for whether dropdown is open or closed const [isDropdownClosed, setIsDropdownClosed] = useState(true) // State from onChange for textinput, to use for filtering to create typeahead const [filterItem, setFilterItem] = useState("") // FormattedData with checked and parent_id added const [formattedData, setFormattedData] = useState([]) // State for the return of returnAllSelected const [returnedArray, setReturnedArray] = useState([]) // State for default return const [defaultReturn, setDefaultReturn] = useState([]) // Get expanded items from treeData const initialExpandedItems = getExpandedItems(treeData, selectedIds) // Initialize state with expanded items const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(initialExpandedItems) // Single Select specific state const [singleSelectedItem, setSingleSelectedItem] = useState({ id: [], value: "", item: [] }) useEffect(() => { const formattedData = addCheckedAndParentProperty( treeData, variant === "single" ? [selectedIds?.[0]] : selectedIds ) setFormattedData(formattedData) if (variant === "single") { // No selectedIds, reset state if (selectedIds?.length === 0 || !selectedIds?.length) { setSingleSelectedItem({ id: [], value: "", item: []}) } else { // If there is a selectedId but no current item, set the selectedItem if (selectedIds?.length !== 0 && !singleSelectedItem.value) { const selectedItem = filterFormattedDataById(formattedData, selectedIds[0]) if (!selectedItem.length) { setSingleSelectedItem({ id: [], value: "", item: []}) } else { const { id, value } = selectedItem[0] setSingleSelectedItem({ id: [id], value, item: selectedItem}) } } } } }, [treeData, selectedIds]) useEffect(() => { if (returnAllSelected) { setReturnedArray(getCheckedItems(formattedData)) } else if (variant === "single") { setDefaultReturn(singleSelectedItem.item) } else { setDefaultReturn(getDefaultCheckedItems(formattedData)) } }, [formattedData]) useEffect(() => { // Function to handle clicks outside the dropdown const handleClickOutside = (event: any) => { if (dropdownRef.current && !dropdownRef.current.contains( { setIsDropdownClosed(true) } } // Attach the event listener window.addEventListener("click", handleClickOutside) // Clean up the event listener on unmount return () => { window.removeEventListener("click", handleClickOutside) } }, []) const modifyRecursive = (tree: { [key: string]: any }[], check: boolean) => { if (!Array.isArray(tree)) { return } return { [key: string]: any }) => { item.checked = check item.children = modifyRecursive(item.children, check) return item }) } // Iterate over tree, find item and set checked or unchecked const modifyValue = ( id: string, tree: { [key: string]: any }[], check: boolean ) => { if (!Array.isArray(tree)) { return } return any) => { if ( != id) item.children = modifyValue(id, item.children, check) else { item.checked = check if (variant === "single") { // Single select: no children should be checked item.children = modifyRecursive(item.children, !check) } else { item.children = modifyRecursive(item.children, check) } } return item }) } // Clone tree, check items + children const checkItem = (item: { [key: string]: any }) => { const tree = cloneDeep(formattedData) if (returnAllSelected) { return modifyValue(, tree, true) } else { const checkedTree = modifyValue(, tree, true) return recursiveCheckParent(item, checkedTree) } } // Clone tree, uncheck items + children const unCheckItem = (item: { [key: string]: any }) => { const tree = cloneDeep(formattedData) if (returnAllSelected) { return modifyValue(, tree, false) } else { const uncheckedTree = modifyValue(, tree, false) return getAncestorsOfUnchecked(uncheckedTree, item) } } // setFormattedData with proper properties const changeItem = (item: { [key: string]: any }, check: boolean) => { const tree = check ? checkItem(item) : unCheckItem(item) setFormattedData(tree) return tree } // Function to map over data and add parent_id + depth property to each item const addCheckedAndParentProperty = ( treeData: { [key: string]: any }[], selectedIds: string[], parent_id: string = null, depth = 0, ) => { if (!Array.isArray(treeData)) { return } return { [key: string]: any } | any) => { const newItem = { ...item, checked: Boolean(selectedIds && selectedIds.length && selectedIds.includes(, parent_id, depth, } if (newItem.children && newItem.children.length > 0) { const children = item.checked && !returnAllSelected ? modifyRecursive(item.children, true) : item.children newItem.children = addCheckedAndParentProperty( children, selectedIds,, depth + 1 ) } return newItem }) } // Click event for x on form pill const handlePillClose = (event: any, clickedItem: { [key: string]: any }) => { // Prevents the dropdown from closing when clicking on the pill event.stopPropagation() const updatedTree = changeItem(clickedItem, false) // Logic for removing items from returnArray or defaultReturn when pills clicked if (returnAllSelected) { onSelect(getCheckedItems(updatedTree)) } else { onSelect(getDefaultCheckedItems(updatedTree)) } } // Handle click on input wrapper(entire div with pills, typeahead, etc) so it doesn't close when input or form pill is clicked const handleInputWrapperClick = (e: any) => { e.stopPropagation() if ( === "multiselect_input" ||"pb_form_pill_tag") ) { return } setIsDropdownClosed(!isDropdownClosed) } // Main function to handle any click inside dropdown const handledropdownItemClick = (e: any, check: boolean) => { const clickedItem = // Setting filterItem to "" will clear textinput and clear typeahead setFilterItem("") const filtered = filterFormattedDataById(formattedData, clickedItem) const updatedTree = changeItem(filtered[0], check) if (returnAllSelected) { onSelect(getCheckedItems(updatedTree)) } else { onSelect(getDefaultCheckedItems(updatedTree)) } } // Single select const handleRadioButtonClick = ( e: React.ChangeEvent, ) => { const { id, value: inputText } = // The radio button needs a unique ID, this grabs the ID before the hyphen const selectedItemID = id.match(/^[^-]*/)[0] // Reset tree checked state, triggering useEffect const treeWithNoSelections = modifyRecursive(formattedData, false) // Update tree with single selection const treeWithSelectedItem = modifyValue(selectedItemID, treeWithNoSelections, true) const selectedItem = filterFormattedDataById(treeWithSelectedItem, selectedItemID) setFormattedData(treeWithSelectedItem) setSingleSelectedItem({id: [selectedItemID], value: inputText, item: selectedItem}) // Reset the filter to always display dropdown options on click setFilterItem("") setIsDropdownClosed(true) onSelect(selectedItem) }; // Single select: reset the tree state upon typing const handleRadioInputChange = (inputText: string) => { modifyRecursive(formattedData, false) setDefaultReturn([]) setSingleSelectedItem({id: [], value: inputText, item: []}) setFilterItem(inputText) }; const isTreeRowExpanded = (item: any) => expanded.indexOf( > -1 // Handle click on chevron toggles in dropdown const handleToggleClick = (id: string, event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.stopPropagation() const clickedItem = filterFormattedDataById(formattedData, id) if (clickedItem) { let expandedArray = [...expanded] const itemExpanded = isTreeRowExpanded(clickedItem[0]) if (itemExpanded) expandedArray = expandedArray.filter((i) => i != clickedItem[0].id) else expandedArray.push(clickedItem[0].id) setExpanded(expandedArray) } } const itemsSelectedLength = () => { let items if (returnAllSelected && returnedArray && returnedArray.length) { items = returnedArray.length } else if (!returnAllSelected && defaultReturn && defaultReturn.length) { items = defaultReturn.length } return items } // Rendering formattedData to UI based on typeahead const renderNestedOptions = (items: { [key: string]: any }[]) => { return ( ) } return (
{variant === "single" && defaultReturn.length !== 0 ? => ( )) : null} {variant !== "single" && ( <> {returnAllSelected && returnedArray.length !== 0 ? => ( )) : null} {returnAllSelected && returnedArray.length !== 0 && inputDisplay === "pills" ?, index) => ( handlePillClose(event, item)} size="small" text={item.label} /> )) : null} {!returnAllSelected && defaultReturn.length !== 0 && inputDisplay === "pills" ?, index) => ( handlePillClose(event, item)} size="small" text={item.label} /> )) : null} {returnAllSelected && returnedArray.length !== 0 && inputDisplay === "pills" &&
} {!returnAllSelected && defaultReturn.length !== 0 && inputDisplay === "pills" &&
} )} { variant === "single" ? handleRadioInputChange( : setFilterItem( }} onClick={() => setIsDropdownClosed(false)} placeholder={ inputDisplay === "none" && itemsSelectedLength() ? `${itemsSelectedLength()} ${itemsSelectedLength() === 1 ? "item" : "items"} selected` : "Start typing..." } value={singleSelectedItem.value || filterItem} />
{isDropdownClosed ? (
) : (
{renderNestedOptions( filterItem ? findByFilter(formattedData, filterItem) : formattedData )}
) } export default MultiLevelSelect