# acts_as_favoritor acts_as_favoritor is a Rubygem to allow any ActiveRecord model to associate any other model including the option for multiple relationships per association with scopes. You are able to differentiate followers, favorites, watchers, votes and whatever else you can imagine through a single relationship. This is accomplished by a double polymorphic relationship on the Favorite model. There is also built in support for blocking/un-blocking favorite records as well as caching. [This Medium article](https://medium.com/swlh/add-dynamic-like-dislike-buttons-to-your-rails-6-application-ccce8a234c43) gives a good introduction to this gem. ## Installation You can add acts_as_favoritor to your `Gemfile` with: ```ruby gem 'acts_as_favoritor' ``` And then run: $ bundle install Or install it yourself as: $ gem install acts_as_favoritor If you always want to be up to date fetch the latest from GitHub in your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'acts_as_favoritor', github: 'jonhue/acts_as_favoritor' ``` Now run the generator: $ rails g acts_as_favoritor To wrap things up, migrate the changes into your database: $ rails db:migrate ## Usage ### Setup Add `acts_as_favoritable` to the models you want to be able to get favorited: ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_favoritable end class Book < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_favoritable end ``` Specify which models can favorite other models by adding `acts_as_favoritor`: ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_favoritor end ``` ### `acts_as_favoritor` methods ```ruby book = Book.find(1) user = User.find(1) # `user` favorites `book`. user.favorite(book) # `user` removes `book` from favorites. user.unfavorite(book) # Whether `user` has marked `book` as his favorite. user.favorited?(book) # Returns an Active Record relation of `user`'s `Favorite` records that have not been blocked. user.all_favorites # Returns an array of all unblocked favorited objects of `user`. This can be a collection of different object types, e.g.: `User`, `Book`. user.all_favorited # Returns an Active Record relation of `Favorite` records where the `favoritable_type` is `Book`. user.favorites_by_type('Book') # Returns an Active Record relation of all favorited objects of `user` where `favoritable_type` is 'Book'. user.favorited_by_type('Book') # Returns the exact same as `user.favorited_by_type('User')`. user.favorited_users # Whether `user` has been blocked by `book`. user.blocked_by?(book) # Returns an array of all favoritables that blocked `user`. user.blocked_by ``` ### `acts_as_favoritable` methods ```ruby # Returns all favoritors of a model that `acts_as_favoritable` book.favoritors # Returns an Active Record relation of records with type `User` following `book`. book.favoritors_by_type('User') # Returns the exact same as `book.favoritors_by_type('User')`. book.user_favoritors # Whether `book` has been favorited by `user`. book.favorited_by?(user) # Block a favoritor book.block(user) # Unblock a favoritor book.unblock(user) # Whether `book` has blocked `user` as favoritor. book.blocked?(user) # Returns an array of all blocked favoritors. book.blocked ``` ### `Favorite` model ```ruby # Returns an Active Record relation of all `Favorite` records where `blocked` is `false`. Favorite.unblocked # Returns an Active Record relation of all `Favorite` records where `blocked` is `true`. Favorite.blocked # Returns an Active Record relation of all favorites of `user`, including those who were blocked. Favorite.for_favoritor(user) # Returns an Active Record relation of all favoritors of `book`, including those who were blocked. Favorite.for_favoritable(book) ``` ### Scopes Using scopes with `acts_as_favoritor` enables you to Follow, Watch, Favorite, [...] between any of your models. This way you can separate distinct functionalities in your app between user states. For example: A user sees all his favorited books in a dashboard (`'favorite'`), but he only receives notifications for those, he is watching (`'watch'`). Just like YouTube or GitHub do it. Options are endless. You could also integrate a voting / star system similar to YouTube or GitHub By default all of your favorites are scoped to `'favorite'`. You can create new scopes on the fly. Every single method takes `scope`/`scopes` as an option which expects a symbol or an array of symbols containing your scopes. So lets see how this works: ```ruby user.favorite(book, scopes: [:favorite, :watching]) user.unfavorite(book, scope: :watching) second_user = User.find(2) user.favorite(second_user, scope: :follow) ``` That's simple! When you call a method which returns something while specifying multiple scopes, the method returns the results in a hash with the scopes as keys when scopes are given as an array: ```ruby user.favorited?(book, scopes: [:favorite, :watching]) # => { favorite: true, watching: false } user.favorited?(book, scopes: [:favorite]) # => { favorite: true } user.favorited?(book, scope: :favorite) # => true ``` `acts_as_favoritor` also provides some handy scopes for you to call on the `Favorite` model: ```ruby # Returns all `Favorite` records where `scope` is `my_scope` Favorite.send("#{my_scope}_list") ## Examples ### Returns all `Favorite` records where `scope` is `favorites` Favorite.favorite_list ### Returns all `Favorite` records where `scope` is `watching` Favorite.watching_list ``` ### Caching When you set the option `cache` in `config/initializers/acts_as_favoritor.rb` to true, you are able to cache the amount of favorites/favoritables an instance has regarding a scope. For that you need to add some database columns: *acts_as_favoritor* ```ruby add_column :users, :favoritor_score, :text add_column :users, :favoritor_total, :text ``` *acts_as_favoritable* ```ruby add_column :users, :favoritable_score, :text add_column :users, :favoritable_total, :text add_column :books, :favoritable_score, :text add_column :books, :favoritable_total, :text ``` Caches are stored as hashes with scopes as keys: ```ruby user.favoritor_score # => { favorite: 1 } user.favoritor_total # => { favorite: 1, watching: 1 } second_user.favoritable_score # => { follow: 1 } book.favoritable_score # => { favorite: 1 } ``` **Note:** Only scopes who have favorites are included. `acts_as_favoritor` makes it even simpler to access cached values: ```ruby user.favoritor_favorite_cache # => 1 second_user.favoritable_follow_cache # => 1 book.favoritable_favorite_cache # => 1 ``` **Note:** These methods are available for every scope you are using. The total counts all favorites that were recorded, while the score factors in favorites that were removed. In most use cases the score is the most useful. ## Configuration You can configure acts_as_favoritor by passing a block to `configure`. This can be done in `config/initializers/acts_as_favoritor.rb`: ```ruby ActsAsFavoritor.configure do |config| config.default_scope = :follow end ``` **`default_scope`** Specify your default scope. Takes a string. Defaults to `:favorite`. Learn more about scopes [here](#scopes). **`cache`** Whether `acts_as_favoritor` uses caching or not. Takes a boolean. Defaults to `false`. Learn more about caching [here](#caching). ## Development To start development you first have to fork this repository and locally clone your fork. Install the projects dependencies by running: $ bundle install ### Testing Tests are written with RSpec and can be found in `/spec`. To run tests: $ bundle exec rspec To run RuboCop: $ bundle exec rubocop ## Contributing We warmly welcome everyone who is intersted in contributing. Please reference our [contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) and our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## Releases [Here](https://github.com/jonhue/acts_as_favoritor/releases) you can find details on all past releases. Unreleased breaking changes that are on the current `main` can be found [here](CHANGELOG.md). acts_as_favoritor follows Semantic Versioning 2.0 as defined at http://semver.org. Reference our [security policy](SECURITY.md). ### Publishing 1. Review breaking changes and deprecations in `CHANGELOG.md`. 1. Change the gem version in `lib/acts_as_favoritor/version.rb`. 1. Reset `CHANGELOG.md`. 1. Create a pull request to merge the changes into `main`. 1. After the pull request was merged, create a new release listing the breaking changes and commits on `main` since the last release. 2. The release workflow will publish the gem to RubyGems.