Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. App Engine Java SDK - Release Notes Version 1.5.4 ============= - You can now specify the maximum size for a blob in BlobstoreService.createUploadUrl(). - Zigzag merge join queries will now continue scanning up to the 30 second Datastore query deadline. For zigzag queries that used to generate DatastoreNeedIndexException, many will now succeed. A small percentage will now instead timeout. - The SDK datastore viewer in the dev console now displays the number of "Write Ops" for each entity. "Write Ops" are the total number of entity and index writes that were required to create the entity. - The Prospective Search API is available in Java for all applications. This API is still experimental, so applications will be limited to a maximum of 1000 subscriptions. - We made a classloading improvement that we expect to help loading request latencies for projects with large numbers of jars. - Added support for the set_default_version flag to Appcfg. - The Java Remote API now recognizes the HTTP_X_APPENGINE_INBOUND_APPID. This means that the Datastore Admin copy functionality will work when using Java's Remote API with the destination app. - Fixed an issue that incorrectly allowed creation of tasks with whitespace in the url. - Fixed the error message for "transaction not found" to be more descriptive. - Fixed an issue with the dev appserver's local Blobstore implementation trying to modify an immutable collection. - Fixed an SDK issue where CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST logging messages were not displayed. Version 1.5.3 ============= - We've removed the limit on the size of blob uploads using the Blobstore API. - You can now send emails with any attachment extension that is not included on the email attachment extension blacklist. - Added a getIndexes() method to the DatastoreService to retrieve an application's indexes and their corresponding states. - The development server has been updated to understand the reduced index requirements of the 1.5.2 datastore query planner changes. - The Datastore Admin functionality can now be enabled directly in the Admin Console. - You can now use Remote API to access the services of one App Engine application from a different App Engine application. - The Java Testing APIs now default to UTC if no timezone is specified. - AppCfg now supports download_app, which will download all files that were uploaded from your war directory. - AppCfg now supports the -V (version) and -A (application) flags. - Added app_identity api with methods to work with service accounts for asserting identity on outbound HTTP calls. - Added an improved HRD migration tool that requires a read-only period relative to your datastore write rate (as opposed to your datastore size, which is how the current version behaves). The tool is not yet generally available. If you are interested in being an early adopter please fill out this form: - Fixed an issue in the Channel API where jsapi was not served with the correct mime type. - Fixed an issue where blobs could not be uploaded using HTTPS. - Fixed an issue where GQL didn't allow querying for valid kind names containing '.', '-', and ':' by supporting quoted identifiers. Version 1.5.2 ============= - You can now specify the minimum pending latency for instances and the maximum number of idle instances for your application in the Admin Console. - The datastore now never requires an exploding index. - The SDK will now never suggest indexes with the same property repeated, as such indexes are likely to be exploding indexes. - Datastore stats are now available on a per-namespace basis. - The queue details page in the Admin Console now contains request header details, previous run information, and a task payload viewer. - You can modify the lease on a task leased from a pull queue using the modifyTaskLease() method. - Pull Task maximum size has been increased to 1MB. - You can now update the number of available backend instances without needing to first stop the backend using the "backend configure" appcfg directive. - You can now set the "References" and "In-Reply-To" headers with the Mail API. - The whitelist has been updated to include support for JSR 105. - When the SDK throws a DatastoreNeedIndexException for a missing index definition, the exception can now be caught. Version 1.5.1 ============= - The development server's datastore and testing service implementations now contains logic that closely replicates the consistency guarantees of the High Replication datastore. To use, run the dev_appserver with the flag -Ddatastore.default_high_rep_job_policy_unapplied_job_pct=20. - All user request have an X-AppEngine-Country header which contains the ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the user, based on the IP address of the client request. - The Channel API can now provide user presence, this can be configured by adding channel_presence to the list of inbound services for your application. - The Images API now supports the WebP format. - You can switch the timezone for App Engine logs in the Admin Console. - Added$Mode to the whitelist. - You can configure your application to asynchronously write https session data by adding to your appengine-web.xml. - The local task queue unit testing API now supports Deferred Tasks. - Fixed an issue where using reserved URLs did not cause an error in the SDK. - Fixed an issue where having a backends.xml configuration file caused logging to stdout to fail in the SDK. - Fixed an issue where the Channel API didn't work with non-default versions of applications using the High Replication datastore. - Fixed an issue where the Remote API rtok comparison was broken for some users, causing appfcg download data to fail. - Fixed an issue with the SDK where you could not apply a transform to PNG images. - When displaying corrupt data in the Admin Console dataviewer, a useful error will be displayed, instead of a 500. - Fixed an issue with the SDK where non-string index names caused an error upon upload. - Datanucleus now supports polymorphic relationships. - Datanucleus now supports PreparedQuery#countEntities(FetchOptions). - Fixed an issue with datanucleus where recursive relation did not work. Version =============== - Fixed a bug that caused appengine-jsr107cache-1.5.0.jar to be empty. Version 1.5.0 ============= - Support for Backends which allow developers to create infrastructure components that complement the existing dynamic apps that App Engine already provides. Instances of a backend can maintain state, be addressed individually, and are not subject to per-request time limits. They can also be configured to consume more memory and CPU than ordinary dynamic instances. - Task Queues support pull mode, allowing for more control over task queue work rates. To use pull queues, include the 'mode' element in your queue.xml. - Pull queues are supported by a REST API, allowing access from outside App Engine. To use the REST API, you must also include a valid ACL section specifying which users can lease tasks from the pull queue. - Task Queue payload limits have been increased. Queues support 100KB per task. Within App Engine, the new limit is 32 MB per batch of tasks. With the REST API the limit is 1 MB per batch. - HTTP request and response sizes have been increased to 32 MB. - We have removed the rate quotas for requests, datastore operations, memcache operations, and image API operations. Resource quotas still apply. - When creating new applications, developers will now see the High Replication Datastore as the default configuration option. Developers that still wish to use the Master/Slave configuration must explicitly choose this option at application creation time. - The Task Queue maximum configurable processing rate has been increased to 500/s. - Modified Dashboard latency graphs to indicate they only include dynamic requests. - We have added two restrictions to the Mail API to improve the reliability of the service for all applications. - Emails must be sent from email accounts managed by Google (either Gmail or a domain signed up for Google Apps). - Reduced the number of free recipients per day from 2000 to 100 for new applications. - Fixed an issue where the Javadoc for the File API was not generated. - Fixed an issue where the API Deadlines were not being enforced in the SDK. - Fixed an issue with Federated Users causing the Admin Console dataviewer to fail. - Fixed an issue causing SDK URL Fetch not to work behind proxy. - Fixed an issue deploying an app with version set to 0. - Improved support for reserving an app id that is a canonicalized version of a user's Gmail address. - Added a more useful error message for unavailable App Ids. - Added clearer error messaging for invalid transactions in the SDK. - Added better error messages for cron.xml parsing. - Entity constructors are now consistent with KeyFactory constructors. - Task Queue names can now include the "_" character. - The sender of an email is no longer BCC'd when they are already included in the email. - Added a more helpful error message when trying to send email to a malformed address. - The SDK now returns an error if the Content-length header is not included in a post request, matching production. - Fixed an issue where the wrong type of error was being thrown on HTTP request timeout. - Fixed an issue where the Admin Console didn't keep the app version viewed consistent across actions. - Added Javadocs for TaskOptions.taskName(). - Fixed a typo in the Admin Console on the New App page. - Fixed an issue where sending mail from an app registered on the HR datastore required the app id be prefaced with s~. - Fixed an issue where HTTP POST was broken in the SDK if the Content-Length header was specified. Version 1.4.3 ============= - Added FileService API that allows writing to and reading from files in blobstore. - You can now specify cron execution for a time interval between a start and end time. - You can now configure the specific application version to which a task queue or cron job will send requests. - The Admin Console Task Queues page now displays a more accurate estimate of queue size for queues containing more than 2000 tasks. - Java applications can enable concurrent request support by setting to True in their appengine-web.xml. This flag indicates that request handlers for your app are thread safe and multiple request handlers may safely run at the same time in the same memory space for your application. - Deferred library support now available in Java. - Remote API library now available in Java. This can be used in conjunction with apps using either the Java or the Python runtime. - The Java SDK now supports kindless and ancestor only queries. - Fixed an issue where JAX-WS clients in the SDK could not handle receiving a SOAP fault. - Fixed an issue where the SDK did not support fetching HTTPS URLs. - Fixed an issue where no link was displayed in the Admin Console blobstore viewer for an unnamed blob. - Fixed an issue where the Admin Console data viewer couldn't edit entities with ByteString properties. - Fixed an issue where the Admin Console crashed when using a non-ascii key_name. - The Disable Application admin function has been button-ized. - Fixed a regex validation issue in the queue.xml file that caused some uploads to break. - Fixed an issue where the Java SDK Task Queue did not support 10 minute timeouts. - Fixed an issue where the Channel API in the SDK didn't properly send messages with unicode characters. Version 1.4.2 ============= - You can now vacuum datastore indexes with the Java SDK. - The XMPP API was updated to include presence and allow subscriptions. - The Task Queue now supports programmatic deleting of tasks. - The maximum rate per queue at which tasks are processed has been increased to 100 task per second. - The maximum number of concurrent requests for a single queue can be specified in the application's queue.xml. This provides an additional easy-to-use form of rate limiting. The current number of running tasks is also displayed in the Admin Console. - Metadata queries in the Datastore now support cursors. - Admin Console logs viewer now displays time as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmm. - The Mail API added KML and KMZ files as allowed attachments. - Added support for verifying the server SSL certificate when making a URLFetch request to an HTTPS URL. This will become the default in a future release. - Added a warning when an admin tries to upload a queue.yaml where the number of new queues and the number of disabled queues exceeds 100. - Added a putIfUntouched() method to the Memcache API. - Added JAX-WS support for writing SOAP clients and SAAJ support for writing SOAP servers. JAX-WS for SOAP servers is not yet supported. - Fixed an issue where mail from did not work when sending mail to app admins. - Fixed an issue where the SDK did not enforce the 100 task limit for the Task Queue. - Fixed an issue where the Java SDK URLFetch did not support 32MB response sizes. - Fixed an issues where mappings in web.xml were broken. Version 1.4.1 ============= There were no updates to the Java SDK for the 1.4.1 App Engine release. Version 1.4.0 ============= - The Always On feature allows applications to pay and keep 3 instances of their application always running, which can significantly reduce application latency. - Developers can now enable Warmup Requests. By specifying a handler in an app's appengine-web.xml, App Engine will attempt to send a Warmup Request to initialize new instances before a user interacts with it. This can reduce the latency an end-user sees for initializing your application. - The Channel API is now available for all users. - Task Queue has been officially released, and is no longer an experimental feature. The API import paths that use 'labs' have been deprecated. Task queue storage will count towards an application's overall storage quota, and will thus be charged for. - The deadline for Task Queue and Cron requests has been raised to 10 minutes. Datastore and API deadlines within those requests remain unchanged. - For the Task Queue, developers can specify task retry-parameters in their queue.xml. - Apps that have enabled billing are allowed up to 100 queues with the Task Queue API. - Metadata Queries on the datastore for datastore kinds, namespaces, and entity properties are available. - URL Fetch allowed response size has been increased, up to 32 MB. Request size is still limited to 1 MB. - The request and response sizes for the Images API have been increased to 32 MB. - The total size of Memcache batch operations is increased to 32 MB. The 1 MB limit on individual Memcache objects still applies. - The attachment size for outgoing emails has been increased from 1 MB to 10 MB. The size limit for incoming emails is still 10 MB. - Size and quantity limits on datastore batch get/put/delete operations have been removed. Individual entities are still limited to 1 MB, but your app may batch as many entities together for get/put/delete calls as the overall datastore deadline will allow for. - When iterating over query results, the datastore will now asynchronously prefetch results, reducing latency in many cases by 10-15%. - The Admin Console Blacklist page lists the top blacklist rejected visitors. - The automatic image thumbnailing service supports arbitrary crop sizes up to 1600px. - Overall average instance latency in the Admin Console is now a weighted average over QPS per instance. - Added a low-level AysncDatastoreService for making calls to the datastore asynchronously. - Added a getBodyAsBytes() method to QueueStateInfo.TaskStateInfo, this returns the body of the task state as a pure byte-string. - The whitelist has been updated to include all classes from javax.xml.soap. - Fixed an issue sending email to multiple recipients. - Revert the default logging level during GWT hosted mode back to INFO. - Fixed an issue with OpenId over SSL. Version 1.3.8 ============= - You can run task queue tasks immediately from the admin console. - Added an OutputSettings class to the Images API to specify the JPEG encoding quality when running in production. - Support for login of multiple Google accounts within an app, and longer login sessions. For more information see: - In queue.xml, the maximum allowed bucket size is now 100. - Removed limits on zigzag merge-join queries. Therefore the error "The built-in indices are not efficient enough for this query and your data. Please add a composite index for this query." will no longer be thrown in most cases, enabling more types of queries without indexes. - The whitelist has been updated to include and some interfaces and abstract classes in javax.xml.soap, including javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage. - Fixed an issue reserving App Ids by owners of emails containing periods, multiple cases, and address. - Fixed an issue where TaskOptions had no public getters, making testing impossible. - Fixed an issue on the development server where PNGs were being returned as JPEGs. Version 1.3.7 ============= - Fixed an SDK issue where calling getServingUrl raised an exception. Version 1.3.6 ============= - Multitenancy is now supported in the datastore, allowing better compartmentalization of user data. - Automatic image thumbnailing is now available in the Images API using getServingUrl. - Users can now serve custom static error pages for over_quota, dos_api_denial and default cases. - Results of datastore count() queries and offsets for all datastore queries are no longer capped at 1000. - Added a pause queue button to the task queue details page in the Admin Console. - Historical graphs have been added to all of the dashboard graphs in the Admin Console. - Content-range headers are supported on Blobstore downloads. - New method to allocate datastore ids in a given range: allocateIdRange() - The app.yaml format is supported with Java applications. - Increased several rate limited quotas for free applications. - Fixed an issue that did not allow forms of over 200,000 bytes to be submitted. Version 1.3.5 ============= - Ability to configure the Task Queue storage limit with the total-storage-limit field in the queue.xml file. - Task Queues now support up to 50 qps per queue, up from 50 qps per app. - Developers can programmatically access Blobs with BlobstoreInputStream, which provides an InputStream view of a blob in Blobstore - Bulkloader transform helpers for lists and hierarchical keys were added. - remote_api_shell commands can be sent over HTTPS or HTTP. - Admin Console logs now include information on request time latency. - The datastore now supports end cursors. - Fixed an issue where requesting /appstats would not properly direct to /appstats/. - Fixed an issue with inconsistent URL mappings between the SDK and production. Version 1.3.4 ============= - Client side bulkloader available with the Python SDK that has a new configuration syntax and wizard for easier import/export with the datastore. Can be used by enabling remote_api in your Java application - Applications can now be configured to authenticate with OpenID by selecting the OpenID option when creating your application in the admin console - New API to allow App Engine apps to act as OAuth service providers - The version update check in the Java SDK now uses https - Allow full access to javax.el.* - Increased the timeout during deployment to 15 minutes - Fixed an issue with JPA where an illegal cast exception was thrown during the fetch of integer fields - MemcacheService.setNamespace() is deprecated in favor of MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheManager(namespace) - Support in the SDK for Java 1.5 is being deprecated. These warnings now appear when starting the SDK Version =============== - Fixed an issue where servlet filters could cause 404s Version 1.3.3 ============= - Added two new system properties and - DeadlineExceededException is now always thrown before HardDeadlineExceededError - Decreased likelihood of "Too many URLMap" deployment errors for complex web apps - Fixed an error where QuotaService.getCpuTimeInMegaCycles() was returning cycles instead of megacycles - Fixed an issue between differing behavior of jsp in the production and development environments - Fixed an issue uploading webapps with .tag files Version 1.3.2 ============= - New API to read the contents of uploaded Blobs (fetch_data) - URLFetch now supports accessing ports 80-90, 440-450, and 1024-65535 - Mail API now allows common document formats as attachments - The Task Queue API now supports adding multiple tasks in a single call to Queue.add() - Fixed charset handling for inbound emails - Fixed issue with compositing background colors in dev_appserver - New feature in the datastore to specify whether to use strong or eventually consistent reads (the default is strong) - New datastore feature allows setting deadlines for operations - Increased the maximum Task Queue refill rate from 20/s to 50/s - Support for IP blacklisting to prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks - App Stats is now available for the Java SDK in addition to Python - Fix issue with expiration times not being reset on Put on the Memchache API - Fix issue preventing static files from being served when a servlet is mapped to root Version 1.3.1 ============= - Datastore Query Cursors - Transactional Tasks - Support for Custom Admin Console pages - Java Precompilation is now on by default Developers can opt-out of precompilation by setting the flag in appengine-web.xml: false - New built-in support for unit testing (see appengine-testing.jar) - net.sf.jsr107 package included as an alternative to the low-level Memcache API - javax.annotation.Resource/Resources added to the package whitelist - New "month" and "synchronized" syntax for Cron configuration - URLFetch supports asynchronous requests - uses HTTPS for application deployment - adds request_logs --append - Changes to the order queries without a specified sort order are returned Only queries that use IN will see different results. - Added support for multiple != filters on the same property - Improved support for keys-only queries when using IN and != filters - Support for ETags, If-matches, If-not-matches HTTP Headers, as well as 304 status codes now available on static files (not yet available on the dev_appserver or Blobstore blobs) - Fixed issue where the maximum transform count was enforced for composite operations - Fixed issue with whitespace on the end of strings in web.xml - Fixed web.xml entries for 404 error codes - Added validation prevent welcome-files with absolute paths - Fixed issue where cancelling a deployment in progress could unintentionally corrupt the SDK - Fixed issue with QuotaService.getCpuTimeInMegaCycles() returning 0 - Fixed issue where JSP exceptions will be incorrectly cast causing a ClassCastException Version 1.3.0 ============= - Support for the new Blobstore API - New{version,environment} system properties (and a SystemProperty accessor class) - New sample applications for GWT 2.0 - Optimizations for many reflection operations Version 1.2.8 ============= - Support for JAXB. JAXB is included in JDK 1.6 (and App Engine's production servers). If you're using JDK 1.5 with your local dev_appserver, you will need to include the JAXB libraries with your application to use it. - New support for application pre-compilation to reduce the length of loading requests. To enable pre-compilation on your application, add this flag to your appengine-web.xml: true If you have trouble deploying your application, you should remove this flag or set it to false. - Added Quota API ( to match Python API. - Low-level Memcache API now supports batchIncrement(). - HTTPResponse object now has getFinalUrl() method for 302 redirects. - - Java Dev Appserver now automatically executes tasks. If you prefer the old behavior where tasks do not automatically execute you can use the following flag when starting the server: -Dtask_queue.disable_auto_task_execution - Additional file extensions permitted when sending mail. - - Fixed issue with Java mail handler not processing multipart messages correctly. - Fixed agent code included in appengine-local-runtime.jar results in RuntimeException. - - Fixed issue with sort orders defined on properties that allow multiple values. - - Fixed problem with dropped query strings after requiring log-in. - - Removed limitation preventing multiple parameters with the same name. - - Fixed issue with local datastore incorrectly sorting results of ancestor queries. - - New Index building status page in the Admin Console - Task Queue now supports purging queues, and deleting tasks and queues via the Admin Console. - - - Over Quota HTTP status code changed from 403 to 503, other to 500. - - Task Queue now considers all HTTP 2xx status codes to represent success. For past release notes, visit: