# Guignol Be the puppeteer. Order your EC2 instances to start, stop, die, or be created from the command line. Let Guignol deal with DNS mappings and attaching EBS volumes. Released under the [Simplified BSD License](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses#2-clause_license_.28.22Simplified_BSD_License.22_or_.22FreeBSD_License.22.29). Guignol -- manipulate EC2 instances from your command line. Tasks: guignol clone SOURCE # Print a new config similar to the server named SOURCE guignol create PATTERNS # Create and start all instances matching PATTERNS and their volumes guignol execute COMMAND # Execute a command over SSH on instances guignol fixdns [PATTERNS] # Make sure the DNS mappings are correct for servers matching PATTERNS guignol help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task guignol kill PATTERNS # Terminate all instances matching PATTERNS guignol list [PATTERNS] # List the status of all known instances guignol start PATTERNS # Start all instances matching PATTERNS, attach their volumes, and setup DNS records guignol stop PATTERNS # Stop all instances matching PATTERNS, and remove DNS records guignol uuid [COUNT] # Print random UUIDs ## Getting started Install Guignol: $ gem install guignol Guignol relies on the excellent [Fog gem](http://fog.io/) to connect to Amazon's APIs. Start by setting up your `~/.fog`: # ~/.fog :default: :aws_access_key_id: ABCDEF.... :aws_secret_access_key: 123456.... Alternatively you can pass crendentials for Guignol by setting the `AWS_SECRET_KEY_ID` and `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` environment variables, or by setting `:aws_access_key_id` and `:aws_secret_access_key` in `guignol.yml` (see below). ## Creating, starting and stopping machines Guignol doesn't care about the list of instances that live on your EC2 account, only what it's configured to deal with. This should prevent destroying other's instances when using (for instance) a shared AWS/IAM account ! Teach Guignol about your instances by adding them to its config file. Each instance needs at least a name an a UUID (both will become tags on your instance): # ~/.guignol.yml --- hello-world: :uuid: AF123799-3F55-4F0B-8E58-87C67A5977BA Guignol will read its configuration from the first file in the following list: - the value of the `GUIGNOL_YML` environment variable, - `./guignol.yml`, `./config/guignol.yml`, `~/.guignol.yml` `guignol uuid` will output a new UUID if you need one. You can also use `uuidgen` if your distro come with it. And that's it for configuration! Now create your instance: $ guignol create hello-world hello-world: building server... hello-world: updating server tags hello-world: waiting for public dns to be set up... hello-world: updating root volume tags hello-world: created as ec2-46-137-53-32.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com You can log in as soon as the command returns. Of course, you can `stop`, `start`, or `kill` your instance. ### Parallel actions You can run any command against multiple instances by listing names and (ruby) regular expressions to designate lists of instances. $ guignol kill "hello.*" hello-world: tearing server down... hello-world: waiting for instance to become stopped or terminated... hello-world: instance now shutting-down hello-world: instance now terminated If targeting multiple machines, guignol will run **in parallel**. Parallelism is disabled on Ruby 1.9.3+, as it doesn't deal well with SSL connections in that case. ### EBS Volumes Yes, Guignol will also create and attach your EBS volumes when starting up instances. Just add a `:volumes` entry to your instance configuration: :volumes: - :name: fubar-swap :uuid: 9D5A278E-432C-41DB-9FB5-8AF5C1BD021F :dev: /dev/sdf :size: 4 :delete_on_termination: true - :name: fubar-data :uuid: E180203F-9DE1-4C6A-B09B-33B2FAC8F36E :dev: /dev/sdg :size: 20 :delete_on_termination: false Guignol will take care of creating your instances in the right availability zone if its volumes already exist. Note that Guignol does not delete volumes when tearing down instances. ## Optional instance configuration - `:domain` The machine's domain name. If specified, Guignol will setup a CNAME in Route53 mapping *name*.*domain* to your EC2 instance where it starts it (and tear it down when stopping it.) - `:region` The EC2 region. Defaults to `eu-west-1`. - `:image_id` The AMI to use when creating this instance. Defaults to whatever Amazon defaults it to. - `:flavor_id` The type of instance to start. Defaults to `t1.micro` (the one with a free tier). - `:key_name` The keypair to deploy to this instance. Default to not deploying any for security reasons (meaning you probably won't be able to log in if unset, depending on the AMI you're using). - `:security_group_ids` A list of security groups you want your instance to be a member of. - `:volumes` A list of EBS volumes to be created if necessary, and attached to the instance. - `:user_data` A script to run when an instance is created. - `:username` Will be used for the SSH connection performed by the `execute` command. ## "User data" boot script EC2 instances will run the script passed as `user_data` at boot time, letting you perform one-time setup. Guignol parses this setting through ERB, and lets your access the configuration hash. Possible use case: # ~/.guignol.yml --- hello-world: :uuid: AF123799-3F55-4F0B-8E58-87C67A5977BA :domain: example.com :user_data: | #!/bin/sh echo "<%= name %>.<%= domain %>" > /etc/hostname ## Managing existing instances You can start/stop instances even if you didn't create them with Guignol. Simply 1. declare them in your `guignol.yml` ; 2. go to the console and add the corresponding UUID tag to the existing intances ; 3. there is no step three. Now you can `guignol stop` your instances from the command line when not using them and save money. ## Logging Guignol will log to standard output if it's a TTY, and be mostly silent otherwise. You can direct logging to a file of your choice by setting `GUIGNOL_LOG`. ## Complete config example This one just contains 1 machine, `fubar.example.com.` # ~/.guignol.yml --- fubar: :domain: example.com. :uuid: 68C3C0C2-1BA3-465F-8626-E065E4EF9048 :region: eu-west-1 :image_id: ami-15f7c961 :flavor_id: m1.small :key_name: john-doe :security_group_ids: - sg-7e638abc :volumes: fubar-swap: :uuid: 9D5A278E-432C-41DB-9FB5-8AF5C1BD021F :dev: /dev/sdf :size: 4 :delete_on_termination: true fubar-data: :uuid: E180203F-9DE1-4C6A-B09B-33B2FAC8F36E :dev: /dev/sdg :size: 20 :delete_on_termination: false :user_data: | #!/bin/sh set -x if test -z "$LOGGING" ; then export LOGGING=YES exec "$0" > /tmp/user_data.log 2>&1 fi mkswap -f /dev/xvdf > /dev/null && swapon /dev/xvdf mount_data() { mount -t ext4 /dev/xvdg /mnt } mount_data || { mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdg && mount_data ; } date >> /tmp/stamp