// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== // ======================================================================== // SC.Binding Tests // ======================================================================== /*globals module test ok isObj equals expects */ var fromObject, toObject, binding, Bon1, bon2 ; // global variables module("basic object binding", { setup: function() { fromObject = SC.Object.create({ value: 'start' }) ; toObject = SC.Object.create({ value: 'end' }) ; binding = SC.Binding.from("value", fromObject).to("value", toObject).connect() ; SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges() ; // actually sets up up the connection } }); test("binding is connected", function() { equals(binding.isConnected, YES, "binding.isConnected") ; }); test("binding has actually been setup", function() { equals(binding._connectionPending, NO, "binding._connectionPending") ; }); test("binding should have synced on connect", function() { equals(toObject.get("value"), "start", "toObject.value should match fromObject.value"); }); test("changing fromObject should mark binding as dirty", function() { fromObject.set("value", "change") ; equals(binding._changePending, YES) ; }); test("fromObject change should propogate to toObject only after flush", function() { fromObject.set("value", "change") ; equals(toObject.get("value"), "start") ; SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges() ; equals(toObject.get("value"), "change") ; }); test("changing toObject should mark binding as dirty", function() { toObject.set("value", "change") ; equals(binding._changePending, YES) ; }); test("toObject change should propogate to fromObject only after flush", function() { toObject.set("value", "change") ; equals(fromObject.get("value"), "start") ; SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges() ; equals(fromObject.get("value"), "change") ; }); test("suspended observing during bindings", function() { // setup special binding fromObject = SC.Object.create({ value1: 'value1', value2: 'value2' }); toObject = SC.Object.create({ value1: 'value1', value2: 'value2', callCount: 0, observer: function() { equals(this.get('value1'), 'CHANGED', 'value1 when observer fires'); equals(this.get('value2'), 'CHANGED', 'value2 when observer fires'); this.callCount++; }.observes('value1', 'value2') }); toObject.bind('value1', fromObject, 'value1'); toObject.bind('value2', fromObject, 'value2'); // change both value1 + value2, then flush bindings. observer should only // fire after bindings are done flushing. fromObject.set('value1', 'CHANGED').set('value2', 'CHANGED'); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(toObject.callCount, 2, 'should call observer twice'); }); test("binding will disconnect", function() { binding.disconnect(); equals(binding.isConnected, NO, "binding.isConnected"); }); test("binding disconnection actually works", function() { binding.disconnect(); fromObject.set('value', 'change'); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(toObject.get('value'), 'start'); }); module("bindings on classes"); test("should connect when multiple instances of class are created", function() { window.TestNamespace = {}; window.TestNamespace.stubController = SC.Object.create({ name: 'How to Be Happy' }); try { var myClass = SC.Object.extend({ fooBinding: SC.Binding.from('TestNamespace.stubController.name') }); var myFirstObj; SC.run(function() { myFirstObj = myClass.create(); }); equals(myFirstObj.get('foo'), "How to Be Happy"); var mySecondObj; SC.run(function() { mySecondObj = myClass.create() }); equals(mySecondObj.get('foo'), "How to Be Happy"); } finally { window.TestNamespace = undefined; } }); module("one way binding", { setup: function() { fromObject = SC.Object.create({ value: 'start' }) ; toObject = SC.Object.create({ value: 'end' }) ; binding = SC.Binding.from("value", fromObject).to("value", toObject).oneWay().connect() ; SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges() ; // actually sets up up the connection } }); test("changing fromObject should mark binding as dirty", function() { fromObject.set("value", "change") ; equals(binding._changePending, YES) ; }); test("fromObject change should propogate after flush", function() { fromObject.set("value", "change") ; equals(toObject.get("value"), "start") ; SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges() ; equals(toObject.get("value"), "change") ; }); test("changing toObject should not make binding dirty", function() { toObject.set("value", "change") ; equals(binding._changePending, NO) ; }); test("toObject change should NOT propogate", function() { toObject.set("value", "change") ; equals(fromObject.get("value"), "start") ; SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges() ; equals(fromObject.get("value"), "start") ; }); var first, second, third, binding1, binding2 ; // global variables module("chained binding", { setup: function() { first = SC.Object.create({ output: 'first' }) ; second = SC.Object.create({ input: 'second', output: 'second', inputDidChange: function() { this.set("output", this.get("input")) ; }.observes("input") }) ; third = SC.Object.create({ input: "third" }) ; binding1 = SC.Binding.from("output", first).to("input", second).connect() ; binding2 = SC.Binding.from("output", second).to("input", third).connect() ; SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges() ; // actually sets up up the connection } }); test("changing first output should propagate to third after flush", function() { first.set("output", "change") ; equals("change", first.get("output"), "first.output") ; ok("change" !== third.get("input"), "third.input") ; var didChange = YES; while(didChange) didChange = SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges() ; // bindings should not have bending changes equals(binding1._changePending, NO, "binding1._changePending") ; equals(binding2._changePending, NO, "binding2._changePending") ; equals("change", first.get("output"), "first.output") ; equals("change", second.get("input"), "second.input") ; equals("change", second.get("output"), "second.output") ; equals("change", third.get("input"), "third.input") ; }); module("Custom Binding", { setup: function() { Bon1 = SC.Object.extend({ value1: "hi", value2: 83, array1: [] }); bon2 = SC.Object.create({ val1: "hello", val2: 25, arr: [1,2,3,4] }); TestNamespace = { bon2: bon2, Bon1: Bon1 } ; }, teardown: function() { bon2.destroy(); } }); test("Binding value1 such that it will receive only single values", function() { var bon1 = Bon1.create({ value1Binding: SC.Binding.single("TestNamespace.bon2.val1"), array1Binding: SC.Binding.single("TestNamespace.bon2.arr") }); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); var a = [23,31,12,21]; bon2.set("arr", a); bon2.set("val1","changed"); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(bon2.get("val1"),bon1.get("value1")); equals("@@MULT@@",bon1.get("array1")); bon1.destroy(); }); test("Single binding using notEmpty function.", function() { var bond = Bon1.create ({ array1Binding: SC.Binding.single("TestNamespace.bon2.arr").notEmpty(null,'(EMPTY)') }); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); bon2.set("arr", []); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals("(EMPTY)",bond.get("array1")); }); test("Binding with transforms, function to check the type of value", function() { var jon = Bon1.create({ value1Binding: SC.Binding.transform(function(val1) { return (SC.typeOf(val1) == SC.T_STRING)? val1 : ""; }).from("TestNamespace.bon2.val1") }); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); bon2.set("val1","changed"); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(jon.get("value1"), bon2.get("val1")); }); test("two bindings to the same value should sync in the order they are initialized", function() { SC.LOG_BINDINGS = YES; SC.RunLoop.begin(); window.a = SC.Object.create({ foo: "bar" }); var a = window.a; window.b = SC.Object.create({ foo: "baz", fooBinding: "a.foo", C: SC.Object.extend({ foo: "bee", fooBinding: "*owner.foo" }), init: function() { sc_super(); this.set('c', this.C.create({ owner: this })); } }); var b = window.b; SC.LOG_BINDINGS = NO; SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(a.get('foo'), "bar", 'a.foo should not change'); equals(b.get('foo'), "bar", 'a.foo should propogate up to b.foo'); equals(b.c.get('foo'), "bar", 'a.foo should propogate up to b.c.foo'); window.a = window.b = null ; }); module("AND binding", { setup: function() { // temporarily set up two source objects in the SC namespace so we can // use property paths to access them SC.testControllerA = SC.Object.create({ value: NO }); SC.testControllerB = SC.Object.create({ value: NO }); toObject = SC.Object.create({ value: null, valueBinding: SC.Binding.and('SC.testControllerA.value', 'SC.testControllerB.value') }); }, teardown: function() { SC.testControllerA.destroy(); SC.testControllerB.destroy(); } }); test("toObject.value should be YES if both sources are YES", function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); SC.testControllerA.set('value', YES); SC.testControllerB.set('value', YES); SC.RunLoop.end(); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(toObject.get('value'), YES); }); test("toObject.value should be NO if either source is NO", function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); SC.testControllerA.set('value', YES); SC.testControllerB.set('value', NO); SC.RunLoop.end(); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(toObject.get('value'), NO); SC.RunLoop.begin(); SC.testControllerA.set('value', YES); SC.testControllerB.set('value', YES); SC.RunLoop.end(); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(toObject.get('value'), YES); SC.RunLoop.begin(); SC.testControllerA.set('value', NO); SC.testControllerB.set('value', YES); SC.RunLoop.end(); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(toObject.get('value'), NO); }); module("OR binding", { setup: function() { // temporarily set up two source objects in the SC namespace so we can // use property paths to access them SC.testControllerA = SC.Object.create({ value: NO }); SC.testControllerB = SC.Object.create({ value: null }); toObject = SC.Object.create({ value: null, valueBinding: SC.Binding.or('SC.testControllerA.value', 'SC.testControllerB.value') }); }, teardown: function() { SC.testControllerA.destroy(); SC.testControllerB.destroy(); } }); test("toObject.value should be first value if first value is truthy", function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); SC.testControllerA.set('value', 'first value'); SC.testControllerB.set('value', 'second value'); SC.RunLoop.end(); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(toObject.get('value'), 'first value'); }); test("toObject.value should be second value if first is falsy", function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); SC.testControllerA.set('value', NO); SC.testControllerB.set('value', 'second value'); SC.RunLoop.end(); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(toObject.get('value'), 'second value'); }); module("Binding with '[]'", { setup: function() { fromObject = SC.Object.create({ value: [] }); toObject = SC.Object.create({ value: '' }); binding = SC.Binding.transform(function(v) { return v ? v.join(',') : ''; }).from("value.[]", fromObject).to("value", toObject).connect(); } }); test("Binding refreshes after a couple of items have been pushed in the array", function() { fromObject.get('value').pushObjects(['foo', 'bar']); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(toObject.get('value'), 'foo,bar'); }); module("propertyNameBinding with longhand", { setup: function(){ TestNamespace = { fromObject: SC.Object.create({ value: "originalValue" }), toObject: SC.Object.create({ valueBinding: SC.Binding.from('TestNamespace.fromObject.value'), localValue: "originalLocal", relativeBinding: SC.Binding.from('.localValue') }) }; }, teardown: function(){ TestNamespace.fromObject.destroy(); TestNamespace.toObject.destroy(); delete TestNamespace.fromObject; delete TestNamespace.toObject; } }); test("works with full path", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); TestNamespace.fromObject.set('value', "updatedValue"); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(TestNamespace.toObject.get('value'), "updatedValue"); SC.RunLoop.begin(); TestNamespace.fromObject.set('value', "newerValue"); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(TestNamespace.toObject.get('value'), "newerValue"); }); test("works with local path", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); TestNamespace.toObject.set('localValue', "updatedValue"); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(TestNamespace.toObject.get('relative'), "updatedValue"); SC.RunLoop.begin(); TestNamespace.toObject.set('localValue', "newerValue"); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(TestNamespace.toObject.get('relative'), "newerValue"); });