# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'test_helper' require 'hexapdf/document' require 'hexapdf/parser' require 'stringio' describe HexaPDF::Parser do before do @document = HexaPDF::Document.new @document.config['parser.try_xref_reconstruction'] = false @document.add(@document.wrap(10, oid: 1, gen: 0)) create_parser(<<~EOF) %PDF-1.7 1 0 obj 10 endobj 2 0 obj [ 5 6 <> (name) <4E6F762073 686D6F7A20 6B612070 6F702E>] endobj 3 15 obj<< /Length 1 0 R/Hallo 6/Filter /Fl/DecodeParms<<>> >>stream Hallo PDF!endstream endobj 4 0 obj <> stream \x01\x0A\x00 endstream endobj xref 0 4 0000000000 65535 f 0000000010 00000 n 0000000029 00000 n 0000000000 65535 f 3 1 0000000556 00000 n trailer << /Test (now) >> startxref 308 %%EOF EOF end def create_parser(str) @parse_io = StringIO.new(str) @parser = HexaPDF::Parser.new(@parse_io, @document) end describe "parse_indirect_object" do it "reads indirect objects sequentially" do object, oid, gen, stream = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_equal(1, oid) assert_equal(0, gen) assert_equal(10, object) assert_nil(stream) object, oid, gen, stream = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_equal(2, oid) assert_equal(0, gen) assert_equal([5, 6, {Length: 10}, "name", "Nov shmoz ka pop."], object) assert_nil(stream) object, oid, gen, stream = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_equal(3, oid) assert_equal(15, gen) assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::StreamData, stream) assert_equal([:Fl], stream.filter) assert_equal([{}], stream.decode_parms) assert_equal({Length: 10, Hallo: 6, Filter: :Fl, DecodeParms: {}}, object) end it "handles empty indirect objects by using PDF null for them" do create_parser("1 0 obj\nendobj") object, * = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_nil(object) end it "handles keyword stream followed only by CR without LF" do create_parser("1 0 obj<> stream\r12\nendstream endobj") *, stream = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_equal('12', TestHelper.collector(stream.fiber)) end it "handles keyword stream followed by space and CR or LF" do create_parser("1 0 obj<> stream \n12\nendstream endobj") *, stream = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_equal('12', TestHelper.collector(stream.fiber)) end it "handles keyword stream followed by space and CR LF" do create_parser("1 0 obj<> stream \r\n12\nendstream endobj") *, stream = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_equal('12', TestHelper.collector(stream.fiber)) end it "handles invalid indirect object value consisting of number followed by endobj without space" do create_parser("1 0 obj 749endobj") object, * = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_equal(749, object) end it "treats indirect objects with invalid values as null objects" do create_parser("1 0 obj <> endobj") object, * = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_nil(object) end it "recovers from a stream length value that doesn't reflect the correct length" do create_parser("1 0 obj<> stream\n12endstream endobj") obj, _, _, stream = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_equal(2, obj[:Length]) assert_equal('12', TestHelper.collector(stream.fiber)) end it "recovers from an invalid stream length value" do create_parser("1 0 obj<> stream\n12endstream endobj") @document.add([5], oid: 2) obj, _, _, stream = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_equal(2, obj[:Length]) assert_equal('12', TestHelper.collector(stream.fiber)) end it "works even if the keyword endobj is missing or mangled" do create_parser("1 0 obj<>5") object, * = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_equal({Length: 4}, object) create_parser("1 0 obj<>endobjk") object, * = @parser.parse_indirect_object assert_equal({Length: 4}, object) end it "fails if the oid, gen or 'obj' keyword is invalid" do create_parser("a 0 obj\n5\nendobj") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/No valid object/, exp.message) create_parser("1 a obj\n5\nendobj") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/No valid object/, exp.message) create_parser("1 0 dobj\n5\nendobj") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/No valid object/, exp.message) end it "fails if the value of a stream is not a dictionary" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n(fail)\nstream\nendstream\nendobj\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/stream.*dictionary/, exp.message) end it "fails if the 'stream' keyword isn't followed by EOL" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n<< >>\nstream endstream\nendobj\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object(0) } assert_match(/stream.*followed by LF/, exp.message) end it "fails if the 'endstream' keyword is missing" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n<< >>\nstream\nendobj\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object(0) } assert_match(/stream.*followed by.*endstream/i, exp.message) end describe "with strict parsing" do before do @document.config['parser.on_correctable_error'] = proc { true } end it "fails if an empty indirect object is found" do create_parser("1 0 obj\nendobj") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/no indirect object value/i, exp.message) end it "fails if keyword stream is followed only by CR without LF" do create_parser("1 0 obj<> stream\r12\nendstream endobj") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/not CR alone/, exp.message) end it "fails if keyword stream is followed by space and CR or LF instead of LF or CR/LF" do create_parser("1 0 obj<> stream \n12\nendstream endobj") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/followed by space instead/, exp.message) end it "fails if keyword stream is followed by space and CR LF instead of LF or CR/LF" do create_parser("1 0 obj<> stream \r\n12\nendstream endobj") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/followed by space instead/, exp.message) end it "fails for numbers followed by endobj without space" do create_parser("1 0 obj 749endobj") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/Missing whitespace after number/, exp.message) end it "fails for invalid values" do create_parser("1 0 obj <> endobj") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/Invalid value after '1 0 obj'/, exp.message) end it "fails if the stream length value is invalid" do create_parser("1 0 obj<> stream\n12endstream endobj") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/invalid stream length/i, exp.message) end it "fails if the keyword endobj is mangled" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n<< >>\nendobjd\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/keyword endobj/, exp.message) end it "fails if the keyword endobj is missing" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n<< >>") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object } assert_match(/keyword endobj/, exp.message) end it "fails if there is data between 'endstream' and 'endobj'" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n<< >>\nstream\nendstream\ntest\nendobj\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_indirect_object(0) } assert_match(/keyword endobj/, exp.message) end end end describe "load_object" do before do @entry = HexaPDF::XRefSection.in_use_entry(2, 0, 29) end it "can load an indirect object" do obj = @parser.load_object(@entry) assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Object, obj) assert_equal(5, obj.value[0]) assert_equal(2, obj.oid) assert_equal(0, obj.gen) end it "can load a free object" do obj = @parser.load_object(HexaPDF::XRefSection.free_entry(0, 0)) assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Object, obj) assert_nil(obj.value) end it "can load a compressed object" do def (@document).object(_oid) obj = Object.new def obj.parse_stream HexaPDF::Type::ObjectStream::Data.new("5 [1 2]", [1, 2], [0, 2]) end obj end obj = @parser.load_object(HexaPDF::XRefSection.compressed_entry(2, 3, 1)) assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Object, obj) assert_equal([1, 2], obj.value) end it "handles an invalid indirect object offset of 0" do obj = @parser.load_object(HexaPDF::XRefSection.in_use_entry(2, 0, 0)) assert(obj.null?) assert_equal(2, obj.oid) assert_equal(0, obj.gen) end describe "with strict parsing" do it "raises an error if an indirect object has an offset of 0" do @document.config['parser.on_correctable_error'] = proc { true } exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) do @parser.load_object(HexaPDF::XRefSection.in_use_entry(2, 0, 0)) end assert_match(/has offset 0/, exp.message) end end it "fails if another object is found instead of an object stream" do def (@document).object(_oid) :invalid end exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) do @parser.load_object(HexaPDF::XRefSection.compressed_entry(2, 1, 1)) end assert_match(/not an object stream/, exp.message) end it "fails if the xref entry type is invalid" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) do @parser.load_object(HexaPDF::XRefSection::Entry.new(:invalid)) end assert_match(/invalid cross-reference type/i, exp.message) end it "fails if the object/generation numbers don't match" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) do @entry.gen = 2 @parser.load_object(@entry) end assert_match(/oid,gen.*don't match/, exp.message) end end describe "startxref_offset" do it "caches the offset value" do assert_equal(308, @parser.startxref_offset) @parser.instance_eval { @io }.string.sub!(/308\n/, "309\n") assert_equal(308, @parser.startxref_offset) end it "returns the correct offset" do assert_equal(308, @parser.startxref_offset) end it "ignores garbage at the end of the file" do create_parser("startxref\n5\n%%EOF" << "\nhallo" * 150) assert_equal(5, @parser.startxref_offset) end it "uses the last startxref if there are more than one" do create_parser("startxref\n5\n%%EOF\n\nsome garbage\n\nstartxref\n555\n%%EOF\n") assert_equal(555, @parser.startxref_offset) end it "finds the startxref anywhere in file" do create_parser("startxref\n5\n%%EOF" << "\nhallo" * 5000) assert_equal(5, @parser.startxref_offset) create_parser("startxref\n5\n%%EOF\n" << "h" * 1017) assert_equal(5, @parser.startxref_offset) end it "fails even in big files when nothing is found" do create_parser("\nhallo" * 5000) exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.startxref_offset } assert_match(/end-of-file marker not found/, exp.message) end it "fails if the %%EOF marker is missing" do create_parser("startxref\n5") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.startxref_offset } assert_match(/end-of-file marker not found/, exp.message) create_parser("") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.startxref_offset } assert_match(/end-of-file marker not found/, exp.message) end it "fails if the startxref keyword is missing" do create_parser("somexref\n5\n%%EOF") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.startxref_offset } assert_match(/missing startxref/, exp.message) end it "fails on strict parsing if the startxref is not in the last part of the file" do @document.config['parser.on_correctable_error'] = proc { true } create_parser("startxref\n5\n%%EOF" << "\nhallo" * 5000) exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.startxref_offset } assert_match(/end-of-file marker not found/, exp.message) end end describe "file_header_version" do it "returns the correct version" do assert_equal('1.7', @parser.file_header_version) end it "fails if the header is mangled" do create_parser("%PDF-1\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.file_header_version } assert_match(/file header/, exp.message) end it "fails if the header is missing" do create_parser("no header") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.file_header_version } assert_match(/file header/, exp.message) end it "ignores junk at the beginning of the file and correctly calculates offset" do create_parser("junk" * 200 << "\n%PDF-1.4\n") assert_equal('1.4', @parser.file_header_version) assert_equal(801, @parser.instance_variable_get(:@header_offset)) end end it "xref_section?" do assert(@parser.xref_section?(@parser.startxref_offset)) refute(@parser.xref_section?(53)) end describe "parse_xref_section_and_trailer" do it "works on a section with multiple sub sections" do section, trailer = @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(@parser.startxref_offset) assert_equal({Test: 'now'}, trailer) assert_equal(HexaPDF::XRefSection.free_entry(0, 65535), section[0, 65535]) assert_equal(HexaPDF::XRefSection.free_entry(3, 65535), section[3, 65535]) assert_equal(HexaPDF::XRefSection.in_use_entry(1, 0, 10), section[1]) end it "works for an empty section" do create_parser("xref\n0 0\ntrailer\n<>\n") _, trailer = @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) assert_equal({Name: :Value}, trailer) end it "handles xref type=n with offset=0" do create_parser("xref\n0 2\n0000000000 00000 n \n0000000000 00000 n \ntrailer\n<<>>\n") section, _trailer = @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) assert_equal(HexaPDF::XRefSection.free_entry(1, 0), section[1]) end it "handles xref type=n with gen>65535" do create_parser("xref\n0 2\n0000000000 00000 n \n0000000000 65536 n \ntrailer\n<<>>\n") section, _trailer = @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) assert_equal(HexaPDF::XRefSection.free_entry(1, 65536), section[1]) end it "handles xref with missing whitespace at end" do create_parser("xref\n0 2\n0000000000 00000 n\n0000000000 65536 n\ntrailer\n<<>>\n") section, _trailer = @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) assert_equal(HexaPDF::XRefSection.free_entry(1, 65536), section[1]) end it "fails if the xref keyword is missing/mangled" do create_parser("xTEf\n0 d\n0000000000 00000 n \ntrailer\n<< >>\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) } assert_match(/keyword xref/, exp.message) end it "fails if a sub section header is mangled" do create_parser("xref\n0 d\n0000000000 00000 n \ntrailer\n<< >>\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) } assert_match(/invalid cross-reference subsection/i, exp.message) end it "fails if a sub section entry is mangled" do create_parser("xref\n0 2\n000a000000 00000 n\n0000000000 65535 n\ntrailer\n<<>>\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) } assert_match(/invalid cross-reference entry/i, exp.message) end it "fails if there is no trailer" do create_parser("xref\n0 1\n0000000000 00000 n \n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) } assert_match(/keyword trailer/i, exp.message) end it "fails if the trailer is not a PDF dictionary" do create_parser("xref\n0 1\n0000000000 00000 n \ntrailer\n(base)") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) } assert_match(/dictionary/, exp.message) end describe "invalid numbering of main xref section" do it "handles the xref if the numbering is off by N" do create_parser(" 1 0 obj 1 endobj\n" \ "xref\n1 2\n0000000000 65535 f \n0000000001 00000 n \ntrailer\n<<>>\n") section, _trailer = @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(17) assert_equal(HexaPDF::XRefSection.in_use_entry(1, 0, 1), section[1]) end it "fails if the first entry is not the one for oid=0" do create_parser(" 1 0 obj 1 endobj\n" \ "xref\n1 2\n0000000000 00005 f \n0000000001 00000 n \ntrailer\n<<>>\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(17) } assert_match(/Main.*invalid numbering/i, exp.message) create_parser(" 1 0 obj 1 endobj\n" \ "xref\n1 2\n0000000001 00000 n \n0000000001 00000 n \ntrailer\n<<>>\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(17) } assert_match(/Main.*invalid numbering/i, exp.message) end it "fails if the tested entry position is invalid" do create_parser(" 1 0 obj 1 endobj\n" \ "xref\n1 2\n0000000000 65535 f \n0000000005 00000 n \ntrailer\n<<>>\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(17) } assert_match(/Main.*invalid numbering/i, exp.message) end it "fails if the tested entry position's oid doesn't match the corrected entry oid" do create_parser(" 2 0 obj 1 endobj\n" \ "xref\n1 2\n0000000000 65535 f \n0000000001 00000 n \ntrailer\n<<>>\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(17) } assert_match(/Main.*invalid numbering/i, exp.message) end end describe "with strict parsing" do before do @document.config['parser.on_correctable_error'] = proc { true } end it "fails if xref type=n with offset=0" do create_parser("xref\n0 2\n0000000000 00000 n \n0000000000 00000 n \ntrailer\n<<>>\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) } assert_match(/invalid.*cross-reference entry/i, exp.message) end it " fails xref type=n with gen>65535" do create_parser("xref\n0 2\n0000000000 00000 n \n0000000000 65536 n \ntrailer\n<<>>\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) } assert_match(/invalid.*cross-reference entry/i, exp.message) end it "fails if trailing second whitespace is missing" do create_parser("xref\n0 1\n0000000000 00000 n\ntrailer\n<<>>\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) } assert_match(/invalid.*cross-reference entry/i, exp.message) end it "fails if the main cross-reference section has invalid numbering" do create_parser("xref\n1 1\n0000000001 00000 n \ntrailer\n<<>>\n") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.parse_xref_section_and_trailer(0) } assert_match(/Main.*invalid numbering/i, exp.message) end end end describe "load_revision" do it "works for a simple cross-reference section" do xref_section, trailer = @parser.load_revision(@parser.startxref_offset) assert_equal({Test: 'now'}, trailer) assert(xref_section[1].in_use?) end it "works for a cross-reference stream" do xref_section, trailer = @parser.load_revision(212) assert_equal({Size: 2}, trailer) assert(xref_section[1].in_use?) end it "fails if another object is found instead of a cross-reference stream" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.load_revision(10) } assert_match(/not a cross-reference stream/, exp.message) end it "fails if the cross-reference stream is missing data" do @parse_io.string[287..288] = '' exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.load_revision(212) } assert_match(/missing data/, exp.message) assert_equal(212, exp.pos) end it "fails on strict parsing if the cross-reference stream doesn't contain an entry for itself" do @document.config['parser.on_correctable_error'] = proc { true } create_parser("2 0 obj\n<>" \ "stream\n\x01\x0A\x00\nendstream endobj") exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.load_revision(0) } assert_match(/entry for itself/, exp.message) end end describe "reconstruct_revision" do before do @document.config['parser.try_xref_reconstruction'] = true @xref = HexaPDF::XRefSection.in_use_entry(1, 0, 100) end it "serially parses the contents" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n5\nendobj\n1 0 obj\n6\nendobj\ntrailer\n<>") assert_equal(6, @parser.load_object(@xref).value) end it "uses a security handler for decrypting indirect objects if necessary" do handler = Minitest::Mock.new handler.expect(:decrypt, HexaPDF::Object.new(:result, oid: 1), [HexaPDF::Object]) @document.instance_variable_set(:@security_handler, handler) create_parser("1 0 obj\n6\nendobj\ntrailer\n<>") assert_equal(:result, @parser.load_object(@xref).value) assert(handler.verify) end it "ignores parts where the starting line is split across lines" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n5\nendobj\n1 0\nobj\n6\nendobj\ntrailer\n<>") assert_equal(5, @parser.load_object(@xref).value) end it "handles the case when the specified object had an xref entry but is not found" do create_parser("3 0 obj\n5\nendobj\ntrailer\n<>") assert(@parser.load_object(@xref).null?) end it "handles cases where the line contains an invalid string that exceeds the read buffer" do create_parser("(1" << "(abc" * 32188 << "\n1 0 obj\n6\nendobj\ntrailer\n<>") assert_equal(6, @parser.load_object(@xref).value) end it "handles pathalogical cases which contain many opened literal strings" do time = Time.now create_parser("(1" << "(abc\n" * 10000 << "\n1 0 obj\n6\nendobj\ntrailer\n<>") assert_equal(6, @parser.load_object(@xref).value) assert(Time.now - time < 0.5, "Xref reconstruction takes too long") end it "ignores invalid objects" do create_parser("1 x obj\n5\nendobj\n1 0 xobj\n6\nendobj\n1 0 obj 4\nendobj\ntrailer\n<>") assert_equal(4, @parser.load_object(@xref).value) end it "ignores invalid lines" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n5\nendobj\nhello there\n1 0 obj\n6\nendobj\ntrailer\n<>") assert_equal(6, @parser.load_object(@xref).value) end it "uses the last trailer" do create_parser("trailer <>\ntrailer <>") assert_equal({Size: 2}, @parser.reconstructed_revision.trailer.value) end it "uses the first trailer in case of a linearized file" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n<>\nendobj\ntrailer <>\ntrailer <>") assert_equal({Size: 1}, @parser.reconstructed_revision.trailer.value) end it "tries the trailer specified at the startxref position if no other is found" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n5\nendobj\nquack xref trailer <>\nstartxref\n22\n%%EOF") assert_equal({Size: 1}, @parser.reconstructed_revision.trailer.value) end it "constructs a trailer with a /Root entry if no valid trailer was found" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n<>\nendobj\nxref trailer <>\nstartxref\n22\n%%EOF") assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.reconstructed_revision.trailer } end it "fails if no valid trailer is found" do create_parser("1 0 obj\n5\nendobj") assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) { @parser.load_object(@xref) } end end end