# # test/bioruby_test_helper.rb - Helper module for testing bioruby # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2009 Naohisa Goto # License:: The Ruby License # require 'pathname' unless defined? BioRubyTestDebug then BioRubyTestDebug = ENV['BIORUBY_TEST_DEBUG'].to_s.empty? ? false : true if BioRubyTestDebug then $stderr.puts "BioRuby test debug enabled." end end #BioRubyTestDebug unless defined? BioRubyTestGem then gem_version = ENV['BIORUBY_TEST_GEM'] if gem_version then $stderr.puts 'require "rubygems"' if BioRubyTestDebug require "rubygems" if gem_version.empty? then $stderr.puts "gem 'bio'" if BioRubyTestDebug gem 'bio' else $stderr.puts "gem 'bio', #{gem_version.inspect}" if BioRubyTestDebug gem 'bio', gem_version end end BioRubyTestGem = gem_version end unless defined? BioRubyTestLibPath then libpath = ENV['BIORUBY_TEST_LIB'] unless libpath then libpath = Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib")).cleanpath.to_s end # do not add path to $: if BIORUBY_TEST_LIB is empty string # or BioRubyTestGem is true. if (libpath and libpath.empty?) or BioRubyTestGem then libpath = nil end if libpath then libpath.freeze unless $:[0] == libpath then $:.unshift(libpath) if BioRubyTestDebug then $stderr.puts "Added #{libpath.inspect} to $:." end else if BioRubyTestDebug then $stderr.puts "NOT added #{libpath.inspect} to $:. because it is already on the top of $:." end end end # (String or nil) Path to be added to $:. # It may or may not be the path of bioruby. BioRubyTestLibPath = libpath if BioRubyTestDebug then $stderr.print "$: = [", "\n" $stderr.puts($:.collect { |x| "\t#{x.inspect}" }.join(",\n")) $stderr.print "]", "\n" end end #BioRubyTestLibPath unless defined? BioRubyTestDataPath and BioRubyTestDataPath datapath = ENV['BIORUBY_TEST_DATA'] if datapath.to_s.empty? then datapath = Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "data")).cleanpath.to_s end datapath.freeze # (String) Path to the test data. BioRubyTestDataPath = datapath if BioRubyTestDebug then $stderr.print "DataPath = ", BioRubyTestDataPath.inspect, "\n" end end