require "plugin" ######################################################## # Author: Almudena Bocinos Rioboo # # Defines the main methods that are necessary to execute PluginLowQuality. See the main method called execute. # # Inherit: Plugin ######################################################## class PluginLowQuality < Plugin def create_sum_window(qual,ini,index_window_end) # puts "--------index w #{index_window_end}" sum=[] i=ini # puts "#{i} #{index_window_end}" while (i<=index_window_end) # initialize sum sum[i]=0 i += 1 end # puts " contenido de sum" + sum.join.to_s + " i index_window_end window #{i} #{index_window_end} #{@window}" i=ini while (iindex_window_end) temp_start= ini # new_start, new_end = temp_start, index_window_end new_end = index_window_end # para que no crea que no hay alta calidad, sino que hemos sobrepasado el indice final de la ventana # new_start, new_end = index_window_end, index_window_end end # puts " temp_start #{temp_start}" if (ini>index_window_end) temp_start=((ini<=index_window_end) && (sum[ini]>=@cut_off))? ini : -1 i=ini+1 while (i<=index_window_end) if (sum[i]>=@cut_off) if (temp_start<0) temp_start=i #just in! # puts "just in ---- #{sum[i]}>= cut off #{@cut_off} pos #{temp_start}" end else # puts "sum #{sum[i]} < cut off " if(temp_start>=0) #just out! # puts "update #{sum[i]}< cut off #{@cut_off} pos #{i}.if #{i-1} - #{temp_start} > #{new_end} - #{new_start}" if (((i-1-temp_start)>=(new_end-new_start))) new_start,new_end=temp_start,i-1 # puts "just out ---- new start,new_end = #{temp_start}, #{i-1} index_window_end = #{index_window_end}" end temp_start= -1 end end i+=1 end # puts "4 temp_start #{temp_start} new_start #{new_start} new-end #{new_end}" if (temp_start != -1) # finished while ok # puts "4 #{index_window_end} - #{temp_start} > #{new_end} - #{new_start}" if ((index_window_end- temp_start) >= (new_end-new_start)) #put the end of the window at the end of sequence new_start, new_end = temp_start, index_window_end #-1 end end # puts "5 temp_start #{temp_start} new_start #{new_start} new-end #{new_end}" # puts " newstart #{new_start} newend #{new_end}" return new_start,new_end end def cut_fine_bounds_short(qual,new_start,new_end) i=0 # puts " qual[new_start+i] new_start #{new_start} i #{i} = #{new_start+i} qual.size #{qual.size}" while (i<@window) if (qual[new_start+i]>=@low) break end i+=1 end new_start +=i # puts "#{new_start} ***********" i=@window -1 while (i>=0) if (qual[new_end+i]>=@low) break end i-=1 end new_end += i # puts "6a new_start #{new_start} new-end #{new_end}" # puts " #{new_start} #{new_end} .o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o2 short" return new_start, new_end end # cuts fine the high quality bounds def cut_fine_bounds(qual,new_start,new_end) # puts " ççççççççççççççç #{new_start+@window} >= #{new_end} " # puts " #{new_start} #{new_end} .o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o1" # cut it fine one_ok = 0 i=@window-1 # puts " qual[new_start+i] new_start #{new_start} i #{i} = #{new_start+i} qual.size #{qual.size}" while (i>=0) if (qual[new_start+i] < @low) break if one_ok else one_ok = 1 end i-=1 end new_start += i+1 oneOk = 0 i=0 while (i<@window) if (qual[new_end+i] < @low) break if oneOk else oneOk = 1 end i+=1 end new_end += i-1 # puts "6b new_start #{new_start} new-end #{new_end}" # puts " #{new_start} #{new_end} .o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o2" return new_start, new_end end def find_high_quality(qual,ini=0) # puts qual.class.to_s + qual.size.to_s + 'size,' + @window.to_s + ' window, '+ qual.join(',') + 'size' + qual.size.to_s update=false # if @window>qual.length-ini #search in the last window although has a low size # @window=qual.length-ini # # puts ' UPDATE WINDOW Y CUT OFF ' + @window.to_s # @cut_off=@window*@low # update=true # end if (ini==0 or update) #index_window_start = ini @index_window_end = qual.size- @window #don't sub 1, or will lost the last nucleotide of the sequence -1; #TODO En seqtrim de Juan iwe, que en nuestro seqtrim se llama index_window_end, está perdiendo 2 nucleótidos de la última ventana calculada @sum = create_sum_window(qual,ini,@index_window_end) # puts "SUMA #{@sum.join(' ')}" end new_start, new_end = find_bounds_high_quality(@sum,ini,@index_window_end) # puts " #{new_start} #{new_end} .o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o1" if (new_start>=0) if (new_start+@window >= new_end) # puts "cfs" new_start, new_end = cut_fine_bounds_short(qual,new_start,new_end) # puts "cfs" else # puts "cf" new_start, new_end = cut_fine_bounds(qual,new_start,new_end) # puts "cf" end end # puts " #{new_start} #{new_end} .o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o2" return new_start,new_end #+1 end def add_action_before_high_qual(p_begin,p_end,actions,seq,start) action_size = p_begin-1 if action_size>=(@window/2) # puts "action_SIZE1 #{action_size} > #{@window/2}" if ( (p_begin>0) && (action_size>0) ) #if there is action before the high qual part # it's created an action before of the high quality part a = seq.new_action(start ,p_begin-1,"ActionLowQuality") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence before adding the actionMid # puts " new low qual start: #{start} = #{a.start_pos} end: #{p_begin} -1 = #{a.end_pos}" actions.push a end end end def add_action_after_high_qual(p_begin,p_end,actions,seq) action_size = seq.insert_end-p_end if action_size>=(@window/2) # puts "action_SIZE2 #{action_size} > #{@window/2}" if ((p_end0) ) #if there is action before the high qual part # it's created an action before of the high quality part a = seq.new_action(p_end-seq.insert_start+1,seq.seq_fasta.size-1,"ActionLowQuality") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence before adding the actionMid actions.push a end end end ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begins the plugin1's execution whit the sequence "seq" # Creates an action by each subsequence with low quality to eliminate it # A subsequence has low quality if (the add of all its qualitis < subsequence_size*20) # Creates the qualities windows from the sequence, looks for the subsequence with high quality # and mark, with an action, the before part to the High Quality Subsequence like a low quality part # Finally mark, with an action, the after part to the High Quality Subsequence like a low quality part #----------------------------------------------------------------- def execute(seqs) seqs.each do |s| exec_seq(s) end end def exec_seq(seq) if ((self.class.to_s=='PluginLowQuality') && seq.seq_qual.nil? ) $LOG.error " Quality File haven't been provided. It's impossible to execute " + self.class.to_s elsif (seq.seq_qual.size>0) $ "[#{self.class.to_s}, seq: #{seq.seq_name}]: checking low quality of the sequence" @low=@params.get_param('min_quality').to_i if @params.get_param('window_width').to_i>seq.seq_fasta.length @window=seq.seq_fasta.length else @window=@params.get_param('window_width').to_i end @cut_off=@window*@low type='ActionLowQuality' low_qual=0 actions=[] p_begin,p_end =0,-1 # positions from high quality bounds # @stats[:low_qual]={} # @stats['low_qual']={} while ((p_begin>=0) && (p_end + 1 < seq.seq_qual.size) ) p_begin_old,p_end_old= p_begin, p_end p_begin,p_end = find_high_quality(seq.seq_qual,p_end+1) # entra=(p_begin>0) or (p_end_old<0) # # puts "high ini fin #{p_begin} #{p_end} ini-old fin-old #{p_begin_old} #{p_end_old} __ ___ ___ ___1" if ((p_begin>0) && (p_begin-p_end_old-1>=@window/2)) #if we have found the high quality part, and the low quality part has enough size # it's created an action before of the high quality part add_action_before_high_qual(p_begin,p_end,actions,seq,p_end_old+1) # puts "low1 ini fin #{p_end_old+1} #{p_begin-1} = #{p_begin-1-p_end_old-1+1}" low_qual = p_begin-1-p_end_old-1 + 1 add_stats('low_qual',low_qual) # @stats[:low_qual]={low_qual => 1} end # puts "-----ññññ----- high quality #{p_begin} #{p_end}+#{seq.insert_start} seq size #{seq.seq_fasta.size}" end # puts "high [#{p_begin}, #{p_end}] old [#{p_begin_old}, #{p_end_old}] size #{seq.seq_qual.size}" if ((p_begin>=0) && (p_end+1 1} end # puts "-----ññññ----- high quality #{p_begin} #{p_end}" if p_end<0 and p_end_old #add action low qual to all the part a = seq.new_action(p_end_old+1 ,seq.seq_fasta.size-1,"ActionLowQuality") # adds the ActionInsert to the sequence before adding the actionMid # puts "new low qual start: #{p_end_old+1} end: #{seq.seq_fasta.size-1} = #{seq.seq_fasta.size-1 - p_end_old-1 + 1}" low_qual = seq.seq_fasta.size-1 - p_end_old-1 + 1 # if @stats[:low_qual][low_qual].nil? # @stats[:low_qual][low_qual] = 0 # end # @stats[:low_qual][low_qual] += 1 add_stats('low_qual',low_qual) # @stats[:low_qual]={'low_qual' => 1} actions.push a end # puts "------- ADDING ACTIONs LOW QUAL #{actions.size}" seq.add_actions(actions) end end #----------------------------------------------------------------- ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #Returns an array with the errors due to parameters are missing def self.check_params(params) errors=[] comment='Minimum quality value for every nucleotide' default_value = 20 params.check_param(errors,'min_quality','Integer',default_value,comment) comment='Quality window for scanning low quality segments' default_value = 15 params.check_param(errors,'window_width','Integer',default_value,comment) return errors end private :find_high_quality end