module robot; import std.string; import std.ascii : uppercase, digits; import std.regex; import std.random; import std.stdio; class Robot { public: this () { initName(); } string name () const @property { return name_; } void reset () { string oldName = name_; // intialize a new name initName(); // free the old name in the dictionary nameDictionary[oldName] = false; } static uint collisons () @property { return collisions_; } private: void initName () { string newName = generateName(); while (newName in nameDictionary && nameDictionary[newName] == true) { ++collisions_; newName = generateName(); } nameDictionary[newName] = true; name_ = newName; } string generateName () { char[] upper = uppercase.dup; char[] dig = digits.dup; randomShuffle(upper.representation); randomShuffle(dig.representation); string n = "".dup; auto gen = Random(unpredictableSeed); auto idx = uniform(0, upper.length, gen); n ~= upper[idx]; idx = uniform(0, upper.length, gen); n ~= upper[idx]; foreach(i; [0, 1, 2]) { idx = uniform(0, dig.length, gen); n ~= dig[idx]; } return n; } string name_; // !! that causes a segmentation fault !! //static char[] upper = uppercase.dup; //static char[] dig = digits.dup; static bool[string] nameDictionary; static uint collisions_ = 0; } unittest { // test for properly formatted name { auto pattern = regex(`^[A-Z]{2}\d{3}`); auto theRobot = new Robot(); // test the regex pattern assert(matchAll("VAV224", pattern).empty); assert(matchAll("V221", pattern).empty); assert(matchAll("190", pattern).empty); assert(matchAll("12345", pattern).empty); assert(matchAll("SB1", pattern).empty); assert(matchAll("TT", pattern).empty); writefln("Robot name: %s",; // test that the name respects the pattern // that is: "2 uppercase letters followed by 3 digits" assert(!matchAll(, pattern).empty); } // test name stickiness { auto theRobot = new Robot(); auto name =; writefln("Robot name: %s",; assert(name ==; } // test different names for different Robots { auto erTwoDeeTwo = new Robot(); auto beeBeeEight = new Robot(); writefln("Robot name: %s",; writefln("Robot name: %s",; assert( !=; } // test name reset { auto theRobot = new Robot(); auto nameOne =; theRobot.reset(); auto nameTwo =; writefln("Robot name: %s", nameOne); writefln("Robot name: %s", nameTwo); assert(nameOne != nameTwo); } // collision test { foreach(i; 1..10000) { auto theRobot = new Robot(); } writefln("Collisons: %s that is %s%%", Robot.collisons, (Robot.collisons/10000.0f) * 100); } } void main () { }