module AppleTvConverter class TvDbFetcher require 'httparty' require 'yaml' require 'net/http' require 'zip/zip' require 'xml' include HTTParty base_uri '' def, interactive = true, language = 'en') get_updates_from_server if media.tvdb_id show_id = media.tvdb_id else data = load_config_file('show_ids') || {} # unless data.has_key?( show_ids = get_and_parse_data_from_server('show_ids', '/GetSeries.php', { :query => { :seriesname => } }, ['Data', 'Series']) do |loaded_data| loaded_data = [loaded_data].flatten data[] = if loaded_data.length > 1 && interactive choice = 0 puts "\n *" while true puts %Q[ | Several shows found, choose the intended one:] loaded_data.each_with_index do |item, index| puts " | #{(index + 1).to_s.rjust(loaded_data.length.to_s.length)} - #{item['SeriesName']} (id: #{item['seriesid']})" puts " | #{' '.rjust(loaded_data.length.to_s.length)} AKA: #{item['AliasNames']}" if item['AliasNames'] end printf " |\n *- What's your choice (1..#{loaded_data.length})? " choice = STDIN.gets.chomp.to_i break if choice.between?(1, loaded_data.length) puts " | Invalid choice!" puts " |" end loaded_data[choice - 1]['seriesid'] else loaded_data.first['seriesid'] end # Return the new list sorted by show name Hash[data.sort] end end show_id = data[] end if show_id.to_i > 0 # /api//series//all/.zip show_data = get_data(show_id, "/#{api_key}/series/#{show_id}/all/#{language}.zip", { :zip => true }) do |data| show_data = xml_document_to_hash(XML::Document.string(data[language.to_s].gsub(/>\s*<'))) banners = xml_document_to_hash(XML::Document.string(data['banners'].gsub(/>\s*<'))) rescue { 'Banner' => [] } actors = xml_document_to_hash(XML::Document.string(data['actors'].gsub(/>\s*<'))) rescue { 'Actor' => [] } { :series => show_data['Series'], :episodes => [show_data['Episode']].flatten, :banners => [banners['Banner']].flatten, :actors => [actors['Actor']].flatten } end return { :episode => show_data[:episodes].detect do |ep| # For season 1, check the absolute number first (for cartoons, etc.), and then check the usual season/episode combo (media.season.to_i == 1 && ep['absolute_number'].to_i == media.number.to_i) || (ep['SeasonNumber'].to_i == media.season.to_i && ep['EpisodeNumber'].to_i == media.number.to_i) end, :show => show_data } end return false end def self.get_poster(media) local_file = File.join(AppleTvConverter.data_path, 'cache', 'tvdb', "#{media.tvdb_id}.jpg") unless File.exists?(local_file) artwork_filename = media.tvdb_movie[:show][:series]['poster'] || '' artwork_filename = media.tvdb_movie_data('filename') || '' if artwork_filename.blank? artwork_filename = "{artwork_filename}" if !artwork_filename.blank? AppleTvConverter.copy artwork_filename, local_file unless artwork_filename.blank? end local_file end private def self.api_key ; return '67FBF9F0670DBDF2' ; end def self.local_cache_base_path return File.expand_path(File.join(AppleTvConverter.data_path, 'cache', 'tvdb')) end def self.server_update_timestamp @server_update_timestamp ||= load_config_file('update') unless @server_update_timestamp # @server_update_timestamp = get_data_from_server('/Updates.php', { :query => { :type => 'none' }})["Items"]["Time"] rescue nil @server_update_timestamp = @server_update_timestamp.to_i unless @server_update_timestamp.nil? save_config_file 'update', @server_update_timestamp end @server_update_timestamp end def self.load_config_file(filename) full_filename = File.join(local_cache_base_path, filename =~ /\.yml$/ ? filename : "#{filename}.yml") File.exists?(full_filename) ? YAML.load_file(full_filename) : nil end def self.save_config_file(filename, data) full_filename = File.join(local_cache_base_path, filename =~ /\.yml$/ ? filename : "#{filename}.yml"), 'w') { |f| f.write data.to_yaml } end def self.delete_config_file(filename) full_filename = File.join(local_cache_base_path, filename =~ /\.yml$/ ? filename : "#{filename}.yml") File.delete(full_filename) if File.exists?(full_filename) end def self.get_data_from_server(url, options = {}) AppleTvConverter.logger.debug " -> Getting from server: #{url}" cache = options.delete(:cache) || true zip = options.delete(:zip) || false response = self.get(url, options).parsed_response if zip filename = File.join(local_cache_base_path, '') begin, 'wb') { |f| f.write response } response = {} do |zipfile| zipfile.each do |entry| unless["__macosx"] zip_data = response[\.xml$/i, '')] = zip_data end end end rescue => e ap [e, e.backtrace] ensure FileUtils.rm_f filename if File.exists?(filename) end end return response end def self.get_data(filename, url, url_options, response_indexes = []) AppleTvConverter.logger.debug "-> Getting data: #{filename}" data = load_config_file(filename) unless data data = get_data_from_server(url, url_options) if data begin response_indexes.each { |idx| data = data[idx] } data = yield(data) if block_given? save_config_file filename, data rescue data = nil end end else # ap ['found on cache', filename, data] end return data end def self.get_and_parse_data_from_server(filename, url, url_options, response_indexes = []) cache = url_options.delete(:cache) || true data = get_data_from_server(url, url_options) if data begin response_indexes.each { |idx| data = data[idx] } data = yield(data) if block_given? save_config_file filename, data if cache rescue data = nil end end end def self.get_updates_from_server(options = {}) get_and_parse_data_from_server('updates', '/Updates.php', { :query => { :type => 'all', :time => load_config_file('update')}, :cache => false }, ['Items']) do |data| if data # Delete each show's cached data data['Series'].each do |show_id| delete_config_file show_id delete_config_file "#{show_id}.jpg" end # Save the new timestamp save_config_file 'update', data['Time'] @server_update_timestamp = data['Time'] end end end def self.xml_document_to_hash(document) def self.xml_node_to_hash(xml) return nil if xml.children.empty? return xml.children.first.to_s if xml.children.count == 1 && xml.children.first.text? # Append a sequential number to the name to prevent replacing items that should be in an array child_number = 0 Hash[*( { |child| child_number += 1 ; ["#{}::#{child_number}", xml_node_to_hash(child)] }.compact.flatten(1))] end intermediate_hash = xml_node_to_hash(document.root) return Hash[*(intermediate_hash.group_by do |obj| obj.first.gsub(/::\d+$/, '') do |key, value| # Remove the 'key' entries value = value.flatten(1).delete_if { |v| v.to_s =~ /#{key}::\d+/ } # Remove the sequential number from the keys! do |element| Hash[*( do |ikey, ivalue| [ikey.gsub(/::\d+$/, ''), ivalue] end.flatten(1))] end # If there's only one entry, remove the array value = value.first if value.count == 1 [key, value] end.flatten(1))] end FileUtils.mkdir_p local_cache_base_path # Load the server timestamp on startup server_update_timestamp end end