module BetterRailsDebugger class AnalysisGroup include Mongoid::Document include ::Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps before_save :generate_analise_paths field :name, type: String has_many :group_instances, class_name: "::BetterRailsDebugger::GroupInstance", inverse_of: :analysis_group, dependent: :delete_all # Settings ## Memory options field :collect_memory_information, type: Boolean, default: true # Disable this, disable all memory tracking options field :analise_memory_in_code, type: Boolean, default: true field :analise_memory_in_gems, type: Boolean, default: false field :record_objects_in, type: String, default: "" field :times_to_run, type: Integer, default: 0 # 0: Infinite field :analyze_repeated_instances, type: Boolean, default: true # if false, Check the identifier and do run the analyzer if already exist one with the same identifier # Internal use field :analise_paths, type: Array, default: [] private def generate_analise_paths if analise_memory_in_gems analise_paths << /.*\/gems\/.*/ end record_objects_in.to_s.split(/\n/).each do |line| pp 'Line', line line = line.strip # Check if file exist if File.exist? line pp 'File exist' if line pp 'File is a dir' analise_paths << /#{line}.*/ elsif File.file? line analise_paths << /#{line}$/ end end end end end end