# Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. module Elasticsearch module RestAPIYAMLTests class TestFile # Represents a single test in a test file. A single test can have many operations and validations. # # @since 6.2.0 class Test class << self # Given a list of keys, find the value in a recursively nested document. # # @param [ Array ] chain The list of nested document keys. # @param [ Hash ] document The document to find the value in. # # @return [ Object ] The value at the nested key. # # @since 6.2.0 def find_value_in_document(chain, document) return document[chain] unless chain.is_a?(Array) return document[chain[0]] unless chain.size > 1 # a number can be a string key in a Hash or indicate an element in a list if document.is_a?(Hash) find_value_in_document(chain[1..-1], document[chain[0].to_s]) if document[chain[0].to_s] elsif document[chain[0]] find_value_in_document(chain[1..-1], document[chain[0]]) if document[chain[0]] end end # Given a string representing a nested document key using dot notation, # split it, keeping escaped dots as part of a key name and replacing # numerics with a Ruby Integer. # # For example: # "joe.metadata.2.key2" => ['joe', 'metadata', 2, 'key2'] # "jobs.0.node.attributes.ml\\.enabled" => ["jobs", 0, "node", "attributes", "ml\\.enabled"] # # @param [ String ] chain The list of nested document keys. # @param [ Hash ] document The document to find the value in. # # @return [ Array ] A list of the nested keys. # # @since 6.2.0 def split_and_parse_key(key) key.split(/(? ] The list of task groups. # # @since 6.2.0 def task_groups @task_groups ||= begin @definition.each_with_index.inject([]) do |task_groups, (action, i)| # the action has a catch, it's a singular task group if action['do'] && action['do']['catch'] task_groups << TaskGroup.new(self) elsif action['do'] && i > 0 && is_a_validation?(@definition[i-1]) task_groups << TaskGroup.new(self) elsif i == 0 task_groups << TaskGroup.new(self) end task_groups[-1].add_action(action) && task_groups end end end # Cache a value on this test object. # # @example # test.cache_value(cache_key, value) # # @param [ String ] cache_key The cache key for the value. # @param [ Object ] value The value to cache. # # @return [ Hash ] The cached values. # # @since 6.2.0 def cache_value(cache_key, value) @cached_values[cache_key] = value @cached_values end # Get a cached value. # # @example # test.get_cached_value('$watch_count_active') # # @param [ String ] key The key of the cached value. # # @return [ Hash ] The cached value at the key or the key if it's not found. # # @since 6.2.0 def get_cached_value(key) case key when String key =~ /^\$/ ? @cached_values.fetch(key.gsub(/[\$\{\}]/, ''), key) : key when Hash key.inject({}) do |hash, (k, v)| k = k.to_s if [Float, Integer].include? k.class if v.is_a?(String) hash.merge(@cached_values.fetch(k.gsub(/[\$\{\}]/, ''), k) => @cached_values.fetch(v.gsub(/[\$\{\}]/, ''), v)) else hash.merge(@cached_values.fetch(k.gsub(/[\$\{\}]/, ''), k) => v) end end when Array key.collect do |k| k.is_a?(String) ? @cached_values.fetch(k.gsub(/[\$\{\}]/, ''), k) : k end else key end end # Run all the tasks in this test. # # @example # test.run(client) # # @param [ Elasticsearch::Client ] client The client to use when executing operations. # # @return [ self ] # # @since 6.2.0 def run(client) task_groups.each { |task_group| task_group.run(client) } self end # Determine whether this test should be skipped, given a list of unsupported features. # # @example # test.skip_test?(['warnings']) # # @param [ Array ] features_to_skip A list of the features to skip. # # @return [ true, false ] Whether this test should be skipped, given a list of unsupported features. # # @since 6.2.0 def skip_test?(client, features_to_skip = test_file.features_to_skip) return true if pre_defined_skip? if @skip @skip.collect { |s| s['skip'] }.any? do |skip_definition| contains_features_to_skip?(features_to_skip, skip_definition) || test_file.skip_version?(client, skip_definition) end end end # Replace the `$master` substring in a key with the cached master node's id. # # @param [ String ] expected_key The expected key, containing the substring `$master` that needs to be replaced. # # See test xpack/10_basic.yml # @return [ String ] The altered key. # # @since 7.2.0 def inject_master_node_id(expected_key) if cached_values['master'] expected_key.gsub(/\$master/, cached_values['master']) else expected_key end end private def contains_features_to_skip?(features_to_skip, skip_definition) !(features_to_skip & ([skip_definition['features']].flatten || [])).empty? end def pre_defined_skip? SKIPPED_TESTS.compact.find do |t| file_basename == t[:file] && (description == t[:description] || t[:description] == '*') end end # Given the server version and the skip definition version, returns if a # test should be skipped. It will return true if the server version is # contained in the range of the test's skip definition version. # def skip_version?(client, skip_definition) return true if skip_definition['version'] == 'all' range_partition = /\s*-\s*/ if versions = skip_definition['version'] && skip_definition['version'].partition(range_partition) low, high = __parse_versions(versions) range = low..high begin server_version = client.info['version']['number'] rescue warn('Could not determine Elasticsearch version when checking if test should be skipped.') end range.cover?(server_version) end end def is_a_validation?(action) GROUP_TERMINATORS.any? { |validation| action[validation] } || expects_exception?(action) end def expects_exception?(action) action['do'] && action['do']['catch'] end end end end end