class Subber::Subtitle attr_reader :counter attr_reader :start_time attr_reader :end_time attr_reader :content def initialize(attributes) @counter = attributes[:counter] @start_time = attributes[:start_time] @end_time = attributes[:end_time] @content = attributes[:content] end def as_json { 'counter' => counter, 'start_time' => start_time, 'end_time' => end_time, 'content' => content } end # @param miliseconds [Integer] Can be both positive and negative # @return [Subber::Subtitle] return a copy with shifted subtitle # def shift(ms) counter: counter, start_time: start_time + ms, end_time: end_time + ms, content: content ) end # @param miliseconds [Integer] Can be both positive and negative # mutates the current subtitle's start and end time by ms # def shift!(ms) @start_time += ms @end_time += ms end end