/* Isolation forests and variations thereof, with adjustments for incorporation * of categorical variables and missing values. * Writen for C++11 standard and aimed at being used in R and Python. * * This library is based on the following works: * [1] Liu, Fei Tony, Kai Ming Ting, and Zhi-Hua Zhou. * "Isolation forest." * 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. IEEE, 2008. * [2] Liu, Fei Tony, Kai Ming Ting, and Zhi-Hua Zhou. * "Isolation-based anomaly detection." * ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 6.1 (2012): 3. * [3] Hariri, Sahand, Matias Carrasco Kind, and Robert J. Brunner. * "Extended Isolation Forest." * arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02141 (2018). * [4] Liu, Fei Tony, Kai Ming Ting, and Zhi-Hua Zhou. * "On detecting clustered anomalies using SCiForest." * Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010. * [5] https://sourceforge.net/projects/iforest/ * [6] https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/3388518/expected-number-of-paths-required-to-separate-elements-in-a-binary-tree * [7] Quinlan, J. Ross. C4. 5: programs for machine learning. Elsevier, 2014. * [8] Cortes, David. "Distance approximation using Isolation Forests." arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.12362 (2019). * [9] Cortes, David. "Imputing missing values with unsupervised random trees." arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.06646 (2019). * * BSD 2-Clause License * Copyright (c) 2019, David Cortes * All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include // [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]] /* This is to serialize the model objects */ // [[Rcpp::depends(Rcereal)]] #include #include #include #include /* This is the package's header */ #include "isotree.hpp" /* for model serialization and re-usage in R */ /* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18474292/how-to-handle-c-internal-data-structure-in-r-in-order-to-allow-save-load */ /* this extra comment below the link is a workaround for Rcpp issue 675 in GitHub, do not remove it */ #include template Rcpp::RawVector serialize_cpp_obj(T *model_outputs) { std::stringstream ss; { cereal::BinaryOutputArchive oarchive(ss); // Create an output archive oarchive(*model_outputs); } ss.seekg(0, ss.end); Rcpp::RawVector retval(ss.tellg()); ss.seekg(0, ss.beg); ss.read(reinterpret_cast(&retval[0]), retval.size()); return retval; } // [[Rcpp::export]] SEXP deserialize_IsoForest(Rcpp::RawVector src) { std::stringstream ss; ss.write(reinterpret_cast(&src[0]), src.size()); ss.seekg(0, ss.beg); std::unique_ptr model_outputs = std::unique_ptr(new IsoForest()); { cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive(ss); iarchive(*model_outputs); } return Rcpp::XPtr(model_outputs.release(), true); } // [[Rcpp::export]] SEXP deserialize_ExtIsoForest(Rcpp::RawVector src) { std::stringstream ss; ss.write(reinterpret_cast(&src[0]), src.size()); ss.seekg(0, ss.beg); std::unique_ptr model_outputs = std::unique_ptr(new ExtIsoForest()); { cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive(ss); iarchive(*model_outputs); } return Rcpp::XPtr(model_outputs.release(), true); } // [[Rcpp::export]] SEXP deserialize_Imputer(Rcpp::RawVector src) { std::stringstream ss; ss.write(reinterpret_cast(&src[0]), src.size()); ss.seekg(0, ss.beg); std::unique_ptr imputer = std::unique_ptr(new Imputer()); { cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive(ss); iarchive(*imputer); } return Rcpp::XPtr(imputer.release(), true); } // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::LogicalVector check_null_ptr_model(SEXP ptr_model) { return Rcpp::LogicalVector(R_ExternalPtrAddr(ptr_model) == NULL); } double* set_R_nan_as_C_nan(double *x, size_t n, std::vector &v, int nthreads) { v.assign(x, x + n); #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) num_threads(nthreads) shared(x, v, n) for (size_t_for i = 0; i < n; i++) if (isnan(v[i])) v[i] = NAN; return v.data(); } double* set_R_nan_as_C_nan(double *x, size_t n, int nthreads) { #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) num_threads(nthreads) shared(x, n) for (size_t_for i = 0; i < n; i++) if (isnan(x[i])) x[i] = NAN; return &x[0]; } // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::List fit_model(Rcpp::NumericVector X_num, Rcpp::IntegerVector X_cat, Rcpp::IntegerVector ncat, Rcpp::NumericVector Xc, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xc_ind, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xc_indptr, Rcpp::NumericVector sample_weights, Rcpp::NumericVector col_weights, size_t nrows, size_t ncols_numeric, size_t ncols_categ, size_t ndim, size_t ntry, Rcpp::CharacterVector coef_type, bool coef_by_prop, bool with_replacement, bool weight_as_sample, size_t sample_size, size_t ntrees, size_t max_depth, bool limit_depth, bool penalize_range, bool calc_dist, bool standardize_dist, bool sq_dist, bool calc_depth, bool standardize_depth, bool weigh_by_kurt, double prob_pick_by_gain_avg, double prob_split_by_gain_avg, double prob_pick_by_gain_pl, double prob_split_by_gain_pl, double min_gain, Rcpp::CharacterVector cat_split_type, Rcpp::CharacterVector new_cat_action, Rcpp::CharacterVector missing_action, bool all_perm, bool build_imputer, bool output_imputations, size_t min_imp_obs, Rcpp::CharacterVector depth_imp, Rcpp::CharacterVector weigh_imp_rows, int random_seed, int nthreads) { double* numeric_data_ptr = NULL; int* categ_data_ptr = NULL; int* ncat_ptr = NULL; double* Xc_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xc_ind_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xc_indptr_ptr = NULL; double* sample_weights_ptr = NULL; double* col_weights_ptr = NULL; std::vector Xcpp; if (X_num.size()) { numeric_data_ptr = &X_num[0]; if (Rcpp::as(missing_action) != std::string("fail")) numeric_data_ptr = set_R_nan_as_C_nan(numeric_data_ptr, nrows * ncols_numeric, Xcpp, nthreads); } if (X_cat.size()) { categ_data_ptr = &X_cat[0]; ncat_ptr = &ncat[0]; } if (Xc.size()) { Xc_ptr = &Xc[0]; Xc_ind_ptr = &Xc_ind[0]; Xc_indptr_ptr = &Xc_indptr[0]; if (Rcpp::as(missing_action) != std::string("fail")) Xc_ptr = set_R_nan_as_C_nan(Xc_ptr, Xc.size(), Xcpp, nthreads); } if (sample_weights.size()) { sample_weights_ptr = &sample_weights[0]; } if (col_weights.size()) { col_weights_ptr = &col_weights[0]; } CoefType coef_type_C = Normal; CategSplit cat_split_type_C = SubSet; NewCategAction new_cat_action_C = Weighted; MissingAction missing_action_C = Divide; UseDepthImp depth_imp_C = Higher; WeighImpRows weigh_imp_rows_C = Inverse; if (Rcpp::as(coef_type) == std::string("uniform")) { coef_type_C = Uniform; } if (Rcpp::as(cat_split_type) == std::string("single_categ")) { cat_split_type_C = SingleCateg; } if (Rcpp::as(new_cat_action) == std::string("smallest")) { new_cat_action_C = Smallest; } else if (Rcpp::as(new_cat_action) == std::string("random")) { new_cat_action_C = Random; } if (Rcpp::as(missing_action) == std::string("impute")) { missing_action_C = Impute; } else if (Rcpp::as(missing_action) == std::string("fail")) { missing_action_C = Fail; } if (Rcpp::as(depth_imp) == std::string("lower")) { depth_imp_C = Lower; } else if (Rcpp::as(depth_imp) == std::string("same")) { depth_imp_C = Same; } if (Rcpp::as(weigh_imp_rows) == std::string("prop")) { weigh_imp_rows_C = Prop; } else if (Rcpp::as(weigh_imp_rows) == std::string("flat")) { weigh_imp_rows_C = Flat; } Rcpp::NumericVector tmat = Rcpp::NumericVector(); Rcpp::NumericMatrix dmat = Rcpp::NumericMatrix(); Rcpp::NumericVector depths = Rcpp::NumericVector(); double* tmat_ptr = NULL; double* dmat_ptr = NULL; double* depths_ptr = NULL; if (calc_dist) { tmat = Rcpp::NumericVector((nrows * (nrows - 1)) / 2); tmat_ptr = &tmat[0]; if (sq_dist) { dmat = Rcpp::NumericMatrix(nrows); dmat_ptr = &dmat(0, 0); } } if (calc_depth) { depths = Rcpp::NumericVector(nrows); depths_ptr = &depths[0]; } std::unique_ptr model_ptr = std::unique_ptr(); std::unique_ptr ext_model_ptr = std::unique_ptr(); std::unique_ptr imputer_ptr = std::unique_ptr(); if (ndim == 1) model_ptr = std::unique_ptr(new IsoForest()); else ext_model_ptr = std::unique_ptr(new ExtIsoForest()); if (build_imputer) imputer_ptr = std::unique_ptr(new Imputer()); int ret_val = fit_iforest(model_ptr.get(), ext_model_ptr.get(), numeric_data_ptr, ncols_numeric, categ_data_ptr, ncols_categ, ncat_ptr, Xc_ptr, Xc_ind_ptr, Xc_indptr_ptr, ndim, ntry, coef_type_C, coef_by_prop, sample_weights_ptr, with_replacement, weight_as_sample, nrows, sample_size, ntrees, max_depth, limit_depth, penalize_range, standardize_dist, tmat_ptr, depths_ptr, standardize_depth, col_weights_ptr, weigh_by_kurt, prob_pick_by_gain_avg, prob_split_by_gain_avg, prob_pick_by_gain_pl, prob_split_by_gain_pl, min_gain, missing_action_C, cat_split_type_C, new_cat_action_C, all_perm, imputer_ptr.get(), min_imp_obs, depth_imp_C, weigh_imp_rows_C, output_imputations, (uint64_t) random_seed, nthreads); if (ret_val == EXIT_FAILURE) { return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::_["err"] = Rcpp::LogicalVector::create(1)); } if (calc_dist && sq_dist) tmat_to_dense(tmat_ptr, dmat_ptr, nrows, !standardize_dist); Rcpp::RawVector serialized_obj; if (ndim == 1) serialized_obj = serialize_cpp_obj(model_ptr.get()); else serialized_obj = serialize_cpp_obj(ext_model_ptr.get()); Rcpp::List outp = Rcpp::List::create( Rcpp::_["serialized_obj"] = serialized_obj, Rcpp::_["depths"] = depths, Rcpp::_["tmat"] = tmat, Rcpp::_["dmat"] = dmat ); if (ndim == 1) outp["model_ptr"] = Rcpp::XPtr(model_ptr.release(), true); else outp["model_ptr"] = Rcpp::XPtr(ext_model_ptr.release(), true); if (build_imputer) { outp["imputer_ser"] = serialize_cpp_obj(imputer_ptr.get()); outp["imputer_ptr"] = Rcpp::XPtr(imputer_ptr.release(), true); } if (output_imputations) { outp["imputed_num"] = Rcpp::NumericVector(Xcpp.begin(), Xcpp.end()); outp["imputed_cat"] = X_cat; } outp["err"] = Rcpp::LogicalVector::create(0); return outp; } // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::RawVector fit_tree(SEXP model_R_ptr, Rcpp::NumericVector X_num, Rcpp::IntegerVector X_cat, Rcpp::IntegerVector ncat, Rcpp::NumericVector Xc, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xc_ind, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xc_indptr, Rcpp::NumericVector sample_weights, Rcpp::NumericVector col_weights, size_t nrows, size_t ncols_numeric, size_t ncols_categ, size_t ndim, size_t ntry, Rcpp::CharacterVector coef_type, bool coef_by_prop, size_t max_depth, bool limit_depth, bool penalize_range, bool weigh_by_kurt, double prob_pick_by_gain_avg, double prob_split_by_gain_avg, double prob_pick_by_gain_pl, double prob_split_by_gain_pl, double min_gain, Rcpp::CharacterVector cat_split_type, Rcpp::CharacterVector new_cat_action, Rcpp::CharacterVector missing_action, bool build_imputer, size_t min_imp_obs, SEXP imp_R_ptr, Rcpp::CharacterVector depth_imp, Rcpp::CharacterVector weigh_imp_rows, bool all_perm, uint64_t random_seed) { double* numeric_data_ptr = NULL; int* categ_data_ptr = NULL; int* ncat_ptr = NULL; double* Xc_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xc_ind_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xc_indptr_ptr = NULL; double* sample_weights_ptr = NULL; double* col_weights_ptr = NULL; std::vector Xcpp; if (X_num.size()) { numeric_data_ptr = &X_num[0]; if (Rcpp::as(missing_action) != std::string("fail")) numeric_data_ptr = set_R_nan_as_C_nan(numeric_data_ptr, nrows * ncols_numeric, Xcpp, 1); } if (X_cat.size()) { categ_data_ptr = &X_cat[0]; ncat_ptr = &ncat[0]; } if (Xc.size()) { Xc_ptr = &Xc[0]; Xc_ind_ptr = &Xc_ind[0]; Xc_indptr_ptr = &Xc_indptr[0]; if (Rcpp::as(missing_action) != std::string("fail")) Xc_ptr = set_R_nan_as_C_nan(Xc_ptr, Xc.size(), Xcpp, 1); } if (sample_weights.size()) { sample_weights_ptr = &sample_weights[0]; } if (col_weights.size()) { col_weights_ptr = &col_weights[0]; } CoefType coef_type_C = Normal; CategSplit cat_split_type_C = SubSet; NewCategAction new_cat_action_C = Weighted; MissingAction missing_action_C = Divide; UseDepthImp depth_imp_C = Higher; WeighImpRows weigh_imp_rows_C = Inverse; if (Rcpp::as(coef_type) == std::string("uniform")) { coef_type_C = Uniform; } if (Rcpp::as(cat_split_type) == std::string("single_categ")) { cat_split_type_C = SingleCateg; } if (Rcpp::as(new_cat_action) == std::string("smallest")) { new_cat_action_C = Smallest; } else if (Rcpp::as(new_cat_action) == std::string("random")) { new_cat_action_C = Random; } if (Rcpp::as(missing_action) == std::string("impute")) { missing_action_C = Impute; } else if (Rcpp::as(missing_action) == std::string("fail")) { missing_action_C = Fail; } if (Rcpp::as(depth_imp) == std::string("lower")) { depth_imp_C = Lower; } else if (Rcpp::as(depth_imp) == std::string("same")) { depth_imp_C = Same; } if (Rcpp::as(weigh_imp_rows) == std::string("prop")) { weigh_imp_rows_C = Prop; } else if (Rcpp::as(weigh_imp_rows) == std::string("flat")) { weigh_imp_rows_C = Flat; } IsoForest* model_ptr = NULL; ExtIsoForest* ext_model_ptr = NULL; Imputer* imputer_ptr = NULL; if (ndim == 1) model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); else ext_model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); std::vector *imp_ptr = NULL; if (build_imputer) { imputer_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(imp_R_ptr)); imputer_ptr->imputer_tree.emplace_back(); imp_ptr = &imputer_ptr->imputer_tree.back(); } add_tree(model_ptr, ext_model_ptr, numeric_data_ptr, ncols_numeric, categ_data_ptr, ncols_categ, ncat_ptr, Xc_ptr, Xc_ind_ptr, Xc_indptr_ptr, ndim, ntry, coef_type_C, coef_by_prop, sample_weights_ptr, nrows, max_depth, limit_depth, penalize_range, col_weights_ptr, weigh_by_kurt, prob_pick_by_gain_avg, prob_split_by_gain_avg, prob_pick_by_gain_pl, prob_split_by_gain_pl, min_gain, missing_action_C, cat_split_type_C, new_cat_action_C, depth_imp_C, weigh_imp_rows_C, all_perm, imp_ptr, min_imp_obs, (uint64_t)random_seed); if (ndim == 1) return serialize_cpp_obj(model_ptr); else return serialize_cpp_obj(ext_model_ptr); } // [[Rcpp::export]] void predict_iso(SEXP model_R_ptr, Rcpp::NumericVector outp, Rcpp::IntegerVector tree_num, bool is_extended, Rcpp::NumericVector X_num, Rcpp::IntegerVector X_cat, Rcpp::NumericVector Xc, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xc_ind, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xc_indptr, Rcpp::NumericVector Xr, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xr_ind, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xr_indptr, size_t nrows, int nthreads, bool standardize) { double* numeric_data_ptr = NULL; int* categ_data_ptr = NULL; double* Xc_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xc_ind_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xc_indptr_ptr = NULL; double* Xr_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xr_ind_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xr_indptr_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* tree_num_ptr = NULL; std::vector Xcpp; if (X_num.size()) { numeric_data_ptr = &X_num[0]; } if (X_cat.size()) { categ_data_ptr = &X_cat[0]; } if (Xc.size()) { Xc_ptr = &Xc[0]; Xc_ind_ptr = &Xc_ind[0]; Xc_indptr_ptr = &Xc_indptr[0]; } if (Xr.size()) { Xr_ptr = &Xr[0]; Xr_ind_ptr = &Xr_ind[0]; Xr_indptr_ptr = &Xr_indptr[0]; } if (tree_num.size()) { tree_num_ptr = &tree_num[0]; } double* depths_ptr = &outp[0]; IsoForest* model_ptr = NULL; ExtIsoForest* ext_model_ptr = NULL; if (is_extended) ext_model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); else model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); MissingAction missing_action = is_extended? ext_model_ptr->missing_action : model_ptr->missing_action; if (missing_action != Fail) { if (X_num.size()) numeric_data_ptr = set_R_nan_as_C_nan(numeric_data_ptr, X_num.size(), Xcpp, nthreads); if (Xc.size()) Xc_ptr = set_R_nan_as_C_nan(Xc_ptr, Xc.size(), Xcpp, nthreads); if (Xr.size()) Xr_ptr = set_R_nan_as_C_nan(Xr_ptr, Xr.size(), Xcpp, nthreads); } predict_iforest(numeric_data_ptr, categ_data_ptr, Xc_ptr, Xc_ind_ptr, Xc_indptr_ptr, Xr_ptr, Xr_ind_ptr, Xr_indptr_ptr, nrows, nthreads, standardize, model_ptr, ext_model_ptr, depths_ptr, tree_num_ptr); } // [[Rcpp::export]] void dist_iso(SEXP model_R_ptr, Rcpp::NumericVector tmat, Rcpp::NumericVector dmat, Rcpp::NumericVector rmat, bool is_extended, Rcpp::NumericVector X_num, Rcpp::IntegerVector X_cat, Rcpp::NumericVector Xc, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xc_ind, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xc_indptr, size_t nrows, int nthreads, bool assume_full_distr, bool standardize_dist, bool sq_dist, size_t n_from) { double* numeric_data_ptr = NULL; int* categ_data_ptr = NULL; double* Xc_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xc_ind_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xc_indptr_ptr = NULL; std::vector Xcpp; if (X_num.size()) { numeric_data_ptr = &X_num[0]; } if (X_cat.size()) { categ_data_ptr = &X_cat[0]; } if (Xc.size()) { Xc_ptr = &Xc[0]; Xc_ind_ptr = &Xc_ind[0]; Xc_indptr_ptr = &Xc_indptr[0]; } double* tmat_ptr = n_from? (double*)NULL : &tmat[0]; double* dmat_ptr = (sq_dist & !n_from)? &dmat[0] : NULL; double* rmat_ptr = n_from? &rmat[0] : NULL; IsoForest* model_ptr = NULL; ExtIsoForest* ext_model_ptr = NULL; if (is_extended) ext_model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); else model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); MissingAction missing_action = is_extended? ext_model_ptr->missing_action : model_ptr->missing_action; if (missing_action != Fail) { if (X_num.size()) numeric_data_ptr = set_R_nan_as_C_nan(numeric_data_ptr, X_num.size(), Xcpp, nthreads); if (Xc.size()) Xc_ptr = set_R_nan_as_C_nan(Xc_ptr, Xc.size(), Xcpp, nthreads); } calc_similarity(numeric_data_ptr, categ_data_ptr, Xc_ptr, Xc_ind_ptr, Xc_indptr_ptr, nrows, nthreads, assume_full_distr, standardize_dist, model_ptr, ext_model_ptr, tmat_ptr, rmat_ptr, n_from); if (sq_dist & !n_from) tmat_to_dense(tmat_ptr, dmat_ptr, nrows, !standardize_dist); } // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::List impute_iso(SEXP model_R_ptr, SEXP imputer_R_ptr, bool is_extended, Rcpp::NumericVector X_num, Rcpp::IntegerVector X_cat, Rcpp::NumericVector Xr, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xr_ind, Rcpp::IntegerVector Xr_indptr, size_t nrows, int nthreads) { double* numeric_data_ptr = NULL; int* categ_data_ptr = NULL; double* Xr_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xr_ind_ptr = NULL; sparse_ix* Xr_indptr_ptr = NULL; if (X_num.size()) { numeric_data_ptr = &X_num[0]; } if (X_cat.size()) { categ_data_ptr = &X_cat[0]; } if (Xr.size()) { Xr_ptr = &Xr[0]; Xr_ind_ptr = &Xr_ind[0]; Xr_indptr_ptr = &Xr_indptr[0]; } if (X_num.size()) numeric_data_ptr = set_R_nan_as_C_nan(numeric_data_ptr, X_num.size(), nthreads); if (Xr.size()) Xr_ptr = set_R_nan_as_C_nan(Xr_ptr, Xr.size(), nthreads); IsoForest* model_ptr = NULL; ExtIsoForest* ext_model_ptr = NULL; if (is_extended) ext_model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); else model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); Imputer* imputer_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(imputer_R_ptr)); impute_missing_values(numeric_data_ptr, categ_data_ptr, Xr_ptr, Xr_ind_ptr, Xr_indptr_ptr, nrows, nthreads, model_ptr, ext_model_ptr, *imputer_ptr); return Rcpp::List::create( Rcpp::_["X_num"] = Xr.size()? Xr : X_num, Rcpp::_["X_cat"] = X_cat ); } // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::List get_n_nodes(SEXP model_R_ptr, bool is_extended, int nthreads) { size_t ntrees; IsoForest* model_ptr = NULL; ExtIsoForest* ext_model_ptr = NULL; if (is_extended) { ext_model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); ntrees = ext_model_ptr->hplanes.size(); } else { model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); ntrees = model_ptr->trees.size(); } Rcpp::IntegerVector n_nodes(ntrees); Rcpp::IntegerVector n_terminal(ntrees); if (is_extended) get_num_nodes(*ext_model_ptr, &n_nodes[0], &n_terminal[0], nthreads); else get_num_nodes(*model_ptr, &n_nodes[0], &n_terminal[0], nthreads); return Rcpp::List::create( Rcpp::_["total"] = n_nodes, Rcpp::_["terminal"] = n_terminal ); } // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::List append_trees_from_other(SEXP model_R_ptr, SEXP other_R_ptr, SEXP imp_R_ptr, SEXP oimp_R_ptr, bool is_extended) { Rcpp::List out; IsoForest* model_ptr = NULL; IsoForest* other_ptr = NULL; ExtIsoForest* ext_model_ptr = NULL; ExtIsoForest* ext_other_ptr = NULL; Imputer* imputer_ptr = NULL; Imputer* oimputer_ptr = NULL; if (is_extended) { ext_model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); ext_other_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(other_R_ptr)); } else { model_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_R_ptr)); other_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(other_R_ptr)); } if (!Rf_isNull(imp_R_ptr) && !Rf_isNull(oimp_R_ptr) && R_ExternalPtrAddr(imp_R_ptr) != NULL && R_ExternalPtrAddr(oimp_R_ptr) != NULL) { imputer_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(imp_R_ptr)); oimputer_ptr = static_cast(R_ExternalPtrAddr(oimp_R_ptr)); } merge_models(model_ptr, other_ptr, ext_model_ptr, ext_other_ptr, imputer_ptr, oimputer_ptr); if (is_extended) out["serialized"] = serialize_cpp_obj(ext_model_ptr); else out["serialized"] = serialize_cpp_obj(model_ptr); if (imputer_ptr != NULL && oimputer_ptr != NULL) out["imp_ser"] = serialize_cpp_obj(imputer_ptr); return out; }