Module RubyRunBufferMgr__
In: lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_buffer_mgr__.rb


Public Instance methods

Push data into the current buffer Primary or secondary buffer may be used but it is transparent to the caller


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_buffer_mgr__.rb, line 30
30:   def push_current_buffer(metrics)
31:     $rubyrun_lock.synchronize {
32:       ($rubyrun_current_buffer == 1 ? $rubyrun_prime_buffer : $rubyrun_alt_buffer) << metrics
33:     }
34:   end

Return the current buffer and swap it with the other one This method is invoked by the consumer of the data in the buffer


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_buffer_mgr__.rb, line 38
38:   def return_and_switch_buffer()
39:     $rubyrun_lock.synchronize {
40:       if ($rubyrun_current_buffer == 1)
41:         $rubyrun_current_buffer == 2
42:         $rubyrun_prime_buffer
43:       else
44:         $rubyrun_current_buffer == 1
45:         $rubyrun_alt_buffer
46:       end
47:     }
48:   end
