module Voltron module Flash module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('../../../../../../', __FILE__) desc 'Add Voltron Flash initializer' def inject_initializer voltron_initialzer_path = Rails.root.join('config', 'initializers', 'voltron.rb') unless File.exist? voltron_initialzer_path unless system("cd #{Rails.root.to_s} && rails generate voltron:install") puts 'Voltron initializer does not exist. Please ensure you have the \'voltron\' gem installed and run `rails g voltron:install` to create it' return false end end current_initiailzer = voltron_initialzer_path unless current_initiailzer.match( === Voltron Flash Configuration ===/)) inject_into_file(voltron_initialzer_path, after: "Voltron.setup do |config|\n") do <<-CONTENT # === Voltron Flash Configuration === # What http header the flash messages should be added to on ajax responses config.flash.header = "X-Flash" # Whether to group flash messages by type, or give each flash message it's own line, complete with close icon = true CONTENT end end end end end end end