# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*-
# This file is part of HexaPDF.
# HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby
# Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Thomas Leitner
# HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
# following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
# HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with HexaPDF. If not, see .
# The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code
# versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required
# under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
# In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
# License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that
# is created or manipulated using HexaPDF.
# If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need,
# commercial licenses are available at .
require 'openssl'
require 'hexapdf/error'
require 'hexapdf/version'
require 'stringio'
module HexaPDF
module DigitalSignature
module Signing
# This is the default signing handler which provides the ability to sign a document with the
# adbe.pkcs7.detached or ETSI.CAdES.detached algorithms. It is registered under the :default
# name.
# == Usage
# The signing handler is used by default by all methods that need a signing handler. Therefore
# it is usually only necessary to provide the actual attribute values.
# *Note*: Currently only RSA is supported, DSA and ECDSA are not. See the examples below for
# how to handle them using external signing.
# == CMS and PAdES Signatures
# The handler supports the older standard of CMS signatures as well as the newer PAdES
# signatures specified in PDF 2.0. By default, CMS signatures are created but this can be
# changed by setting #signature_type to :pades.
# When creating PAdES signatures the following two PAdES baseline signatures are supported:
# B-B and B-T. The difference between those two is that a timestamp handler was defined for
# B-T compatibility.
# == Signing Modes - Internal, External, External/Asynchronous
# This handler provides two ways to create the CMS signed-data structure required by
# Signatures#add:
# * By providing the signing certificate together with the signing key and the certificate
# chain, HexaPDF itself does the signing *internally*. It is the preferred way if all the
# needed information is available.
# Assign the respective data to the #certificate, #key and #certificate_chain attributes.
# * By using an *external signing mechanism*, a callable object assigned to #external_signing.
# Here the actual signing happens "outside" of HexaPDF, for example, in custom code or even
# asynchronously. This is needed in case the signing key is not directly available but only
# an interface to it (e.g. when dealing with a HSM).
# Depending on whether #certificate is set the signing happens differently:
# * If #certificate is not set, the callable object is used instead of #sign, so it needs to
# accept the same arguments as #sign and needs to return a complete, DER-serialized CMS
# signed data object.
# * If #certificate is set, the CMS signed data object is created by HexaPDF. The
# callable #external_signing object is called with the used digest algorithm and the
# already digested data which needs to be signed (but *not* digested) and the signature
# returned.
# If the signing process needs to be *asynchronous*, make sure to set the #signature_size
# appropriately, return an empty string during signing and later use
# Signatures.embed_signature to embed the actual signature.
# == Optional Data
# Besides the required data, some optional attributes can also be specified:
# * Reason, location and contact information
# * Making the signature a certification signature by applying the DocMDP transform method and
# a DoCMDP permission
# == Examples
# # Signing using certificate + key
# document.sign("output.pdf", certificate: my_cert, key: my_key,
# certificate_chain: my_chain)
# # Signing using an external mechanism without certificate set
# signing_proc = lambda do |io, byte_range|
# io.pos = byte_range[0]
# data = io.read(byte_range[1])
# io.pos = byte_range[2]
# data << io.read(byte_range[3])
# signing_service.pkcs7_sign(data).to_der
# end
# document.sign("output.pdf", signature_size: 10_000, external_signing: signing_proc)
# # Signing using external mechanism with certificate set
# signing_proc = lambda do |digest_method, hash|
# signing_service.sign_raw(digest_method, hash)
# end
# document.sign("output.pdf", certificate: my_cert, certificate_chain: my_chain,
# external_signing: signing_proc)
# # Signing with DSA or ECDSA certificate/keys
# signing_proc = lambda do |io, byte_range|
# io.pos = byte_range[0]
# data = io.read(byte_range[1])
# io.pos = byte_range[2]
# data << io.read(byte_range[3])
# OpenSSL::PKCS7.sign(certificate, key, data, certificate_chain,
# end
# document.sign("output.pdf", signature_size: 10_000, external_signing: signing_proc)
# == Implementing a Signing Handler
# This class also serves as an example on how to create a custom handler: The public methods
# #signature_size, #finalize_objects and #sign are used by the digital signature algorithm.
# See their descriptions for details.
# Once a custom signing handler has been created, it can be registered under the
# 'signature.signing_handler' configuration option for easy use. It has to take keyword
# arguments in its initialize method to be compatible with the Signatures#handler method.
class DefaultHandler
# The certificate with which to sign the PDF.
# If the certificate is provided, HexaPDF creates the signature object. Otherwise the
# #external_signing callable object has to create it.
# See the class documentation section "Signing Modes" on how #certificate, #key and
# #external_signing play together.
attr_accessor :certificate
# The private key for the #certificate.
# If the key is provided, HexaPDF does the signing. Otherwise the #external_signing callable
# object has to sign the data.
# See the class documentation section "Signing Modes" on how #certificate, #key and
# #external_signing play together.
attr_accessor :key
# The certificate chain that should be embedded in the PDF; usually contains all
# certificates up to the root certificate.
attr_accessor :certificate_chain
# The digest algorithm that should be used when creating the signature.
# See SignedDataCreator#digest_algorithm for the default value (if nothing is set) and for
# the allowed values.
attr_accessor :digest_algorithm
# The timestamp handler that should be used for timestamping the signature.
# If this attribute is set, a timestamp token is embedded into the CMS object.
attr_accessor :timestamp_handler
# A callable object for custom signing mechanisms.
# The callable object has two different uses depending on whether #certificate is set:
# * If #certificate is not set, it fulfills the same role as the #sign method and needs to
# conform to that interface.
# * If #certificate is set and #key is not, it is just used for signing. Here it needs to
# accept the used digest algorithm and the already digested data as arguments and return
# the signature.
# Also dee the class documentation section "Signing Modes" on how #certificate, #key and
# #external_signing play together.
attr_accessor :external_signing
# The reason for signing. If used, will be set on the signature dictionary.
attr_accessor :reason
# The signing location. If used, will be set on the signature dictionary.
attr_accessor :location
# The contact information. If used, will be set on the signature dictionary.
attr_accessor :contact_info
# The custom signing time.
# The signing time is usually the time when signing actually happens. This is also what
# HexaPDF uses. If it is known that signing happened at a different point in time, that time
# can be provided using this accessor.
attr_accessor :signing_time
# The size of the serialized signature that should be reserved.
# If this attribute is not set, an empty string will be signed using #sign to determine the
# signature size.
# The size needs to be at least as big as the final signature, otherwise signing results in
# an error.
attr_writer :signature_size
# The type of signature to be written (i.e. the value of the /SubFilter key).
# The value can either be :cms (the default; uses a detached CMS signature) or :pades
# (uses an ETSI CAdES compatible signature).
attr_accessor :signature_type
# The DocMDP permissions that should be set on the document.
# See #doc_mdp_permissions=
attr_reader :doc_mdp_permissions
# Creates a new DefaultHandler instance with the given attributes.
def initialize(**arguments)
@signature_size = nil
@signature_type = :cms
arguments.each {|name, value| send("#{name}=", value) }
# Sets the DocMDP permissions that should be applied to the document.
# Valid values for +permissions+ are:
# +nil+::
# Don't set any DocMDP permissions (default).
# +:no_changes+ or 1::
# No changes whatsoever are allowed.
# +:form_filling+ or 2::
# Only filling in forms and signing are allowed.
# +:form_filling_and_annotations+ or 3::
# Only filling in forms, signing and annotation creation/deletion/modification are
# allowed.
def doc_mdp_permissions=(permissions)
case permissions
when :no_changes, 1 then @doc_mdp_permissions = 1
when :form_filling, 2 then @doc_mdp_permissions = 2
when :form_filling_and_annotations, 3 then @doc_mdp_permissions = 3
when nil then @doc_mdp_permissions = nil
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid permissions value '#{permissions.inspect}'"
# Returns the size of the serialized signature that should be reserved.
# If a custom size is set using #signature_size=, it used. Otherwise the size is determined
# by using #sign to sign an empty string.
def signature_size
@signature_size || sign(StringIO.new, [0, 0, 0, 0]).size
# Finalizes the signature field as well as the signature dictionary before writing.
def finalize_objects(_signature_field, signature)
signature[:Filter] = :'Adobe.PPKLite'
signature[:SubFilter] = (signature_type == :pades ? :'ETSI.CAdES.detached' : :'adbe.pkcs7.detached')
signature[:M] = self.signing_time ||= Time.now
signature[:Reason] = reason if reason
signature[:Location] = location if location
signature[:ContactInfo] = contact_info if contact_info
signature[:Prop_Build] = {App: {Name: :HexaPDF, REx: HexaPDF::VERSION}}
signature.document.version = '2.0' if signature_type == :pades
if doc_mdp_permissions
doc = signature.document
if doc.signatures.count > 1
raise HexaPDF::Error, "Can set DocMDP access permissions only on first signature"
params = doc.add({Type: :TransformParams, V: :'1.2', P: doc_mdp_permissions})
sigref = doc.add({Type: :SigRef, TransformMethod: :DocMDP, DigestMethod: :SHA256,
TransformParams: params})
signature[:Reference] = [sigref]
(doc.catalog[:Perms] ||= {})[:DocMDP] = signature
# Returns the DER serialized CMS signed data object containing the signature for the given
# IO byte ranges.
# The +byte_range+ argument is an array containing four numbers [offset1, length1, offset2,
# length2]. The offset numbers are byte positions in the +io+ argument and the to-be-signed
# data can be determined by reading length bytes at the offsets.
def sign(io, byte_range)
if certificate
io.pos = byte_range[0]
data = io.read(byte_range[1])
io.pos = byte_range[2]
data << io.read(byte_range[3])
type: signature_type,
certificate: certificate, key: key,
digest_algorithm: digest_algorithm,
signing_time: signing_time,
timestamp_handler: timestamp_handler,
certificates: certificate_chain, &external_signing).to_der
external_signing.call(io, byte_range)